In PURSUIT of my DREAMS – 11/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

A walk on the Beach is worth a Thousand Words – Today I share with you some 1000 plus words of a conversations I had with my little friends at the BEACH 🙂

I hope the number 1000 didn’t scare you – After all MEMORIES are filled with EMOTIONS & Emotions with WORDS – And WORDS are connected to our SOUL – And so if you feel connected to your Soul – Read on – Trust me – You won’t regret your decision 🙂

Let the journey of few 1000 words begin…

Dubai – The country of my residence is gifted with BEACHES – The closest beach being a mere 15 minute drive from my place is a BLESSING … and so whenever my heart desires to catch up with the Sun to hear its plans & stories for the day – I head to the BEACH.DuskBe it the Morning Welcome or the Evening Goodbye – You will find me at the BEACH with a camera in my hand & some requests in my heart. The SUN is my inspiration & every now & then it motivates me to follow my passions & Dreams.

But that day – Something DIFFERENT happened at the BEACH – This TIME my messenger was not the SUN…But someone NEW 🙂 someone who was always present on the beach but I never really bother to focus my attention on it.The Perfect DOTFor reasons unknown (till today) – I feel Mother Nature had planned this moment – An experience that is now one of my Cherished Memories.

My husband & I were on our way to meet someone and when we reached half way…the person called and asked us to delay our meeting by an hour… 😦

I was upset – for I don’t believe in “Delays” & “Change of Plans”… But my husband quickly judged my changed emotions & drove me straight to the BEACH for he knew this is ONE place that can make me SMILE. And today, when I look back in time – I am confident when I say that the DELAY worked as a “Blessing in Disguise” for ME that DAY 🙂

Allow me to take you back in time & space to relive the moments I lived that day… 

The day was BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL and as I stepped on the sand – I felt GOOD – I smiled & my frustration disappeared in the cool breeze. Farewell.JPGAs I was admiring the SUN taking a dip into the ocean that day…I somehow felt more attracted to the voice of the waves. When I reflect back to find the reason to my distractions – the only thing that comes to my mind is…may be because this time I choose to sit closer to the shore…and so I was able to hear the waves distinctively.

“Life’s a BEACH – Enjoy the WAVES

The words seem to echo in my heart at that very moment & I found myself walking towards the rocks to hear the waves – I waited patiently by the rock side to ENJOY the MOMENTS – capturing the beauty of my new friends – The little waves that wished to play with me that day.

The little white waves would come running – with a naughty smile, their prime motive unknown to ME … and as I walked closer to them, the wave would splash over my toes & kiss me & run back home 🙂

What a Beautiful Feeling it is when the waves touch you – You feel serene – You just stand still, and the wave continues its act – And now you start to WONDER – what is the little wave trying to achieve – Does it have a purpose behind its act or is it just being “Playful”Gushing Waves.JPGThe sky changed colors – It was a tap on my shoulder that made me realize that it was TIME to go back to the meeting …

My husband smiled & asked – What kept me BUSY over the last 60 minutes – Hopefully I had ENJOYED these moments – and if I was relaxed & ready to go for the meeting…Waves of Reflection.JPG An hour had passed – “REALLY” – I said to myself  – for me it was a TIME FREEZE moment…It just didn’t seem like an hour – I still wonder…If I had such a LONG CONVERSATION with my little FRIENDS 🙂

That day at the BEACH – I had the FINEST realizations & one of the BEST conversation with this aspect of MOTHER NATURE – The ever gushing & always energetic WAVES had shared a Beautiful Connect with me that day 🙂ConversationsAll my senses came alive in those 60 minutes – The VISUAL – AUDITORY – KINESTHETIC wisdom – all interlaced together into the fabric of that ONE MOMENT – which was a consequence of a DELAY.

Sometimes “Delays” are GOOD – We must take them as…A Blessed opportunity & never question the PLAN of GOD.I also learnt the IMPORTANCE of God’s ways of sending us to our TEACHERS. 

I also bought back a few Kodak Moments of my FRIENDLY WAVES 🙂Hide & Seek.JPGIndeed it was a BLISSFUL DAY…for the WAVES whispered a SECRET as I admired them patiently that DAY…playful-waves1.jpg

“We are the WAVES – We come from the Sea & we go back to the sea…But we have DREAMS & GOALS…We want to TOUCH a Human Soul & make them feel calm & composed when they come to us.

Our voice speaks to their soul & our touch is sensuous – Peacefulness of the Mind & Soul is our ultimate Goal…We rise & we fall…But we never GIVE UP – Until the Human soul feels Happy & Serene !!!Waves.JPGThat day – I realized why we say that “Waves are Inspiring” … not just because they just rise and fall, but because each time they fall, they never fail to rise again.” – A lesson well learnt in life – will always be put to use – Never will I “GIVE UP” on my DREAMS 🙂

Let us all be like the WAVES – Failing & rising each day…But never Giving up on the DREAMS that we aspire to achieve ONE DAY.Rising & Falling.JPG Like the WAVES – I will aspire to fulfill my DREAM of spreading Happiness & Joy in the lives of people GOD sends my way…

Ever since that day…Every time I stand before a BEAUTIFUL BEACH , the waves seem to whisper to me the SECRET of their existence & I relive the moments & anchor my lessons.Beach Reflections.JPGOur memories of the ocean often linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone and as we drove back that day – I realized that Life is like the OCEAN – And WAVES are the messengers – The OCEAN can be Calm or Still and Rough or Rigid, but in the end it is always Beautiful…and so is LIFE 🙂Beach.JPG

With a Gratitude in my HEART & a SMILE on my face – I told my husband…

“The ocean is everything I want to be…Beautiful, Mysterious, Wild & Free !!!

He smiled and said – You already are ONE !!!






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