Lucky Mascots – 23/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The immensely popular decorative house plant associated with GOOD LUCK is the LUCKY BAMBOO for it is known to bring in positive energy and prosperity in our daily living…

But do you know what is the LUCK factor associated with it & why should we keep them in our spaces 🙂 I am in no way taking you on a Feng Shui journey of these decorative plants – For me they are Messengers of HOPE…and they help me DREAM 🙂

The Lucky BAMBOO Plant become my Messenger of HOPE…through some lessons learnt along the way..but the journey did start with the Feng Shui Connect of Yin & Yang…The positive & negative energies that constitute the UNIVERSE 🙂Bamboo - Messengers of HOPEBe it our home, office, or garden – Positive & Negative energies are always playing their part to impact us & in order to assure GOOD LUCK for the people living there – Feng Shui comes to our aid – Teaching us how to BALANCE these ENERGIES in our living spaces…so that we all can live a BLESSED LIFE !!!

Most of you must be aware that Feng Shui is an ancient science developed over 3,000 years ago in China which involves creating harmonious surroundings using a number of objects thereby enhancing the Balance of yin and yang….

Yin & Yang…Must be BALANCED…at all TIMES 🙂Confucius.jpgThe Good & The Bad always coexist !

There’s always a little GOOD in the bad and a little BAD in the good…But as long as these energies are BALANCED…It is considered LUCKY.

This is the precise reason…many of us strive to achieve this BALANCE in our DAILY LIVING….simply because when the ENERGIES are BALANCED – LIFE is Beautifully BLESSED…This is our Understanding !!!Yin-Yang.jpg BLESSINGS are what we all are seeking & therefore we tend to be drawn to these Feng Shui strategies that can easily restore BALANCE in our LIFE


Feng Shui is believed to have detailed tips for almost any area of our life that we wish to boost up with Positivity…and achieve a BALANCED environment …and so with this notion we tend to fill our spaces with objects that are known to enrich our living spaces.

The LUCKY BAMBOO is one among the many lucky charms in the Feng Shui world where the number of stalks have significant connects…Hope - Bamboo

  • TWO stalks represent LOVE
  • THREE stalks represent Fu (happiness), Lu (wealth), and Soh (long life)
  • FIVE stalks represent the areas of life that represent wealth that one is seeking in the areas of Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Intuitive journeys of life
  • SIX stalks represent Good luck and Wealth
  • SEVEN stalks represent Good Health
  • EIGHT stalks represent Growth
  • NINE stalks represent Great luck
  • TEN stalks represent Perfection
  • And TWENTY -ONE  stalks represent a Powerful Blessing

My interest in these ornamental plants started off with this FENG SHUI connects…year after year…I would get myself these BEAUTIES – in different combinations to CHECK my LUCK factor associations with these numbers…Wishing & Hoping that the energies would be BALANCED…and LIFE will be BLESSED 🙂Green BambooBeyond a doubt – Life was GOOD – And I considered these Lucky Bamboos to be my Lucky Mascots – But sometimes things would go topsy-turvy when many of my wisely planned journeys would all get messed up at the last minute and I had no idea where to go & what to do…

With time passing by…and no idea of what was coming next – yet I would continue walking ahead on my path each day with confidence but NO CLARITY of what was in store for ME … All I did was WALK & WALK & WALK…I never STOPPED…And TODAY my DREAMS have come TRUE – and now I often hear people saying that

“I am LUCKY to have fulfilled my DREAMS

Was I LUCKY – Had these bamboo shots contributed to my DREAMS…What was the REASON behind my SUCCESS – I wanted to KNOW seriously what had kept me GOING with a secret desire to ANCHOR myself to this DREAM – SUCCESS – LUCK – REALITY aspect of my LIFE.Lucky Mascots.jpgIt was this QUEST that led me to this BEAUTIFUL association with the LUCKY BAMBOO that I bring into my spaces each year NOW – No longer, am I limited to the Feng Shui connects – I bring these bamboo Shoots home with a NEW understanding…

Bamboos are my Messengers of HOPEMy LUCKY MASCOTS that help me fulfill my DREAMS.

The story that led me to this ANCHOR  – Bamboo Plants – MESSENGERS of HOPE

Did the story of the Chinese Bamboo Tree resonate with you? Did you feel the connects ? Can you see how Mother Nature teaches us through her babies. As I write, the words of William Wordsworth echo in my heart…

“Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher.”

The Chinese Bamboo tree is a GIFT to mankind from Mother Nature…teaching us lessons that will help us live with CLARITY & CONFIDENCE…I had the confidence but the clarity was missing but now I have BOTH …. and so are these “Lucky Bamboos” really associated with “LUCK”….

“YES”… Because their Story of GROWTH inspires us to keep moving forward with HOPE in our HEART for a BLESSED TOMORROWHopeHOPE in our HEART contributes to the LUCK factor associated with “LUCKY BAMBOOS”Bamboo Upshots.jpgThe reason behind my anchor of taking Bamboo Shoots as “Messengers of HOPE”

Sharing with you some of my LEARNINGS through these Beauty clicks of my LUCKY MASCOTS 🙂 …Hope you will ENJOY the CONNECTS 🙂

Growth is CERTAIN – But it may take TIME !!! Lucky BambooBoundless J 🙂 Y !!!

Our growth — like the growth of the bamboo — can be quite remarkable when we look back at what or where we used to be & where we are NOW … and this give us the much needed HOPE to walk ahead…with CONFIDENCE 🙂

To see our overall GROWTH we have to widen our range and look from the TIME we started our journey….because sometimes – when we measure our GROWTH in the MOMENT – we feel discouraged because the CHANGES are so microscopic that we fail to NOTICE them…

With no sigh of instant GROWTH in the MOMENT…we perceive such moment as our lack of progress…but always remember that until you have not “GIVEN UP” on your dream – you are GROWING – the speed really doesn’t matter unless you have STOPPED making efforts…

So KEEP GROWING…Is the MESSAGE from the BAMBOO PLANT…and you will be SURPRISED one day 🙂Bamboo - Growth.jpgSCREAMS of J 🙂 Y

Have a look at the picture below – Yet another LESSON awaits US…Every stalk of BAMBOO that we bring home has spirals & we are fascinated by them…But in our life – The twists & turns scare us – Why the DIFFERENCE…Time to THINK !!! 

Look through the spirals closely – And you will find INSPIRATION right there around the turn… Bamboo - Twists.jpgThe twists & turns are always a part of the JOURNEY – GROWTH is always around the CORNER…Just hold on to your DREAM 🙂Bamboo - Growth around the Corner.jpg

My LUCKY MASCOTS have always inspired me to DREAM – And when I say this – I SMILE – because I am a DREAMER forever….and I can sense you are CONFUSED now…But do read on further…and you too will SMILE 🙂

“DREAMS” are definitely the FIRST step towards living a meaningful “LIFE”- This is my Personal Belief…And time and again whenever I have been discouraged to BELIEVE in DREAMS…My humble reply is  “How can I do something worthy – If I don’t DREAM”

My spiritual Gift is “DREAMS”… and Bamboo Plants are my Messengers of HOPE…for they encourage me to DREAM. Do I need any more reasons to not believe that DREAMS are what keep me going…

I pride in calling myself a “DREAMER”
Beena - Dreams“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting” 

Paulo Coelho quoted these words & I take his words as my FOUNDATION of  journey through LIFE because I am interested in making my life interesting – So I continue to DREAM.Realty & Dream.jpgSharing with some PERSONAL CONNECTS & REFLECTIONS…When we set out on the path of our DREAMS – little do we realize that the journey is going to be long & sometimes frustrating and unrewarding.

We tend to believe that the path will be EASY & PAVED for us to WALK…Mind YOU…that’s isn’t happening…And sometimes, you will find that the journey has come to a standstill…giving you a feeling of EMPTINESS…We then tend to lose HOPE of our DREAMS coming TRUE…and then we GIVE UP !!!

It is in moments like these when my LUCKY LADIES brighten up my HOPES 🙂

Should I fumble upon my path – I walk up to my Bamboo Plant & this humble ornamental plant sitting silently screams out loud…Bamboo - Curls“Stay Focused & Believe in your GROWTHeven when you don’t see any instant upshots…Do you see me growing each day – Not really & yet one day you notice my leaves & smile – This is how DREAMS GROW…Slowly but Surely they will surprise you one day… So move ahead patiently & One day your DREAMS will come TRUE.”

Isn’t that ONE AWESOME message…Taking me back to my DREAM PATH 🙂

It is our ability to stay DETERMINED in our DREAMS even when we are unable to see any GROWTH on the surface that leads us to SUCCESS…On Dream PathJust like the Chinese Bamboo Tree…we are indeed GROWING each day…and moving ahead towards our DREAMS 🙂

It was my DREAM to send my daughters to STUDY ABROAD …and TODAY I am living this DREAM…With both my angels pursuing their DREAM careers … I am considered LUCKY…

Beyond a doubt…my journey was DIFFICULT – Many obstacles & voices discouraged me…but my FAITH in my DREAMS kept me going…and handed me the title of being LUCKYLucky.pngMy personal journeys of DREAMS has bought with itself so many connects – One must never let go off their DREAMS – keeping them ALIVE is crucial – and this is what really matters.Dreams - Soul ConnectWorking hard with DETERMINATION & DEDICATION is the key to SUCCESS…and when you finally achieve your DREAM come TRUE moment…ROAR out loud…

“I am LUCKY”

I share with you yet another amazing video that connects me to my journey…Indeed it REFLECTS my understanding of DREAMS & REALITY.

When your FAITH becomes stronger than your FEARS – Then your DREAMS become a REALITY…and so if you have the capacity to DREAM then you have the capability to ACHIEVE it also…

So never be afraid of the delays & confusions & chaos that you are going to encounter in the spaces between your DREAMS & REALITY.
Bamboo and Dreams.jpg
DREAMS are like a BAMBOO Plant

All Good things take time – DREAMS like the BAMBOO plant – They too require a whole lot Patience & Tenacity to GROW & MATURE – It is not the work of the weak minds & lazy souls – It has nothing to do with DESIRING – It is all about DOING!!!

One can bridge the GAP between a DREAM & REALITY by taking the required ACTION on a daily basis – even if it is one STEP at a TIME – Take that STEP – for it is this STEP that will take you closer to your DREAM.One Step.jpgOver a period of TIME – I have come to know that DREAMS do take a long TIME also because they involve a TEST – GOD wants to know how passionate we are about this DREAM…

HE watches our PASSION for that DREAM in moments of our LIFE & when HE knows that we are TRULY SINCERE – HE sends MIRACLES that make us SMILE 🙂

The next time you see these GREEN upshots in any place – Just take a moment to recall this connect…that can lead you to WONDERS !!!

HOPE makes us DREAM  🙂
New Growth
Listen to the Messenger of HOPE… 🙂

GROWTH  is around the corner… 🙂DSC_0041.jpg


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