Self-Centered – Are WE ???

“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation” Powerful quote by C. Everett Koop.

The quote has always been the finest benchmark in my extraordinary journey of parenting…I forever believe that…Being a parent is the Greatest Blessing and our Children are precious to us…and yet at times we get so “Self Centered” in our journeys…

Today…I share with you some personal connects – My perspectives of this BLESSED JOURNEY…

Our children are a Beautiful Gift from God Himself. We are blessed with this special Gift because GOD had faith in us. He trusted us…with HIS ANGELS…as our CHILDREN…

To support our children in their DREAMS
Believe in their UNIQUENESS
And above all give them the very BESTChildrenChildren are PRECIOUS – To be LOVED & CARED 🙂

Children are like a sponge ready to soak up life and all its experiences. The life we give them and the know-hows we share with them have a deep impression on their minds and hearts. It is indeed our responsibility to make sure that the memories & practices we create in their life are positive.

We are not just raising our Children…
We are shaping the future ! ❤ !Parental ResponsibilityParenting is all about “Brighter TOMORROW

But sadly, many of us treat our children as the “Builders of our Dreams” – expecting them to accomplish our unfulfilled dreams, so that we can live our dreams through them…and that clearly means that we are not LOOKING at the FUTURE…but are still lost in the PAST !!!

Little do we realize that this small desire from our end calls for a sacrifice – Yes, the moment we see this dream – we are creating a world, for our children, that is not theirs – the path they will walk will be ours – the goals will be ours and the destination – definitely – where WE once wanted to REACH some day !!!

Is this REALLY the PURPOSE why we were BLESSED with CHILDREN !!!

Can you even envisage the impact of this decision of ours on our CHILDREN – Our children, whom we dearly love and care will have to let go off their dreams, sacrifice their vision for the sake of our Dreams and henceforth continue their life walking on the path of our Desires and aspirations.

If we expect them to fulfill our dreams and live their entire life on our philosophies, when will they get an opportunity to live their own Dreams ?Me - Self CenteredIs this what we really want?

Are we so selfish and self-absorbed ?

Why are we being so “Self-Centered”THINK & REFLECTGive it a thought…

TIME to THINK – TIME to REFLECT Parent ResponsibilityIsn’t Parenting is all about “Brighter TOMORROW” for our CHILDREN 🙂

On this note..and with this New Perspectives…Let us ANCHOR ourselves to a NEW Philosophy to Parenting 🙂
New Parenting Rules.jpgI don’t want my children to follow in my footsteps. I want them to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible !!!

3 thoughts on “Self-Centered – Are WE ???”

  1. This is just superb. I think this is a pat to all those parents who let their children to live their own dreams and lesson to those who still want their children fulfill their own dreams by walking through the path designed by them ( parents)….This is absolutely going to adron many futures no doubt


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