The Quest for PEACE begins…

International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on the 21st September and so is World Gratitude Day – The occurrence of both these events on the same day – is it an accident or does it have a relevance of a deeper connect.

Time to find…

The International Day of Peace is being observed today all around the world. The day was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly and in 2001, the General Assembly voted to designate the day as a period of non-violence and ceasefire.

21st SeptemberThe day of reminiscing the Importance of Peace & Gratitude in our life.

Acts of kindness are performed….Importance of PEACE is delivered….Words of Wonders are shares…But do we really know what is PEACE…and where must we LOOK for it !!!

We all are searching for PEACE – but where does one really find PEACE ? To know when and where this quest will end…We must FIRST familiarize ourselves with PEACE ❤

“Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.”  ~ John F. KennedyKnow PeaceTo KNOW PEACE = Is To KNOW LIFE 🙂

The real reason why Peace is drifting away from our world is because we are constantly at war with our inner self. Inner turmoil and confusion cast their evil spell on our outer world. Our actions too are reflective of our point of view – Rarely do we make an effort to get this inner confusion sorted out…And so it is a MUST for each one of us to CONNECT ourselves to the FACT that PEACE is REFLECTIVE of our INNER STATE of Mind – To find PEACE in our JOURNEYS…We have to BALANCE ourselves from WITHIN !!!

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” ~ BuddhaBuddha - Balance.jpgOur outer world reflects our inner world

The war begins in our mind and leads to unnecessary struggles and fights. So we must aim to resolve the conflicts and end this war of THOUGHTS in our MIND – only then will this quest end…and PEACE will prevail in our LIFE !!!Peace - Stillness of MindPeace begins with the STILLNESS – When the Mind is Relaxed – Thoughts are sorted out – Feelings are understood. And all this can be achieved with one simple step- “Inner Silence”

Inner Silence directs us towards awareness of our Thoughts, Feelings, Actions and eventually Gratitude for all the Blessings in our life and then Peace smiles in our hearts.Silence.jpg In Silence there is Awareness and Gratitude – These are your Seeds of Peace – Grow them in your life and see your garden flourish.

Today, as we begin this long journey in the quest of peace…let us recap that PEACE is the result of inner satisfaction and this inner satisfaction is derived from Gratitude which unlocks the fullness of life.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend as quoted by Melody Beattie.

And when there is satisfaction – Peace is sure to find its way in our life and in our hearts and ultimately in our world…and as PEACE flows….GRATITUDE follows !!!Gratitude - Greatest Virtue.pngSo the SEARCH for PEACE always starts with SILENCE – And though SILENCE is STRONG…rarely are we able to comprehend its BEAUTY…Sharing with you an insight very close to my heart…and I have personally experienced the MAGIC of SILENCE…for it lead me to a HAPPY state of MIND and PEACE 🙂

When the Mind is Silent – Love Speaks !!!Silence - PeaceSilence the MIND – Empower the SoulSpread LOVE & PEACE 🙂 ❤ 🙂Buddha - Peace“It isn’t enough to talk about Peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

These words of Eleanor Roosevelt must be our guiding light in our quest for PEACE …for sometimes…We all are interested in PEACE…and we do express our keen desire to live a PEACEFUL LIFE…but when the time come to walk on the path….we fail to perform…coz the path is filled with obstacles plenty…


When we follow the Path of PEACE with Clarity & Confidence – Success is CERTAIN…One must always remember that….Both Peace & Gratitude are very important & meaningful threads that add Beauty to the tapestry of our life …

The Golden thread of Gratitude and The Silver thread of Silence (Inner silence directs us towards Awareness & Peace) are the secrets to a Blissful Tomorrow.

With this message in our HEARTS…Let’s CELEBRATE this BEAUTIFUL DAY !!!



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