The Worlds Celebrates this personality…And we Indians are proud to be a part of the Country of his birth. There is not a single country in the whole world where the name “Mahatma Gandhi “is not known. He is a symbol of Peace and Non-Violence and has stirred the world by his Life.

Today, October the 2nd also Known as Gandhi Jayanti celebrates the Birthday of a this special person Mahatma Gandhi…An epitome of Simplicity & Confidence – The two assets that are a rare combination in today’s world.

Before I share with you my recent Reflection on this Great Personality…allow me to share with you an amazing video with some quotes by Saint of Sabarmati.

Hope you enjoyed the quotes shared in this video & are now reflecting on the ones that connect with your soul…As for me “My life is my Message.” is the quote that connects the threads of my soul to the Purpose of my life…

These words have always been the guidelines on how Life should be lived…and with each passing day I enhance this connect with the Teachings that Life sends me.Beena - Life It goes beyond saying that these words inspire me to live each day with “Reflections and Connections”…for I believe that only when we keep our focus on living a meaningful LIFE. ..will we aim towards living one…and this aim will lead us to the RIGHT people & RIGHT Places.

October 2nd  as we all know is the day of celebrations & learnings for those who believe in the Ideals of Mahatma Gandhi – He was an Indian Luminary famous for leading the Indian nation to independence in a peaceful manner, based entirely on the principles of “Ahimsa” which is followed by the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions.

For these cultures – Every Living Things holds SPECIAL Place in this Universe…The followers of this cultures believes in a life that respects all forms of living things and avoidance of violence towards others.Ahimsa - Social Harmony.jpgGandhiji not only had a vision of a Free India, but he believed that Freedom can be achieved without War…Until then No country had achieved FREEDOM on these values…

His DREAM was not just an illusion of the mind…But he strongly believed in possibility. He made the “Impossible” possible by leading the Indian nation to Independence by following the path of Peace and Non-Violence…and so as we all know October 2nd is also commemorated as the “International Non-Violence Day” across the world.Non Violence Day - October 2It is an honor to celebrate “International Non-Violence Day” on the same day as “Gandhi Jayanti” for Indians….but with this privilege comes another significant responsibility for every INDIAN across the World…We Indians must strive to carry on the legacy of Non – Violence by following the path proven by Mahatma Gandhi  himself.

Gandhiji is addressed affectionately all over the world as “Bapuji”. In the words of Bapuji himself….“Non-violence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being.”Non ViolenceBut was this principal of Non Violence… something that Gandhiji always believed in…Certainly NO…To start with…Gandhiji was very SIMILAR to others… 

As with all individuals…he too had his reservations. The significance of “Non Violence” & the impact it can have in the world was revealed to Gandhiji by his Guru…Who shared with him the BEAUTY of “Non-Violence”…But also warned him that it is not an EASY path to FOLLOW !!!Non Violence - New Thought - GandhiA few weeks back – I chanced upon an Golden Opportunity – to watch a play based on Gandhiji’s Life – And how he went on to embrace the concept of Non-Violence in his life –

Beyond a doubt …The play bought with itself many New Understandings of his Great Leader.Treasured Moment.jpg Yugpurush: Mahatma Na Mahatma – A must SEE 🙂

Yugpurush: Mahatma Na Mahatma – A Gujarati play based on the relationship between Jain philosopher Shrimad Rajchandra and Mahatma Gandhi came to my country of residence. The play depicted the spiritual transformation of Mohandas Karamchand becoming a Mahatma. Here is a Snippet of the IMPACT this play is having across the World…These are the statics as I write this post.Yugpurush - Journey - Gandhi“Yugpurush” – The play introduced me to that lesser known aspect of Mahatma Gandhi’s life. And though the bits and pieces of information overlapped – At the end of 120 minutes – I was a CHANGED person.

As the play progressed…I realized the importance of having POSITIVE people in our Life…Positive people have the aura that touches the soul  in unique ways…We tend to be drawn towards them for reasons unknown to us…

Somehow their positive approach to life mesmerizes & sometimes confuses our minds …and then we are put on a path where our exchange of ideas & thoughts CHANGES the way we perceive life…

To me that was not a NEW LEARNING…But it did reinforce my FAITH in this Value of being surrounded by Good People.

Being in the RIGHT Company has a profound impact on our mind & soulPositive PeoplePOSITIVE Minds = POSITIVE Vibes = POSITIVE Life !!!

The equation holds TRUE for each one of us…An ordinary life can be made extra ordinary by living in awareness of the Goodness that surrounds us.

When Life gives us an opportunity to be in the company of the learned – We must seize it with complete respect – For what might seem like a casual acquaintance – coincidence of fate that bought us in the common space – could be the Calling of our Life we have always been waiting for…

The purpose that we are destined to accomplish could be the REASON behind the twist of fate that life bestow upon us…Meeting his Guru Shrimad Rajchandra was a mere coincidence – But when Gandhiji accepted this opportunity with complete awareness… It TRANSFORMED the Ordinary Lawyer into The Father of the Nation – The Man of the Millennium who has been & will always inspire our future generations…

A beautiful, relationship between the Guru & the Novice unfolds throughout the play. As I watched…each moment left me amazed…But the words that echo in my heart even today are…

We are all worldly people, whereas Shrimad was not of this world. We will have to take many births, whereas for Shrimad perhaps one birth is sufficient. We will perhaps be running away from liberation whereas Shrimad was advancing towards liberation at a very fast pace.” ~ Mahatma GandhiShrimad Rajchandra - Guru - Gandhi.jpgGandhiji’s devotion towards the teachings of his Guru is depicted very beautifully all the way through the end when Gandhiji leaves for his last prayers on that fateful day.

“YUGPURUSH” – More than just a presentation of the missing links of Gandhiji life…I see it as the LEARNING LESSONS – we all can EMBRACE – For any one can become a MAHATMA – If he chooses to live in awareness of the coincidences life sends his way…

My take away from this play…

  • Questions are the Stepping Stones to Success.

  • Greatness is always respected.

  • Prayers will lead us to God.

If you ever get a chance to watch this memorable performance – I insist you go with your children…Let them LEARN the BEAUTY of LIFE that touched Gandhiji & left him TRANSFORMED !!!

“Visualizing the World through his eyes and Working together towards PEACE and UNITY”… is a perfect gift for our Dear Father on his Birthday. Gandhi - AhimsaAs we remember this great noble soul today, let us take an initiative and pledge to follow his foot steps and Spread “PEACE” & not hatred in this World…

With an honest desire to continue working on the Dreams of Mahatma Gandhi, which was ….to built a “Just Society” let us join our hands and take a few moments & recite His Peace Prayer.Peace Prayer.jpgAs I take your leave today…Sharing with you a coincidence that happened on that BLESSED DAY…When we sat down on our respective seats…Should I call it LUCK or DESTINY…The seats in front of us carried a message of Life for us…

And I am confidante these messages were meant for us ONLY...coz these were the ONLY two seats that had the WORDS !!!

TODAY I can comprehend the CONNECTS…This one I dedicate to Gandhiji – The one who LIFTED us to FREEDOM !!!Message of Life.jpgAnd the one shared below – I dedicate to his GURU – Shrimad Rajchandra – Who INSPIRED the Man who bought us FREEDOM !!!Take away.jpg

Beyond a Doubt – It was a DAY filled with MOMENTS & MEMORIES to CHERISH for a LIFETIME 🙂

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