“New Beginnings” – International Parent Coaching Program (IPCP)

If you are a DREAMER…You will Connect to the reality that DREAMS do come true…if we have the patience & the perseverance to overcome any obstacles that might block our path…Life is all about “New Beginnings”

With these thoughts…I share with my connects of a JOURNEY that was just a THOUGHT in my mind…But with perseverance & Patience…It is now a REALITY !!!

Indeed a Moment to Pause & Celebrate with Gratitude the HAPPY CONNECTS…and to anchor a THOUGHT…“A positive attitude can really make dreams come true – it did for me…and it can do it for YOU 🙂 “

Screams of JOY 🙂 ❤ 🙂 and with HAPPINESS galore in my heart…I recall these words of Oprah Winfrey which have been my guiding light…and always inspired me to step forward with POSITIVITY & CONFIDENCE on the path of my DREAMS…

“The BIGGEST ADVENTURE you can take is to live the LIFE of your DREAMS.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
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Always BELIEVE in the BEAUTY of your DREAMS 🙂

“Parent Coach” – Was just an idea once in my THOUGHTS – But TODAY that THOUGHT is a REALITY & has taken a MOMENTUM… and is leading me to NEW PATHS…PCI had this DREAM of being a “Parent Coach” – It was a simple vision of “Parents Helping Parents” all through the JOURNEY of New Beginnings of a phase of Parenthood…which starts when our children are ready to enter the new phase of their LIFE – The “UNIVERSITY PHASE”

It is during this junction of life when many parents find it DIFFICULT to let their children follow the path of their DREAMS…especially if that involves going to faraway lands to pursue their DREAMS…simply because they are scared of the UNKNOWN…DreamsDreams are what make our life meaningful…But mind you…walking on the path of one’s DREAM is not easy…It requires a mindset of a WINNER to overcome the OBSTACLES that BLOCK our path…and also sometimes our FEARS frighten us along the Journey. 

The seeds of my DREAM of being a “Parent Coach” were sowed long ago – may be some day I can share that little connect of life – But for the time being and to put it in short for the readers…How DREAMS can come TRUE….and what led me to this NEW BEGINNING of IPCP….here are a few DOTS…

My husband and I wanted to do something that would help parents who are looking at sending their children to USA to pursue their DREAM CAREERS. The process of sending children to USA can sometimes get stressful and at times rip us apart…We wanted to reach out to such families – connect together and help more and more families and children to enjoy the process.

A Beautiful Suggestion by a friend – sparked the idea in my mind…and set us on this new path…

Here I would like to share with all my readers one crucial thing….which is…Though our DREAMS may sound absurd to many…but there is always someone who will BELIEVE in your DREAMS…and sometimes that someone may be the LINK that will lead you on the RIGHT PATH… I say this with experience & a SMILE & my friend’s words echo in my heart…even today …Because it was she who led me to my DREAM Path !!!

The words echo in my heart even TODAY !!!Wisdom - Bottle“Bottle your wisdom and energy and share it with the world!” 

Her words resonated with my THOUGHT PROCESS…I was HAPPY to find someone who shared a wavelength…and after a few months…I took the courage to share my DREAM with this very friend.

As parents, We had been through the phase twice and I was well aware of most FEARS that can grip parents sometimes…and I could relate to the essentials of having someone in the process who could serve as a SUPPORT during the fearful episodes of the journey.

On a personal level…I also felt that every child deserves the BEST and every Parent wants the BEST for their Child…

When it comes to a BEAUTIFUL BOND between Parents & Children…Every  step matters…every action counts…and if I could do my bit in making this Phase Stress Free…it would be WONDERFUL !!!

My friend was more than HAPPY to help me in the process…A New Mission with a Vision of HAPPY FAMILY BONDS was undertaken…

Smiles & Satisfactions on the faces of Parents & Children will be now within REACH

These were the very words that echoed in my heart when we had finally decided to go forward on the idea of being a “PARENT COACH”…

With this SIMPLE THOUGHT – My DREAM of being a Parent Coach got rooted into my mind…PHP - Parent CoachNew Adventures of LIFE !!!

Since we had been through the JOURNEY twice…we were to a greater extent aware of the pitfalls & dark tunnels that can take the parent by surprise…and so we took the initiative of helping Parents ENJOY the PROCESS to the BEST of our EXPERIENCE…if not the fullest…and the first HAPPY MOMENT came when I received this appreciation 🙂Success Journey.jpgMy husband & I were glad that we had successful achieved the mission…and the our HAPPINESS was further enhanced when a NEW CHAPTER – IPCP got interlaced into our  Journey of LIFE 🙂 

IPCP – International Parent Coaching Program 
Beena - Sunil - Parent CoachNew Chapter in the Journey of my life 🙂

IKC offered us this opportunity of IPCP …and NEW Beginning awaited us … This time – we had the opportunity of connecting to families on a global level…

The sole purpose of the IPCP (International Parent Coaching Program) is to offer support and guidance to many more families and children – so that they can enjoy the admission process…and also be STRESS FREE all along the Journey 🙂 

“Parent Helping Parents” – New Journey of my Life 🙂IKC - Parent CoachReal Journeys – Real Experiences – Real Reflections

Parents helping Parents

Sunil & I strongly believe that the Journey and Destination – both are equally important. When the journeys are relaxed and satisfactory, reaching the Destination is then definitely bound to bring with itself an enormous amount of peace and fulfillment… but if the journey is stressful – chances are that most of us give up half way….and this for sure leads to unnecessary guilt & frustration in the future.

“The Journey is just as important as The Destination”

With this purpose in mind – Sunil & I set ourselves on this New path…of sharing our lessons & Experiences with families who are on a similar journey…

Been in the tunnel twice….We could also relate to the admission process becoming stressful for some parents at some points …and as the days pass by… Parents often tend to get anxious on the certainty that the Journey demands…and at times…they consider “Giving Up” on this DREAM JOURNEY…which then leads to yet another Downfall in a Child’s Life…because now he/she has to compromise on his/her DREAMS 😦

And in some cases…though parents are brave to face their fears…but time and again…the stress takes a toll on their health…and messes up their FAMILY Life 😦

Parent falling sick…or the Child giving up on his/her Dream…Both are disastrous…Coz in the end it is the Family that suffers !!!

Fear of the unknown captures the mind … FAMILY BONDS get entangled … Misunderstanding take the place of Meaningful Moments…Anxiety hovers in the hearts of every family member…and this I believe is the worse situation….

The joy and satisfaction of this journey is of utmost importance and must be experienced and cherished by all…Why should any FAMILY miss out on the BEAUTY of this Phase of LIFE…This is the CONNECT that created RIPPLES in my Mind…and encouraged me take on the opportunity to share my JOURNEY of “Parent Coaching” through this forum.Smiles & Satisfaction - Parent Coach.jpgThrough this Blog, I take the opportunity of sharing with you all the the DOTS of our journey of being Parent Coaches to some families is Dubai…The DOTS are all interlinked….and always within our reach – Just connect them…and share them ahead with others…so that the Mission of “Happy Family Bonds” reaches far & wide 🙂

As I take your leave today…Sharing with you my Perspective on DREAMS….At the end of every Journey undertaken by us there is one REALITY that is UNIVERSAL for all….the BIGGEST REALITY of any DREAM is that…or should I put it as the GREATEST LESSON learnt on this JOURNEY is that…
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