“Discover Yourself”

Discover Yourself in the CROWD…For it is only then will you BE PROUD of your EXISTENCE…The ADVICE is received…But do we CARE enough to really DISCOVER ourselves…

Today, let us do a REALITY CHECK…and then may be we will KNOW where we actually belong…

Today my search led me to this Japanese belief of the kind of life we have all been living…We are aware of this persona…and yet we continue this dreadful journey…

The Japanese say you have THREE FACES.Masks.jpgThe first face, you show to the world.

The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family.

The third face, you never show anyone…which is the TRUEST REFLECTION of who you are.

This realization made me SMILE…Beyond a doubt…This is a REALITY…It made me WONDER…It took me back in time when I took the DECISION to throw off the MASKS & be MYSELF… and see if the WORLD LOVED ME for WHO I AM…for now I was tired and…

I was only interested in BEING ME 🙂

A question I often ASKED myself – DO PEOPLE REALLY LOVE US OR THE MASK WE PUT ON EVERY DAY ? Am I getting INVISIBLE to the WORLD…Who am I…What is my ROLE !!!Real MeSurprises & Surprises each day greeted me…once I threw off the masks…The decision was EXCELLENT & I must say…The much needed…Because when I took the mask off …The crowd disappeared by itself…and all I  was left with was HONEST RELATIONS around ME 🙂

I LOVED this NEW PHASE of SELF DISCOVERY 🙂Throw the Mask.jpgDid it hurt…to be ALONE…NOT REALLY 🙂

In fact…The fog that blinded me was now CLEAR…I no longer was scared of my journey ahead…I knew it would be DIFFICULT…But I also knew…It would lead me to a HAPPY ZONE 🙂

Yes, I was rejected…disowned by my LOVED ONES…and I was ALONE…But now I could SEE through LIFE… the path was CLEAR…and I walked ahead with CONFIDENCE…Because I no longer had to drain myself wearing the MASKS…and making an attempt to fit in the WORLD of my faked LOVED ONES !!!
Beena - Be Brave.jpgThis act of DISCOVERING MYSELF lead me to many WONDERS & REALIZATIONS of LIFE. 
If LOVE is conditional and it doesn’t let you be WHO YOU ARE…then it is not LOVE…it is an obligation you LIVE EACH DAY…and the TIME had come for ME to RELEASE myself from this mess…I connected myself to a NEW CONNECT 🙂

Tolerance is GOOD as long as it leads us to POSITIVITY…But if it leads us to DAMAGE…Then it is TIME to CHANGE 🙂 – A lesson learnt late in LIFE…But now it is my STRENGTH 🙂 

TIME to adopt NEW CONNECTS.Beena - ToleranceThe people in your life should be a source of reducing stress ~ not causing more of it

It is easy to lose ourselves behind the masks we wear each day…because the different masks leave their impact on us…and as time passes by ….We lose ourselves in the JOURNEY…

And TRUST ME …This LOSS HURTS…I say this with EXPERIENCE…coz I have lost myself more than ONCE in the JOURNEY 😦

I was EVERYWHERE & yet Invisible I was…I would just wear the mask – A Daughter – A Sister – A Wife – A Daughter-in-Law – A Sister-in-Law – A Mother…and perform my tasks to the BEST…and yet If I ever threw the MASK and WANTED to be accepted for the REAL ME…There was NO ONE for ME 😦

And so I would wear them again…Secretly hoping that ONE DAY…Things will CHANGE…and I will be ACCEPTED for WHO I AM. But sadly the DAY NEVER CAME 😦

Women, be it a daughter, a wife or a mother, they are always INVISIBLE….

Yes, invisible is the WORD… 

The world spins around…calenders are changed…Moments & Milestones pass by – Time takes a leap, Generations come and go, Seasons continue their sincere cycle of change and life moves on…

But a Woman’s LIFE stands STILL – She Waits and Wishes to be seen.

She wants “HER WORLD” to see her, recognize her and be with her. She holds on to her fears of being lost in this world full of selfishness…But the WORLD around her…Clueless of her fears…continues to be ignorant. Beena - voice.jpgTime and again, she is underestimated for the work she does. Constant lack of appreciation makes her question, her very existence. A feeling of worthlessness leads to stress and sometimes depression.

“I am always taken for granted “

This sad feeling enters her mind and heart. She feels completely lost in this strange world that she defines as her OWN. It’s kind of strange to understand as to why and how can someone who is so honestly working towards the betterment of her family and indirectly towards a better society be INVISIBLE to her very own WORLD. 

WHO AM I ???

The questions bothered ME – And it was then that I decided to take the much needed STEP… It was TIME to DISCOVER MYSELF 🙂 and as always – The UNIVERSE came to me with the GIFTS I needed to WALK Ahead on this NEW PATH 🙂

I came across this video which was an eye-opener…and it connected the missing links – That had always confused ME…

The mundane tasks we perform as Mothers and wives, daughters and daughter-in-laws is viewed as our duty…. A responsibility that we must fulfill…We are not doing anything outstanding that needs to be APPRECIATED…So no one really feels the necessity to attach any importance to our EXISTENCE or to the WORK & EXCELLENCE that we bring into their LIVES…

We are always going to be INVISIBLE 😦

And invisible things can never be APPRECIATED 🙂 

The video opened NEW PERSPECTIVES to LIFE – I could now SEE things with CLARITY…and I knew that I may be INVISIBLE to the WORLD…But I am very much VISIBLE  to the ONE who matters the MOST 🙂

I did throw away the MASKS – And I continued with my responsibilities that were given…But I never let anyone walk over me this time… I re-framed my understanding of the RELATIONS…and gave CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS on the VALUES that were DEAR TO ME.Beena - Ready to WALK AWAY.jpgI Started to LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME with this FAITH in my HEART…That I have GOD with ME in my JOURNEY of a BLESSED TOMORROW….I am NOT ALONE…I am not LOST….and I no longer need to VALIDATE my existence 🙂 

I also gave MYSELF a PRECIOUS GIFT – A New ME awaited ME with the CLARITY that I am who I am…I must NEVER CHANGE the BEAUTIFUL ME that GOD has BLESSED me with… Beena - Bold Thankful


I AM WHO I AM 🙂Beena - New Me.jpg






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