Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal

A meaningful afternoon spent with my friend inspired me to write these thoughts. This friend of mine was a new addition to my life & this was our very first meeting – and as we all know…Women often tend to connect on common grounds…and matters of the FAMILY & PERSONAL CHALLENGES always tend to intertwine in their conversations…

What I share today is based on my Reflections I had after my meeting with this new friend…And I am confident…You too will CONNECT with the ECHO of my THOUGHTS.

Two Unique individuals & Two Different journeys – And they connected together to create something BEAUTIFUL – Just like how the Puzzle Pieces when get connected bring a SMILE on our face…we too were happy to have met that day 🙂Perfect Fit.jpgIndeed a MOMENT of Magnificence it was that day…We talked about life, motherhood and many different aspects of our lifetime. Coming from totally different backgrounds did not come in the way of our understanding of each other’s Life – And as the meeting came to an end – We had enriched each other with our life journeys – Together we stood Smiling & Confident as we hugged each other with a promise to meet again…It felt like we were ENDORSING each other’s CONNECTS.

Two uniquely DIFFERENT WOMEN empowered each other that DAY !!!

As we parted – I realized how fabulously we enhanced the tapestry of our experiences. How well we connected on similar grounds…in spite of taking DIFFERENT tracks…towards our Destiny.

And it is this Beautiful realization that reminded me of the similarities between Snowflakes and people…and hence the topic of this week is SNOW & FLAKES…Mother Nature’s yet another inspiring message I received that day !!!Snow JourneysWe have all heard that no two snowflakes are alike – Each is UNIQUE in its form and it is this aspect that makes us SIMILAR to SNOWFLAKES

Without a doubt, I am a SNOWFLAKE & so are YOU – We are all Snowflakes… UNIQUE in all aspects…Be it our appearance, beliefs, opinions, decision & actions….Every facet of our LIFE is UNIQUE… 

Have a look at some of these UNIQUE SNOWFLAKES !!!
Unique Snowflakes
Our JOURNEYS too are similar to the journey these cute snowflakes undertake 🙂

All these unique yet different snowflakes are on a mission to REACH the EARTH & make it look Pristine. It is believed that the path taken by the Snowflakes is different –

Depending on the weather conditions, they drift & depart…pulled by the gravity – they change their tracks but they always make sure to keep moving on…and when they reach their destination, irrespective of where they land…they CONNECT with the other snowflakes to create a Beautiful ambience !!!

We just love the FINAL IMPACT that SNOWFLAKES create for us when they stay connected in spite of their diversities.

We always find the blanket of snow awe inspiring !!!Snow Beauty

Different snowflakes come together – The scenic ambience is just awesome.Snowflake InspirationNow coming back to our JOURNEYS…

We too …like the SNOWFLAKES are UNIQUE…and each one of us is walking towards a common GOAL. Aren’t we ??? 

The PATH may be DIFFERENT but the INTENTION in our HEARTS is the SAME – We all want to LEAVE A MARK in this WORLD before we make our way HOME – We  too are looking forward to creating an ambience that adds a TOUCH of Sparkle to this WORLD – Just like the Snowflakes – we want to MESMERIZE our SPECTATORS 🙂Snowflakes and Us

I hope this makes you feel CONNECTED with the Snowflakes.

So what was the CONNECT we two different yet unique individuals shared that day…How did we ENRICH our lives…and did we make a difference in the perspectives that we shared in our common journeys. 

YES – We REALIZED that LIFE is the BEST TEACHER 🙂Beena - Trust Life.png

That night, as I reflected upon my meeting – I realized that just like the snowflakes, No two people are alike, but when they come and blend into each other’s life – Learning and growing from the lessons and insights of their respective journeys – Together they have the capacity to create a Beautiful understanding of this life 🙂

A fabulous Memory and a fabulous lesson for life was deposited in my MEMORY BANK that night.Memory Bank.jpg

The snowflakes are DIFFERENT & yet they come together fitting themselves like the pieces of a puzzle so that the FINAL PICTURE is not only complete but also Mesmerizing.

Like the pieces of a puzzle we are spread all over the world…Our job is to connect with the RIGHT PIECES & work together in coordination so that one day our puzzle will be complete. Connect & Complete.jpgBut just like the puzzle pieces – we have a gap that must be filled – Only a UNIQUE piece will fit that gap…and so the SEARCH for that PERFECT PIECE is mandatory for each one of us – if we desire to be COMPLETE.

That afternoon – Two mothers filled in the missing gaps in their life – She being a mother of two boys and I being a mother of two girls lead us to many more realizations of life. We both had some missing connects…and today when I reflect back on that day…I feel it was the day of connecting the pieces.Moments and MemoriesAs you all know…In some parts of the World…A Girl Child is not really appreciated…Having a BOY is what COMPLETES you & your FAMILY…and so you can imagine the plight of Mothers who have no sons…I too fall into this category…

I am considered incomplete…

I have always been advised to go for a third child & try my luck this time…Besides I have also been told to not give “My GIRLS” too much freedom of expression with respect to their DREAMS …and that when they are married…it is this FREEDOM that will lead them to MISERY.

But if you are mother of boys then there are no limits…for a boy is yours forever…so do all the investments you can.

Also take it EASY when it comes to parenting GIRLS – Don’t INVEST too much in THEM – They will LEAVE you when they get MARRIED – So WHY BOTHER….

However if you have a SON…Things are DIFFERENT...Give them the RIGHT KNOWLEDGE because they have to take care of a family…

The advice sounded like a DISASTER to me…as if  the GIRLS when married seem to be in no charge of the family care & have nothing to contribute to the society…This was something I totally disagree to – illogical is the word that comes to my mind and I pay no attention to this nonsense that floats in our society…For it only ruins a girl’s future.

But that day I met a lady who felt incomplete because she had no daughters. She kept on wishing & hoping that God could have at least given her one daughter to make her feel BLESSED…She was in all awe that I had not ONE but TWO beautiful Daughters & that I was “Super Blessed” Mother & Daughters.jpgHere is one of the Facebook comments I received a few days back…The message is “SPOT ON” & I am in sync with the message…No one comes in the way of my PARENTING !Beena - ParentingMeeting someone who had so much value for a “Girl Child” was indeed remarkable -A  moment to cherish… for we rarely meet someone who doesn’t make a mother of two daughters feel a little uncomfortable in this context…

I say so because even my nurse was disappointed when she handed over me my second daughter in my lap for the FIRST TIME…whispering in my ears…I am sorry…may be next time it will be a boy…

I was too busy cuddling my daughter…and I really didn’t bother her perspective…But what made me wonder was – A woman not HAPPY when a “GIRL CHILD” is born is the darkest evil that is ruining our future...

My parenting journey has been super awesome…and I am proud to be a MOTHER of two Beautiful angels….Beena - Mom.pngComing back to my afternoon, We discussed a lot on this aspect & I shared these connects with her...

“Parenting is an opportunity one gets to TOUCH a LIFE & make it Blossom…Be it a BOY or a GIRL – Just do your BEST to make God PROUD of YOU as HIS choice of Parents for that little angel”

She smiled & tears rolled down…she asked me something that was not NEW to ME…I guess by that TIME – I had addressed this question to many….The reply always the SAME 🙂

So what was that “QUESTION” that bothered her so much…and I know the amount of courage she must have gathered to ask this question…But knowing the society that we will all live in …This question does haunt some of us….In her WORDS..

Do you feel INCOMPLETE – Do you feel something is missing…because you don’t have a son?  

To which my reply was – is – and always will be ….God knows the BEST & HE chooses a Parent-Child team for HE believes they are a PERFECT PAIR that can work out a Beautiful Relation in this WORLD. We as parents have the responsibility of BRINGING up a CHILD gifted to us by GOD…And that is what we must each do with love, care & gratitude.Mother - ChildShe smiled & then between her rolling tears she connected to her INNER SELF – The MOTHER in her was HAPPY and she said…

So I am a “PERFECT PAIR” & I feel COMPLETE today !!!

In that MOMENT – I too experienced a MIRACLE – And though I had been fighting this battle all alone…and must say … I am not afraid to “Stand Alone”  yet in that moment I felt HAPPY to KNOW that SOMEONE is out there in this WORLD…who believes in my BELIEF and I felt COMPLETE that day.Stand AloneWe all have the knack of enhancing each other…If we LEARN to appreciate that it is in our missing links where we CONNECT the BEST … Like the PUZZLE pieces – We can fit into the missing gaps & complete each other. 

So the next time you meet someone…May be they could be the puzzle pieces that fits your missing parts…and helps you CONNECT & COMPLETE your quest…

That was one miraculous day – a moment to cherish – An experience to reminisce in the good old days – A conversation to be proud off…for it took us to our childhood days…and then we peeped into the adolescent years of dreams & aspirations & then finally we found ourselves as part of a society that expects a lot from us as “WOMEN” 

and yet as we parted…We shared this MESSAGE of MOTHER – CHILD Happiness with each other…Blissful Relation.jpg

Today is 11th October – The International Day of the Girl – A fabulous coincidence to share my views on GIRL CHILD & their VALUE in our SOCIETY !!!

The day aims to highlight and address the needs and challenges GIRLS face in this WORLD….What steps will lead to their liberation are discussed & actions are taken to promote the Empowerment of GIRLS in our SOCIETY…Let us do our BEST to EMPOWER the GIRL CHILD.In Celebration of this Day – I share with you this…

Message of EmpowermentEmpower a GirlUntil we meet again…I leave you with this amazing Reflection…of how our MINDS CONNECT 🙂Beena - Mind



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