Jab we met – Weekly Journal – 8/52

Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of their character, though few can decipher even fragments of their meaning. – Lydia M. Child

Today’s post is about a special meeting that CHANGED my LIFE & yes it does involve FLOWERS – Hence the title “Jab we Met” which when translated means…When we met.FlowersThere are so many flowers in the world and one can’t stop admiring them. – With so many colors & forms – sometimes it is difficult to decide our favourite among the many we find in our surroundings 🙂

Whether they’re in a vase or a bouquet – in my garden or yours – floating in the pond or brass pots – FLOWERS are always messengers of HOPE & one glance at them makes us forget all our worries & Pain.Flowers - Angels of HOPE

We SMILE & our day is made 🙂

Flowers are indeed a wonderful source of inspiration – Messengers of Mother Earth – They make sure we Live Life to the fullest each day !

We all love FLOWERS – But “ TO EACH ITS OWN ” – is what really makes us DIFFERENT in the ways we approach these FLOWERS.

To us flowers can either be a flash of colour that excites us, a shape that charms us, a smell that stimulates us & sometimes a Love Connect that the Society gives us – Recall all the Rose days & Friendship days & the most significant – The Valentine’s Day hunt for flowers that we have all seen…RoseEach one of us has a characteristic liking for these flowers. Mother Nature indeed knows her children well…And I personally believe this may be the core reason why She blessed us with so many alternatives to choose from.Whatsoever be the reason behind our liking – The matter of the fact is that each of us is connected to FLOWERSMother Nature’s prettiest Gift.Yellow BeautyIndeed, flowers are one of nature’s prettiest creations – However have you ever noticed a flower in BLOOM?

The “BLOOMING” Phase of a flower is breathtaking & definitely awe-inspiring. I say this with experience 🙂 You have to see it to believe it – Here is one from my Flower collectionsRose Bloom.JPGIt’s no secret that I love flowers & I make sure to capture their beauty through my camera lens whenever nature offers me a chance – And TODAY, I say with Gratitude – I have been fortunate to have a memorable collection.

Coming back to that “Special Meeting” that I had mentioned earlier – There was this humble periwinkle plant that had been almost dry for the last couple of days  – It was summer time & to expect a flower in this hot & dry weather was asking for a MIRACLE.

I had seen many flowers from this plant – And so I would never even bother to look at it during the summer time – The plant had given its share of HAPPINESS to me when the climate was PERFECT . And once again…after a few months – The flowers would BLOOM.

Cherished moment of HAPPINESS – My periwinkle plant gives me during Spring…I am HAPPY – No complains ever. See how my flower pot is filled with SMILES 🙂Periwinkle.jpgSummer days are always HOT & the flowers were going to take a while to come back in plenty – But that particular day was DIFFERENT – Just as I stepped into my balcony to breathe in some fresh air in the early morning … My eyes fell on this flash of colour on the green foliage – I saw this little whorl of pink petals – eagerly waiting for the SUN to rise.Lonely Bloom.jpg

It seemed like it was having a conversation with the SUN GOD…Asking patiently – “If TODAY was the DAY for it to BLOOM.”

And though I had seen many flowers – I was never lucky to see the BLOOM. Here was my MAGICAL MOMENT that surprised me that MORNING !!!First BloomThis particular BEAUTY bloomed in my little balcony garden & surely left me amazed 🙂 – Without a doubt, the moment was one that I chanced upon unintentionally – I felt it was a “Blessing in Disguise” 

That is how Mother Nature plans her lessons – Something like a Surprise test in our school days…The only difference being … I hated these surprise tests then & wished… “Why am I present TODAY” and today, I look forward to these these lessons from Mother Nature – I am 🙂 HAPPY 🙂 to be tested…and in gratitude I say “I am glad, I am present TODAY”

The BLOOM taught me some Beautiful Connects of Life – Indeed it was a “Memorable Moment” for ME that day 🙂 – “Jab we met” Memories Cherished for a Lifetime !!!Flower bloom.jpgThis flower was all alone…and it BLOOMED gracefully 🙂

This is what caught my attention. It just didn’t bother of being alone – TODAY was a SPECIAL DAY for it – it was the day selected by MOTHER NATURE for it to RISE & SHINE – The day it had been always waiting for… was HERE NOW !!!

I ran to grab my camera – The BEAUTY had to be captured – the MOMENT had to be seized…For it was not just any ordinary “BLOOM” – It was a “MAGICAL BLOOM”

Indeed, every flower blooms in its sacred TIME & PACE – Only when it is READY to face the SUNWhen the TIME is RIGHT – LIFE unfolds for this little beauty…Graceful.jpg

Where LIFE plants YOU…BLOOM with GRACE !!!

The words lingered on my mind…Those days – I was going through a challenging phase in my life – everyday, I felt lost & miserable – the days would come & go…and Life just passed by for me – I felt I was in the WRONG PLACE – and nothing could CHANGE if I continued being there…and though I wanted to move away – the possibilities seemed IMPOSSIBLE.

One look at the flower  – I saw the loneliness it had – the conditions were not appropriate – The dry soil was not the RIGHT place to be, the hot weather made it difficult for this little angel to BLOOM, and for sure, this flower too had its share of Challenges & Dares – It too had to go through a lot of dirt before it could BLOOM.Magical Bloom.jpg In spite of all the odds – The flower stood Strong – Confident & Smiling – Full of LIFE 🙂 – Teaching me Lessons of life.

That day I reconnected myself to the words that I had often heard in my life…“Mother Earth speaks to you through every flower.”

I could connect the DOTS – that I too was alone in the race of life. I too was facing trials each day. I too was waiting for my day to come – so that I could BLOOM in my space.Bloom Through Dirt.pngBeing alone in those days felt like a “FAILURE” to me  – Never ending trials seemed “UNFAIR”  – “WHY ME” the question always on my mind – Patience said “Goodbye” each day – and  I was almost on the verge of “Giving Up” … And then this BLOOM in my balcony one Beautiful Morning – decided to be my Friend & set me on my journey once again – Isn’t this a “Jab we met” MOMENT 🙂

Certainly, Life has a way of testing us with obstacles & we often complain & cry because of the unfavorable surroundings that prevent us from growing. We see them as an obstacle in our growth – we term our life to be “UNFAIR” – We blame it on our DESTINY – And then we feel nothing is worth taking the risk.

But we always have a CHOICE – We can choose to get angry & frustrated – We can choose to GIVE up – or we can LEARN to wait with PATIENCE for the RIGHT TIME to BLOOMJust BLOOM.pngToday, when I look back in time – and reflect – The incident often makes me SMILE & I silently whisper ” MOTHER NATURE – I know it was YOU – who was speaking to me that day.” through this BLOOM 🙂Bloom with BEAUTY.jpg“We all bloom when the TIME is RIGHT for we all are like these flowers. Just as Mother nature wants her FLOWERS to BLOOM when they are READY – so does LIFE  wants us to BLOOM when we are complete – Which to me now means –

When the STUDENT is READY – The MASTER appears to help him SHINE & GROW – and in the process…We too have to go through a lot of challenges before we can BLOOM & SMILE back at Life.Bloom - Right Time.jpgMy eyes now search to look out for small flowers that grow along the road sides – It amazes me to see them push themselves through cracks & bloom. In no way are they willing to “GIVE UP” – Some of them bloom even when the soil is dry for the water never reaches their soil (soul) and yet with each passing day – they try harder and harder to reach the water & one fine day they BLOOM – Like the one that BLOOMED on my balcony that day 🙂

“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature” ~ Gerard De Nerval

And when they BLOOM – They have a PURPOSE – To INSPIRE broken souls like me. The flower that bloomed that day was alone but not worried – For it too had a purpose – The purpose was to inspire ME 🙂

“The bloom may be brief but the memory of its beauty will last a lifetime”

These words by Doe Zantamata hold true for me … Every flower seem to be HAPPY – when it BLOOMS – irrespective of the TIME & SPACE – For they KNOW that they BLOOM when & where they are needed – And this is what makes them the prettiest thing on this planet.



Always be AWESOME 🙂

Indeed there was GRACE in every MOMENT that DAY… A gift that I will always cherish – For it made me who I am TODAY – In simple words – “Bloom where you’re planted” – a lesson well learnt & applied in LIFE !!!

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