Today’s post “TUM HO TO HUM HAIN” is dedicated to the REAL HEROES –  Who silently yet bravely are doing their BEST so we can be at REST with our LOVED ONES…Celebrating the HAPPY occasions that LIFE sends our way…

Come JOIN me as we together Salute to our Real Heroes – All the three forces of India, Para forces, Medics and the entire Defense for making INDIA feel proud.

Diwali celebrations are in all Glory in our Country…But the BORDERS are tensedThe Line of Control, the de-facto border with Pakistan, has remained tense since September. Focused & Alert – Our Soldiers guard day & night…So we can sleep well…and wake up with joy to face our Tomorrow…But ever imagined the plight of our soldiersProud to Be INDIAN.jpgAgainst this backdrop of escalating hostilities between India and Pakistan at the border, Prime Minister Narendra Modi saluted the courage of Indian soldiers – asking the citizens to dedicate the Diwali Celebrations to the forces who have been sacrificing their pleasures of life & happiness for the safety and security of their country.

Light a lamp and salute our soldiers with “Ek Diya Shaheedon ke Naam”Light Lamp.jpg#Sandesh2Soldiers

A fabulous gesture…I believe it is…For Gratitude is what makes LIFE worthy & beautiful…How can we ever forget the sacrifices that a Soldier has to make…for the citizen of his country to be Safe & Happy…

We may not remember them on a DAILY basis…But when festivals are being celebrated with Happiness & Joy amidst our loved ones…The least we can do…is be THANKFUL for this “DAY of HAPPINESS” to our SOLDIERS.
Diwali - Lamp

While we Celebrate Diwali with our loved ones – There is a Soldier who guards the Borders & our Happiness !!!

PRAY for them –  Express Gratitude –  Light a Lamp – For we know they are far away from their FAMILY…and their LOVED ONES are only praying for their SAFE RETURN…and not bothered about any celebrations…Soldiers - GratitudeOur soldiers are on duty, protecting us day and night from the dark forces, while we peacefully continue our journeys – fulfilling our desires & Dreams as life unfolds. The darkness of our life disappears by this devoted enthusiasm of our soldiers – indeed they are the LIGHT that drives our Darkness away.Soldiers - Real HeroesThis year – Today on the joyous occasion of Diwali…as we welcome the New year with the hope of a Safe Tomorrow – Let us join hands in this initiative taken by our Prime Minister and as we continue our celebrations…

Let us take a moment & Light a Diya for our Soldiers not only TODAY but every SINGLE day, today onwards  – for they are the ones – who are not only living their entire life for our homeland but are willing to sacrifice their life – if the need arises – so that their Country continues to LIVE !!!Tribute - SoldiersOur Soldiers are the LIGHT of our LIFE – May we always CELEBRATE their BEING !!! Sharing with you this Beautiful Collage…People light lamps arranged to form a tribute to fallen soldiers of the Indian Army in Chandigarh for Diwali !!!

Tribute to our Soldiers 🙂Gresture of Pride.jpg This is the essence of True Diwali !


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