Catch 22 Situations :)

Today I share with you some experiences of a NEW JOURNEY that lead me to this THOUGHT of sharing with you my CONNECTS of LIFE.I call them the “CATCH 22” situations…

Join ME as we LEARN about these…

Catch 22 situations – Have you ever faced them ???

If you say NO – Think twice – For such scenarios always surprises us when least expected…Do take a moment to read through these Scenarios…In each one of them you can see a DREAM & some FEARS…Such interconnects webs of THOUGHTS are defined as “Catch 22” situations of LIFE !!!

Typical Catch 22 Situations Catch 22.jpgCatch 22 situations– Like the fork on the road holds us back 😦Fork Roads.jpgAnd these Catch 22 situations always seem like an DEAD END 😦

Catch 22 situations– Like the fork on the road force us to think and rethink on the roads that lay ahead of us…We often find ourselves LOST – CONFUSED…and many a times we STOP the JOURNEY…

The reason being – Lack of CLARITY & CONFIDENCE !!!Decision Time.jpgWhen we find ourselves at a fork – it is more or less like a Catch 22 situation 😦

Such roads offer us a CHOICE…But more than an opportunity…It feels like an obstacle…For it confusion leaves us confused and if given a choice – we would prefer to travel both… You will agree with me that in moments like these…It appears to be like building a castle in the air…and the thoughts just don’t seem to get organised toward the RIGHT DECISION.

CONFUSION – CLARITY – Both are MISSING 😦Decision MakingSo what must be DONE !!!

It is at this very point of confusion…that we need to stop putting any extra efforts on this impossible feat and get realistic with the fact that we must get ourselves down to ONE OPTION by carefully & Closely focusing on the pros & cons of each…for we know that we have to choose one of the either…No way can we WALK on TWO Paths simultaneously…So why should we even get STRESSED when the ROADS diverge…Balance - Clarity & Confidence.jpgThis settlement of the mind makes things much easier to handle in future…for then we are CONFIDENT & with CLARITY we know how to take the RIGHT DECISION 🙂

“Confidence without clarity is always a disaster.” Sadhguru

Many Catch 22 situations block our minds…in our Life…and the ones that frighten us the most are the ones which involve the future of our child. We feel helpless and disheartened – It is in such times we secretly wish for the RIGHT Answers that can help us arrive at the RIGHT Decision.

My husband Sunil & I were BLESSED with an opportunity to be a “Parent Coach” and help a few families ease the CATCH 22 Situations in their Journeys…and Life has again BLESSED us with an OPPORTUNITY to share our REFLECTIONS…

Through this little initiative of penning down my reflections of our journey as a Parent Coaches…Sunil & I we wish to connect with many more parents who are looking forward to sending their children to USA to live the life of their DREAMS.Beena - Sunil - Parent CoachHere’s a little secret we would like to share with you…

The RIGHT CONNECTS can lead us to a WIN- WIN 🙂Secret Formula.jpgLet the JOURNEY begin…

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