Mind Game – 2/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Life really is an excellent teacher. Where & when the lesson will be delivered and how the circumstances will work out – Imparting us the much needed wisdom to enrich our souls is always a mystery.

Today I share with you – Yet another amazing lesson from Mother Nature. This time the subject is “The Beautiful Sunset”


Sunset is a RITUALA day’s signature to bid us farewell – until we meet again. Mother Nature BLESSES us with this MIRACLE every single day. We just need to step out at the RIGHT TIME to witness this MIRACLE.Take a DIP.jpgAllow me to share with you some Kodak moments I had with the SUN one BEAUTIFUL EVENING…as I sat by the BEACH to say “GOOD BYE” to this Marvel of Mother Nature.

Hope you enjoy the swirl of colour that the HORIZON painted that day…creating lasting IMPRESSIONS on my MIND 🙂Beautiful HorizonsThe “Changing Horizon” mesmerizes us each time…Have a LOOK at the “Perfect Dot” – That reminds us of the Sunny Side up BREAKFAST treats we all so royally ENJOY 🙂The Perfect DOTAs I admired the setting SUN – These boats in the frame…caught my attention. How fascinating it it to see the race of Man with Nature 🙂 Changing HorizonsNew adventures are always fascinating – They tend to offer us the MAGIC of NEW perspectives… Opening up the doors that take us on the path of New understandings of LIFE 🙂

And every EXPERIENCES is bound to REFLECT on our PERSONALITY. With each experience we evolve…So let us be open to the EXPERIENCES that LIFE shares with us through MOTHER NATURE.

We can LEARN so much from MOTHER NATURE !!!

The setting SUN is a SOURCE of INSPIRATION for many….and that includes ME as well. Coming back to the CONNECTS that I learnt from this marvelous ritual of Mother Nature.Inspiring SUN.jpgAs I write..I recall that this EXPERIENCE was a turning point in my life. As an NLP Coach – I am well aware of the SIGNIFICANCE of “Beliefs” that governs our life & it is our Belief patterns that influence the LIFE we LIVE. And to strengthen our “Beliefs”  we need to invest in creating ANCHORS in our Life.

I strongly believe in the concept of Anchors.

We all know that it is an anchor that hold the ship in place in spite of the STORM and once the storm passes – The Ship is back on its sailing adventure.

In the much similar aspect – We human beings needs some connects in life that help us stay buyout when the tides of time test us. We identify them as ANCHORS.

My husband & I have made it mandatory to have some meaningful connects as ANCHORS in our life. We faithfully take up “Project Anchor” to simplify the BELIEF SYSTEM of our LIFE.

So what is an Anchor when it comes to our Life.

Anchors are “Connects” that keep us grounded when our life spins out of control. These are our personalized connections – Just like ANCHORS they prevent us from sinking in the sea of our failures, thereby helping us define our life towards a Better Tomorrow.

During one of our “Anchor Project” – we found ourselves on the BEACH…and this ANCHOR CONNECT is the EXPERIENCE I share with you TODAY !!!

It’s not that this was the first time that we were at the BEACH admiring the SUNSET – But that day seemed DIFFERENT – After all it was THE DAY  Mother Nature cherry-picked to teach us something New – Something Beautiful.Mesmerizing DAY.jpgSunsets are undoubtedly amazing but that day as I gazed to admire this BEAUTY – The horizon kept altering every few minutes – And I kept on appreciating the hues & colors the sky choose to reflect that day.

I was mesmerized at the PERFECTION Mother Nature was displaying – Absolutely No complains I had in that moments – I accepted whatever Life showed me –  I appreciated – I admired & I adored & I smiled 🙂

And then suddenly I found myself asking these questions…Making an attempt to understand myself better.

  • Why can’t I do the same with people?
  • Why do I complain at their shifting natures?
  • Why do I feel sad when I see the Different shades of their personality?
  • Why can’t I accept them the way they are?
  • Why do I need them to CHANGE?
  • Why can’t I LOVE them for who they are?

Though we came back feeling Happy & Blessed  – At the back of my mind – I knew there was something more to that day’s sunset. These questions kept me thinking.

The days passed by & these thoughts kept me occupied. As they say – What you SEEK is SEEKING you – One beautiful morning, I came across a quote by Carl R. Roger that silenced my mind.

“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don’t find myself saying, “Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.” I don’t try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.” 

I ANCHORED the SUNSET connect in my soul & summarized the quote that I had just read. Mother Nature introduced me to this meaningful connect & I associated this quote by Jackson Kiddard to my new anchor in life.

Anything you cannot CONTROL is teaching you how to let go & TRUST the Universe.

Since that very day – Whenever I feel upset for a Changed behavior – I remind myself of this SUNSET ANCHOR & the words that I had linked to myself that day come floating by casting a SMILE on my face.Relaxing - NatureMy personalized wisdom from the Sunset  – “If I can LOVE the Varying HORIZON – Knowing that it is not in my control to CHANGE – My mind shifts towards POSITIVITY & I find myself appreciating the CHANGING WONDERS of this Universe.

Now I apply the SAME LOGIC to my RELATION with PEOPLE who are a part of my LIFE.

Since we have absolutely NO CONTROL on the varying conduct of people – the best way to keep ourself from not complaining & feeling miserable is to ACCEPT these people “THE WAY THEY ARE” – We may definitely not be able to appreciate them for their changing behaviors – But at least we can STOP ourself from getting STRESSED.

Life has a way of TESTING OUR ANCHORS & Tempting us to drift

Nevertheless, if our ANCHORS are correctly placed, they will HOLD us

So we must invest quality TIME in finding the RIGHT ANCHORS

Until we meet again to learn more wisdom from Nature – I leave you with a THOUGHTS that can lead us to PEACE in our EVERYDAY LIVING…Beena - Peace.jpg

The words echo in my soul as I recall my Experiences with Mother Nature !!!

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