October – “Knight in Shining Armor”

Time to turn over the pages of our Calenders…October is here…and each one of us is excited for this NEW MONTH…The Month of OCTOBER…which brings with itself  so many CHANGES. Today I share with you a Fabulous CONNECT that I associate with this NEW MONTH 🙂 

But first things FIRST…Let us greet this New Month with a SMILE & a big “HELLO” 🙂 Now let us get STARTED on a NEW QUEST 🙂
Hello October.jpgWith the weather CHANGING…and leaves falling…Winter Coming and Wardrobes Changing…The Universe seems to be sending messages that are hinting at CHANGE…So that we can be READY for CHANGE !!! Without a doubt…CHANGE is in the air in many aspects…and so it is rightly said that...October is indeed the MONTH of CHANGES 🙂
Hello October - Month of Change
But I came across some words & Connects that introduced ME to yet another facet associate with this MONTH. In the eyes of the great American author, poet & psychologist, Bonaro W. Overstreet…This month denotes a fabulous connect…Very DIFFERENT from the others…and yet I can say…It OPENS the doors to NEW LESSONS of LIFE 🙂

October is a symphony of Permanence and Change.” 

I somehow seem to connect with these THOUGHTS…October is the TIME to CHANGE…But it also is our TIME to comprehend the REALITY that Permanence too is REAL …and it is the SYMPHONY of BOTH that makes the month of OCTOBER memorable 🙂 October is not just any other month but a very special one for ME – It is the 10th month and the very day I turn over the Calendar page to OCTOBER…Some NUMBERS play on my mind 🙂

90 days forward – 3 months ahead – We will be celebrating the NEW YEAR – Setting New goals & Resolutions…once again 🙂Fresh startCan you SEE what I see in these NUMBERS !!!

90 Days – 3 Months – How is calculation of numbers of any use to MAN -What has it got to do when we CHANGE our Calenders on the 1st of OCTOBER … for to most of us…The ritual of CHANGING the CALENDAR pages to reveal a NEW MONTH is the ORDINARY task undertaken by everyone… a mundane task expected in every home & office…year after year…

How is OCTOBER different from the other months – What is so UNIQUE in these calculations & Numbers. Is this 10th Month MAGICAL – Does it offer us any advantage in terms of our LIFE…Is there something that must be done when it arrives…are the QUESTIONS that lead me to my “CHANGE CONNECT”

TIME to PONDER upon the FACTS as to why OCTOBER – The 10th Month of the year -considered the MONTH OF CHANGE…all over the WORLD 🙂 October - Month of CHANGEAllow me to EXPLAIN you the NUMBER CONNECT that led me to the “CHANGE CONNECT” associated with OCTOBER.

For me October brings with itself an opportunity – so I always REFER it as my GOLDEN CHANCE towards a BETTER TOMORROW 🙂 Beena - Golden LeavesOCTOBER – Time to GRAB the GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY

YES – This 10th MONTH is MAGICAL 🙂 Read on and you will be SURPRISED by the GIFTS this UNIQUE MONTH bestows upon us… 

Setting Goals & Making Resolutions is the best way to stay captivated to our DREAMSGoals & ResolutionsAnd this is exactly what we all do…Year after Year !!!

Knowing where we are going can make a lot of difference in our life. With a clear focus and right decision we often assume –“Now that my goals are set and my dreams well sorted – there is no one stopping me.” 

But mind you, “Setting Goals” is just the first step of our journey – there are a lot of other decisions that will require a mindful input – a lot of rational thinking and undertaking on our part…and as the path unfolds – the ups and downs and the twists and turns that are a part of this route might require us to reconsider our steps that were considered the BEST OPTION !!!Life - Twists and TurnsThis phase of our DREAM where CHANGES are MANDATORY…is an important phase – often denoted to as the Review Phase and it MUST be taken seriously…


Reviewing our goals at the RIGHT TIME is advantageous as it directs us towards the much needed detour that can bring us closer to our purposes in life and ultimately peace with our inner self. 

It is this phase, of the review of our Dreams and Steps, which can make all the Difference in the GOALS we accomplish and the DREAMS we justify – feel Blessed and rejoice on the New Year’s Eve. So it is important that we make a conscious efforts – To pause and review our steps or else we might land up in a chaos.

REVIEW TIME – Time to PAUSE – REFLECT – ACTReflection - Steps.jpgREFLECT – STEP forward to REVIEW the STEPS that will lead you AHEAD 🙂

Here comes the importance of the month of October – The month of October is our REVIEW TIME of the year – A savior- Our knight in shining armor – one that can save us from a demanding situation if we analyze & review our steps NOW !!!

October is our savior 🙂October - Golden ChanceGolden Chance to make things RIGHT

October, as we all know, marks our entry into the final quarter of the year. Therefore, when we change the calendar to reveal the 10th month of the year, we should have practically achieved 75% of our targets.

If we have crossed this benchmark – Then we must “Congratulate” ourself – Celebrate this Moment of Pride & Achievement of our goals. And if not – the least we can do is not to PANIC or GIVE UP…But FOCUS on REVIEW OPPORTUNITY that life just send us TODAY.Review Time.jpgBut instead…we often end up feeling lost & confused. The minute our calculations reveal our failures…We Break apart……Not achieving our desired benchmark is not the END of our DREAMS. But the minute this REALITY is shown to us…we give up on our goals & DREAMS that were so DEAR to US.Lost - Confused.jpgTHINK deeper – Are our GOALS so baseless …Our DREAMS so petite…That we feel DISAPPOINTED & LOST when the CALCULATIONS don’t match up … Simply because the SUCCESS Graph is not going as expected…and all the more…Our Success Graph is interested in taking a downwards journey – and our CONFIDENCE too chooses to go with it…We feel we have LOST the GAME 😦

In such a state of despair it is obvious that we are going to feel 😦  But this is exactly when we need to make a SHIFT in our MINDS 🙂

Always BELIEVE in your DREAMS & BE HOPEFULReview Time - Be Hopeful

Get a grip on your doubts – review your steps – calculate your errors – face your fears and move ahead with CLARITY of your VISION this time !!!October - Review Time.jpgIf you are really interested in taking that step forward to achieve your goals, let me share with you my personal connect to this review phase – The review phase can be a win-win situation for us – can work wonders if we change our view and approach it with the following connects.

Firstly, all it takes is just 21 days of continuity to incorporate a New pattern in our life. And so for any reason if you have not been able to incorporate a new habit that you had aimed for – you still have a Golden chance to make it work for you. 

Starting today we still have approximately 85+ days left to achieve our targets.Time ChecksThe Hour Glass still has some SAND !!!


about the missing links and then connect yourself to the 21 day mindset

What might look like a FORWARD journey – may not be the one taking you ahead. Chances are you are backtracking and constantly moving unconsciously in the wrong direction. …WATCH OUT before it gets too late…KNOW where you are going?

Make note of these 7 guiding lights…

  • October is the TIME to review yourself.
  • Turn back the pages of your diary to ANALYZE where you stand.
  • CHECK to see if you are leaning against the RIGHT ladder of your DREAMS
  • Never ever think of GIVING UP
  • Be ASSERTIVE of the steps you take forward now..
  • Be CONFIDENT of your track.
  • Let October be your Guiding FORCE.

And always REMEMBER – OCTOBER is your Knight in Shinning Armor !!!october-is-awesome.jpgWELCOME OCTOBER WITH A SMILE 🙂

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