“PAIN—It demands to be FELT”

Modern times have resulted in a lot of stress and unnecessary pressure on the little ones. As the years pass by, this stress increases and sometimes it ends in ways that we least expect it to be – Our children are heading towards a zone of No Return

Our future generation is getting fragile and weak. Suicide has taken our young teenagers by storm…Every now and then…Reports of young children ending their life is being heard…and what is more SHOCKING… are the REASONS that lead to this ACT 🙂 

Ever wonder why these children succumb to Suicide?Confused ChildrenSuicidal Thoughts are a result of Pressures and Failures

Often the younger generations (especially Students) find themselves caged in their own thoughts, feeling lonely, frustrated and depressed. Their seems to be no way out – No one to TALK…No one to LISTEN…No one to UNDERSTAND…no one to CONNECT with their thoughts – No one to be by their side & feel the PAIN they silently are experiencing in their life on a daily basis.

The word “SUICIDE” always catches our “ATTENTION”… But we FAIL to NOTICE the PRESSURES triggered the mind to take the DEADLY STEP Deadly Act

  • Pressure to fulfill a parent’s unfulfilled dream.

  • Fear to live up to the standards set by our society, least you will be labelled an outcast.

  • Failure to achieve their parents’s goals and satisfy them.

  • Frustration to find themselves pursuing a wrong career.

….and many more challenges that these little angels find themselves facing each day. The list just doesn’t seem to end. Emotional Instability grips them in its clutch and forces them to taken the forbidden route SUICIDE.Life - ENDS.pngNo one wants to commit SUICIDE because they want to die…The action is the outcome of the PAIN that is now unbearable. The decision to commit SUICIDE is taken because they want to STOP the PAIN.

Is Suicide the answer to their PAIN ?Pain - CulpritCertainly NOT !!!  – “Suicide is not the answer to Life’s pressures”

Failures are a part and parcel of our lives & must be seen as a Stepping Stone and not as an obstacle in the journey of our DREAMSChildren should be encouraged to face their fear and overcome their challenges.Failure Connect.jpg It is indeed our responsibility as, loving and caring, parents to share with our children a very important message…which is…

FAILURES are part of LIFE…They are not LIFE !!!Go FORWARD - HOPELife is Beautiful Journey – Keep Exploring !!!

We, as parents should support our children and always take TIME out of our busy schedules, to listen to their struggles and silent whispers. To listen to our child in a Non-judgmental way is the key to settle them…Connect them with the RIGHT Lessons…Let them KNOW the challenges that might come…and at the SAME TIME…give them the assurance that they are NOT ALONE in their JOURNEY !!!

Death is and has always been the easiest option, it is Life that demands Bravery. Take ONE step at a TIME 🙂

Keep Going.jpgHowever, many a times children find it difficult to accept this new perspective with an open mindset. I totally agree, that the step – To see failures as stepping stones– is not going to be an EASY one for children to accept – for any failure is HARD & it always HURTS to FAIL !!!

But it is our responsibility as parents to help them connect with the bitter sweet reality associated with Failures by anchoring them to the REALITY of FAILURES 🙂

“Failures are going to be HARD on you, but it’s going to be WORTH it my little angel if you see them as a Stepping stone rather than an obstacle”Step by StepBe CONFIDENT – Take ONE STEP at a TIME 🙂

We as parents MUST sit down with your children, LISTEN to them with patience & TRUST them with their Fears of Failures.

To be in our child’s shoes – To understand their pain & meet them where they are broken and then sit in the fire with them – is the DUTY of every parent. Feel their PAIN….because that’s the thing about pain … It Demands to be Felt.

I completely identify with these lines from Fault in our stars…a terrific book by John Green.

Never make the mistake of rushing them out of their space. It has been proven that…Once people have a witness to their PAIN, they often find their way out themselves and choose to be HAPPY again…

Because we all know in the deepest of our heart that our children are unstoppable…and this is the BELIEF we need to ANCHOR in their souls…Stoppable Sharing with a few words that echo in my mind, every time I hear or read about smart brilliant youth ending their life in SILENCE… 

Hang in there my angel,
Life is too Beautiful, 
To end with a jump,
Trust me
It’s a matter of time,
Let’s talk it out,
For this,


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