Be SOMEONE, not someone’s

Being a WOMAN is MAGICAL in itself…But are WOMEN unaware of the UNIQUENESS they are BLESSED with…Today let us journey together…and DISCOVER that MAGIC of a WOMAN 🙂

Today is International women’s Day  – A Day to CELEBRATE the WONDERS of being a WOMAN 🙂Woman - PerfectYES – 8th MARCH is HER DAY 

Mother, Daughter, Sister, wife, Sister-in-law, Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother – So many complex facets to being a woman. Then there are Aunts, Cousins & but of course Friends whom we all so deeply cherish. This is the voyage a women undertakes on Earth – gracefully fulfilling all her responsibilities & patiently waiting for THE DAY – 8th March when the WORLD will celebrate HER & she will get to celebrate HERSELF for all the Wonders SHE cherishes in her heart.


The campaign theme for this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) is “Be BOLD for CHANGE” – Must say…It is a very good theme…Beyond a doubt one that can make a DIFFERENCE in the WORLD…especially with respect to WOMEN…But sadly many women are not willing to adopt this strategy in their LIFE…Simply because they are hardwired to not BELIEVE in CHANGE !!!

CHANGE – Is just a DREAM…a fantasy for them..Because every time a WOMAN asks for CHANGE in her life…She is ridiculed…and sometimes even mocked at for ASKING for CHANGE…Embrace ChangeEver wondered WHY a WOMAN does not BELIEVE in CHANGE…Why would SHE not want to EMBRACE the OPPORTUNITY that will lead HER to a BEAUTIFUL tomorrow…

I speak from personal experience…Whenever I ASKED for the CHANGES that will EMPOWER my JOURNEY…I was considered Overambitious & Out of my mind…And it was not a MAN who said these WORDS to ME…It was a WOMAN 😦

This is the REALITY of our SOCIETY… A woman is often the reason for another Woman to SUFFER…The Society has a set boundaries for the WOMAN…and within these BOUNDARIES…The RIGHT to SPEAK ….The RIGHT to THINK for HERSELF…The RIGHT to CHANGE…The RIGHT to be BOLD…are invalid.

So where does the OPTION for CHANGE come from…. When she is not even considered as an IMPORTANT part of the SOCIETY and Her BEING adds no value to this WORLD…

This is the BELIEF with which GIRLS are being bought up in our Society How then can we expect from a WOMAN to …  


Have a look at this quote by Hillary Clinton – Her words are reflective of our Society’s Bad luck…We say we are all EQUAL – Be it a MAN or a WOMAN – Everyone deserves a DIGNIFIED LIFE…But when it comes to the REAL WORLD…Things are not the SAME…Women are not considered WORTHY…and so her VALUE continues to DECLINE in our Society…Women - Reality.jpgFor a WOMAN to CHANGE is rather getting difficult day by day…I personally feel that the first and foremost step required for a WOMAN to BELIEVE in CHANGE is to make her feel IMPORTANT & WORTHY of her EXISTENCE…and reinforce the BELIEF that CHANGE is GOOD 🙂CHANGE is BEAUTIFULChange is GOOD for a WOMAN is the FIRST CONNECT…But how to make her BELIEVE in CHANGE is what matters here…Just like the Metamorphosis of a Butterfly takes TIME…and requires patience…So does a Woman’s Belief…It always takes TIME to CREATE something NEW in the MIND…But once done Beautifully & Patiently…the OUTCOME is MAGICAL 🙂

WOMAN must be made to BELIEVE in HERSELF 🙂

Every woman should be PROUD of HERSELF and EMBRACE her BEING in this SOCIETY…and be aware of the REALITY that SHE is a FULL CIRCLE of LIFE….only then will the  DESIRE to CHANGE make sense to her…

Only when a WOMEN celebrates HERSELF…Will SHE be RECOGNIZEDAPPLAUDED & CELEBRATEDWoman - Circle of LifeMessage of HOPE – Every WOMAN needs to hear…

International Women’s Day (IWD) that we all so magnificently celebrate today – sharing messages of appreciation & gratefulness with our family & friends must not be taken as a ONE DAY event because CHANGE is not a MOMENT but a series of MOMENTS that lead to a Better & Balanced Tomorrow.

TODAY can be the START of that CHANGE…But the CHANGES that we pledge to bring in the lives of the WOMEN we LOVE must be continuous…ChangeAll over the WORLD…on the 8th of March… WOMEN are given IMPORTANCE … Suddenly everyone feels the NEED to APPRECIATE the WOMEN in their LIFE…and why not…after all isn’t CELEBRATING a BLESSING considered a NOBEL ACT….But here is THE QUESTION !!!

Do you think HER CELEBRATIONS must be LIMITED !!!

For a Better Tomorrow for the women in this World… ONE DAY of CELEBRATIONS for the WOMEN is not a BALANCED EQUATION !!!

Deep down, a woman’s soul longs for Appreciation & Gratitude – Should SHE wait for 365 days (and sometimes 366 days) to be appreciated & applauded for all the wonders she accomplishes in her 365/366 days.

Why are these celebrations just for a day – When SHE is working around the clock…Giving her family ever Happiness that is within her scope….Is it fair to compensate all the LOVE for her in a single day…

TIME to RECONSIDER this EQUATION 🙂WomanA Lifelong celebration is what SHE deserves to celebrate HERSELF !

Today as we all look forward to International Women’s Day Celebrations I urge you to read this quote by Mahatma Gandhi ‘s quote with a macroeconomic perspective of our SOCIETY…with special attention to a man’s attitude towards a woman…  Woman - Know them BetterWoman is the FUTURE of our SOCIETY…And WE all NEED to ACCEPT this REALITY…and BE a part of WOMEN EMPOWERMENT on the personal front as well…Simply because even though IWD celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. Yet progress has slowed in many places across the world…

GLOBAL ACTION is needed to accelerate gender parity….there is no doubt on that aspect…But each member of the SOCIETY – Be it a Man or a Woman…must contribute to this Global Action…

The WOMAN in your HOUSE is your RESPONSIBILITY…To make her BELIEVE in HERSELF & in the BEAUTY of CHANGE is your contribution to this GLOBAL ACTION…Woman - Glory to GodLet us be a part of this ripple effect of a BALANCED TOMORROWLet us make it a DAILY investment for a LIFETIME – and that too at a INDIVIDUAL level to be HONEST in our ACTIONS towards ALL the WOMEN in our FAMILY – Only then CHANGE is POSSIBLE in this SOCIETY 🙂

Let the WOMEN in our FAMILY bring GLORY to GOD 

May the GOOD TIMES begin…for ALL

A SPECIAL message for my WOMEN FRIENDS – It is IMPORTANT to FIND YOURSELF – Let that BEAUTIFUL Soul shine out from the DARKNESS that is leading you to PAIN…

Be ready for the CHANGE – Be ready to BE YOU…And always BELIEVE that…Find Yourself.jpgBe SOMEONE, not someone’s


Happy International Women’s DayWomen - Life BEAUTIES that CHANGE the WORLD !!!

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