Mysteriously Magnificent – 21/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Every month, we are offered a CHANCE to do something new, something different, something that will make us HAPPY. And this HAPPINESS is linked to the MOON.

This post is about the mysterious aspects of Moon that I have recently discovered – Join me as I share with you some Magical Connects...

We all want to be HAPPY – But HAPPINESS is a CHOICE  – and sometimes it might involve a SHIFT in the way we approach our Journeys by learning New insights that will lead us to Happiness.

And a SHIFT in our PERCEPTIONS is not an EASY task – because our awareness, to a larger extent is based on our BELIEFS – and these BELIEFS are HEAD STRONG –  To bring in CHANGES in our BELIEF is a Herculean Task – One that requires a lot of effort in terms of FAITH in the NEW UNDERSTANDINGS of life through the lessons MOTHER NATURE  shares with us.BeliefsChange in our Beliefs is the REAL SAVIOR of our DISCOMFORT… This I believe is the ONLY journey that will make us JOYFUL….and sometimes it is BETTER to walk on a NEW PATH…For it might be the ONE that will lead you to your mystical world – One that is based on your BELIEF of awareness & not just gifted to you as a part of your CLAN.

To me that mystical world was a discovery by CHANCE – or rather as a CHOICE that I took up unexpectedly – All this started last year when the Supermoon Nova was being discussed all over the World.

All one could hear & see in the News was the IMPORTANCE of the Supermoon on November 14, 2016 – That day the moon was expected to be the closest since January 26, 1948. And the next time a Full Moon will come even closer to Earth would be on November 25, 2034.

The statistics directed my decision to get CLOSER to the MOON & experience the WONDER…and ever since the SUPERMOON last year – I have been drawn towards the MOON.

MOON is a Loyal Companion
Moon Night

Sharing the words of Tahereh Mafi – Without a doubt they are reflective of my thoughts…about the MOON – Who is our LOYAL COMPANION 🙂

It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.

Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.Magical Supermoon.jpgMagical SUPERMOON

The above picture is one of my attempts to capture the Beauty that rises when the Sun descends…Indeed the MOON is our loyal friend – Don’t we tend to find ourselves drawn to its presence. Full Moon nights are heavenly – Moment to be Cherished – A dreamer’s delight are such nights – A lover’s moment of Truth are these Full Moon nights.Full Moon Nights.jpgBefore I share with you my NEW INSIGHTS – Allow me to share with you some interesting fact about the moon.

Most festivities in the Indian subcontinent are celebrated based on Moon sighting. With respect to the Hindu festivals 69% of festivals are based on the Moon and 24% based on Sun position and 7% on both Moon and Sun positions.Full Moon Blessings.jpgThe sighting of the auspicious MOON on the occasions of EID & RAMADAN brings a SMILE on the faces of our Muslim Friends. The crescent shaped MOON is representative of Faith & Happiness 🙂Crescent Moon.jpg

In the Buddhists tradition –  Full Moon is a time for SPIRITUAL REFLECTION .

The Buddhist scriptures reveal  that different phases of Lord Buddha’s life and growth have all occurred during various full moons…hence FULL MOON is a sacred time in Buddhism.Buddhism - Spiritual Reflections.jpgIt is said that Lord Buddha was born on a full moon day. His renunciation, his enlightenment and the delivery of his first sermon have all happened during full moons. He also left his body on a full moon day….

Coming back to my fascinations with the Full Moon – For reasons unknown – I felt there was something that the universe was trying to tell me behind this craziness of mine – I felt a strange pull towards the FULL MOONS – and month after month I would make sure to capture the MOON in all its MAGNIFICENCE.

Indeed a mystical world awaits us – Mother Nature & the Universe are always reaching out to us – It is we who have to STOP & LISTEN to the communications that are being sent our way.Moon Craziness.jpgThe quest that started with the SUPERMOON craze was a ripple initiator in my life…leading  me to the Wonderful mysteries of the Moon.

I was introduce the fact that the Moon symbolizes the Mind & Emotions – it is believed that the FULL MOON nights are mysterious – On these nights the moon is AUTHORITATIVE & seems to have has a mysterious effect on the movement and flow of water in creation.

And since our bodies are made up of almost 70% water – The Full Moon night does INFLUENCE our bodies & in turn our Life 🙂

So it would to RIGHT to conclude that FULL MOON nights do have an effect on our body and mind to some extent and their association with insanity, crime, violence, accidents to romance, spiritual experiences and illumination & insomnia hold true.Moon - Mind.jpgMy research lead me to yet another fact associated with this White Beauty –  MOON has a Magnifying effect on our EMOTIONS & Full Moon phases cast their maximum spell on our minds & hearts.

One experiences extreme intensification of  THOUGHTS during this phase of the moon. Be it positive or negative – All kinds of THOUGHTS get expanded on this day …It all depends on what are we making an allowance for Magnification in our life during those phases.Full Moon Experience.jpgIt is our CHOICE that decides the outcome of our Full Moon days & nights. Therefore Full Moon can be both viewed as a time of crisis as well as a time of opportunity.

“you reap what you sow”  – This is the way the mysterious moon magnifies our thoughts & wishes. Very Similar to the KARMA LAW.Karma.jpgIt depends on our overall state and activity during the full moon day to cultivate its positive or negative effects.

This amplification aspect associated with Full Moon was an interesting insight – just as Spiritual practitioners use the magnifying effects of the full moon to deepen their spiritual practice and meditation and to be of greater help to humanity…I decided to test this facet associated with these magical nights !

Though this was a NEW understanding for ME – I did feel connected – Because whenever – I would look forward to the Full Moon days on my calendar – The full Moon DATE would excite me … I would always be charged up to capture the Beauty of Moon.

I would literally start tracing the MOON few  days before after the Specified Full Moon date – so that I could capture the BEST full Moon Kodak moments through my lens…and now with this new connect in my mind – The journey seemed all the more exciting…Meditative Moon.jpgI learnt that…On the exact time of the full moon, as well as two days before and 2 days after, the effects of magnification are maximum…So in all we have a window of 5 Days to amplify our Positivity.

Today as  I  share these connects with you – I say this with confidence that sometimes it’s good to leave aside your old self & become someone else for some time and discover something new… New moon are your CHANCE & CHOICE to get things RIGHT !!!

I have experienced this Magic for 3 consecutive Full Moons starting August and living the magic in September and right through October… and I am eagerly waiting for the next Full moon that falls on 4th November.

With personal experience – I feel that the Full Moon does cast an enthusiastic vibe in our aura – making it a GREAT opportunity to spend some quality time with your life partner – My husband & I  had many meaningful conversations during our adventurous photo sessions coupled with Magnifications on such nights – The connects strengthen – Indeed the amplification was awesome 🙂Moon MysteriousMy obsession lead me to a NEW understanding of this BEAUTY – The Moon is POWERFUL & it does IMPACT our lives beyond our understanding….

The Moon’s waxing and waning are our guiding lights –The Full Moon is the TIME of NEW BEGINNINGS…and so with each Lunation we get a CHANCE to make things RIGHT – Isn’t that a Wonderful GIFT – 12 CHANCES to get things RIGHT…and yet we complain that LIFE is not FAIR.

Sharing with you a verse from a poem written by William Blake “NIGHT”

The sun descending in the west,The evening star does shine; The birds are silent in their nest, And I must seek for mine. The moon like a flower In heaven’s high bower, With silent delight Sits and smiles on the night.Devoted to MOONIndeed the Moon smiles at us each night – Casting its spell on our minds & in turn on our lives. And so it goes beyond saying that the moon is an integral part of our lives… Let us  harness the POWER of its Magical Magnification !!!

The next Supermoon will be on December 3, 2017  – Hopefully this could be the start of your New insights…

Creating Ripples of Happiness in your Life… Supermoon Nova.jpgBask in the glow of the Full Moon Night 🙂

Be thankful for the Beautiful Light, Experience the Magic of the Miraculous night, and seek your Blessings from the Magnificent Moon. May your DREAMS be nestled on MOONBEAMS 

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