LIFE– the Greatest of all Teachers.

Life is a fabulous teacher and we all are its students. Be it you or me, we are constantly learning, from LIFE through the relations, that are a part of our journey. Friends and/or relatives, situations and/or experiences – Everything is like a THREAD in the WEB of LEARNING & TESTING in this JOURNEY of LIFE !!!

Today I share with you some CONNECTS of MY ASSOCIATIONS with LIFE Time for a NEW Realization…

Every moment life teaches us – Assignments are given – Exams are taken- Results are declared. This cycle repeats day after day – year after year and the journey of life continues…

When we LEARN the LESSONS on TIME…Life moves us to a HIGHER TESTING…or else we continue the impositions..until the LESSON is Embraced with HONESTY 🙂 Indeed we are all STUDENTS and we all have a fabulous TEACHER called LIFEWho wants us to LIVE with AWARENESS – Each DAY  – Each MOMENT 🙂 and mind you…This Learning never STOPS !!!

Maximize Awareness.jpg

The palette of LIFE is filled with variety and surprises galore…and just as we have finally accept our RESPONSIBILITY of being a GOOD STUDENT…Life sends us on a path that requires us to perform…yet another RESPONSIBLE Role in our life.

This TIME, We must take on the ROLE of a “RESPONSIBLE TEACHER


In between the unvarying twists & turns of this journey called LIFE – there are times when we accidentally take on the role of a “TEACHER” for the ones who are inspired by our living.

We may not be a teacher in the real sense but, when someone makes us their role model – this unquestionably makes us a teacher. When that someone is constantly learning from our actions and our life – the responsibility to be a GOOD TEACHER automatically becomes a part of our value system.

As life passes by … We switch between the two roles- sometimes a student of life and sometimes a teacher to someone who approves of our teachings. And it goes without saying that we owe a lot of our learnings to our very first teacher – LIFE 🙂

LIFE the Greatest of all teachers…ABC of LIFE.jpgKeep Learning…Keep Teaching 🙂

It is our prime duty to live a BEAUTIFUL LIFE – and make our Teacher proud of her students…So let always KEEP LEARNING…KEEP TEACHING the GOODNESS OF LIFE 🙂

Our first inspiration to LIVE BEAUTIFULLY comes from our own REFLECTIONS & REALIZATIONS of the LESSONS we LEARN through LIFE … What are our IDENTIFICATIONS & ACCEPTANCES defines our INNER CONNECTS…Which sets the trail we walk upon…Each Day…Each Moments…Life CORRECTS us, if we fail to choose the RIGHT PATH.

Our understandings of the LESSONS defines our JOURNEY – The sooner we LEARN..the faster we GROW… and gradually we EMBRACE the ART of LIVING Beautiful & Blissful Life.

Here is a CONNECT…Very CLOSE to my heart…and why we must LEARN to LIVE with AWARENESS…Awareness.jpgLiving with AWARENESS cleanses our soul…Heals us from within…and only then are we capable of delivering the RIGHT LESSONS.

Once healed…It is our RESPONSIBILITY to take forward the LESSONS…. However, never must be PREACH or accept others to FOLLOW the path…Until we have ourselves experienced the JOURNEY…and are aware of the DARKNESS & the LIGHT that awaits us on these JOURNEYS 🙂Life - Mixed BagIt is crucial that we convey Positive and Meaningful messages to the ones who are an integral part of our journeys and also to the ones whose journeys we are destined to be a part off…after all “We’re all just walking each other home.” as quoted by Ram DassTeacher & Student.jpgLet us LEARN to be RESPONSIBLE Students when the lessons are being delivered…and RESPONSIBLE Teachers when the lessons are being taught 🙂

Today as we celebrate Teachers Day – The auspicious day dedicated to LEARNINGS & LEARNERS…TEACHINGS & TEACHERS…I take this opportunity to share with you my new endeavor – of Realizations & Reflections of my JOURNEY through LIFE 🙂 ❤ 🙂Self Relization - Life LessonMy personal blog – a small initiative to share my Life & its Teaching through this portalJourneys & Reflections…

These journeys & Reflections are the very foundation of my existence.

I am a “TEACHER” and undeniably a “STUDENT” as well

The characters I play sketches my Personality 🙂Beena - Life


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