Magical Mornings – 5/52- Weekly Photo Journal

Today – I share with my memoirs of a Beautiful Morning – A day filled with so many Magical Miracles 🙂

It was one of those blessed Friday Mornings – When my husband & I decided to go for a long drive – Friday being a holiday in our country of residence – Morning drives on an Empty roads is a bonus – The cool breeze – Empty Roads – Soft Music …

You know the weekend is going to be just awesome !!!

We must never underestimate the therapeutic power of driving on empty roads and listening to music – Indeed it the the BEST way to START your Weekends & all the more fabulous that day was…because this time we planned to capture the Morning Beauty of Mother Nature.Beautiful Day.jpgThese words of J. B. Priestley were my inspiration this time. I had just read them a day before & they seemed to echo in my mind…

“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a New Day, a Fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.” 

The word “MAGIC” being the most attractive link to my adventure this time – I was curious to experience the “MAGIC”

We set out pretty early that day – With hope & Enthusiasm in our hearts & a camera bag on my shoulders – we set out to seize the Morning Magic & Fabulous Freshness of Life.

As I watched the sun began that day its daily routine – its rays breaking free through the clouds – casting a golden hue, the birds chirping & the sky changing – From darkness to Light – I wondered, what a beautiful way – this is –  to start a day – Indeed it was a Magical TreatA sight to behold…Morning BlessingsMornings are WONDERFUL Blessing from GOD – And we all know that. When we open our eyes in the morning – God whispersOne more inning – I give to you – My Child, Go & play the Game of Life & this time – Walk into your day with a Winner’s mindset & then there is no one stopping you from Winning.

Indeed Every Morning is a New Beginning for the ones who are fortunate to wake up that day.

To many us – Our waking up in the morning may seem like an ordinary affair – a routine that we have got used you – But have you wondered what went wrong for the ones who passed away in their sleep, the ones who welcomed death on their hospital beds. 

And what about those who just left this world unprepared – The ones who for no fault of theirs had to leave this world because someone somewhere had decided to listen to the devil in their mind (Think about the plane crash/bomb attacks/Fire breaks in the country side) – Countless situations – When an individual just has no choice – He just can’t wake up the next day & Greet the Morning Sun & SMILE.Blessed Day.jpgSo my Dear friends – MORNINGS are our GIFTS – which only a few of us are BLESSED each day…And this calls for a Celebration each day 🙂

Mornings must be CELEBRATED with Appreciation & Gratitude as the Sky breaths into a Beautiful Sunrise to greet us – The crisp Fresh air relaxes our heart – The Beautiful Golden rays inspire us to be hopeful – and the chirping birds deliver the message of Mother Nature…Morning Gift.jpg

“Live life one more time, make a difference, touch one heart, encourage one mind and inspire one soul.”

Unquestionably there is a ton of Magic that awaits us EACH MORNING – Have a LOOK these Frozen Frames of a Beautiful Morning with some CONNECTS 🙂

God’s Greatest Blessings is waking you up. That’s how marvelous He is, that’s how He shows his LOVE.Journey WithinThere is always one thing to be thankful for every morning, to see the beauty of being alive under God’s grace. Morning Welcome.JPGBirds are messengers of Mother Nature…and to spot some Seagulls is Magical 🙂Seagulls.jpgEvery MORNING is DESTINY’S way of telling us that our PURPOSE in life is yet to be fulfilled.GratitudeThe day we start our SEARCH – is the day the Magic of Mornings unfolds…

I had a mind blowing experience that day !!! I came back feeling refreshed & recharged…Sharing with my PERSONAL CONNECTS I made that MORNING…

This bright, new day… complete with 24 hours of opportunities, choices, and attitudes… a perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes is my unique gift TODAY – A perfect reason to SMILE 🙂Morning Connect.pngTODAY is all I have – It cannot be exchanged, replaced or refunded. And so I have to be very careful – To waste it on Negativity is my lossTo use it positively is my Gain – I must handle it with care. Make the most of this GIFT of Beautiful Mornings 🙂


Every Sunrise is our GIFT – God’s Wake up call – With this new understanding – I start my EACH DAY… To all you my wonderful readers…The next time, you open your eyes to greet this world – you must start your day with a SMILE because GOD has given you a unique Gift – Another opportunity to Live your DREAMS – And as you do so – May your Hearts be filled with Gratitude & words of Appreciation…for this DAY 🙂

Good Morning God !

Thanks for the Wake-up call !Enjoy Today.jpg

Until we meet next week – I take this opportunity to THANK YOU my READERS for your Likes – Little did I realize – My 12 Month/ 52 week project has successfully completed its First Month !!!


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