Seize the Moment – 24/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Time has this aspect of FLYING & if we don’t seize it – It just wanes…And then regret is what we have to deal with 😦

And this is not how one must LIVE.

In the rat race of my life – I had lost many wonderful moments that I should have seized with threads of celebrations – So today I could relive them through my MEMORIES…

But what is lost…is lost…can never be bought back.

But NEW can always be CREATEDwith this OPTIMISM I started creating NEW Connects in every aspect of my journey.

Today I take you on a journey of how my Anniversary Celebrations this years got me connected to MOTHER NATURE & BLESSED me with wonderful insights.

Among the many NEW Connects that I made this year – one of the most cherished GIFT that I gave myself was a Balcony full of  FLOWERS…to wake up to each morning 🙂Full of FLOWERS.jpgRalph Waldo Emerson has quoted …“The earth laughs in flowers.”…and since LAUGHTER  is believed to be the BEST medicine to stay HEALTHY & enjoy LIFE – This was what I needed the most in my life 🙂

I bought different varieties of FLOWERS to brighten up my MORNINGS 🙂Gardening.pngSome of you must be wondering – What is so UNIQUE about this post & why FLOWERS were my choice as a “Special Connect”

This year as we were celebrating our 23rd Anniversary on the 23rd of October and we were looking forward to giving ourselves a Memorable Connect…and since FLOWERS are recognized as messengers of LOVEwe knew they would be our PERFECT GIFT to this scared bond of LOVE.

A Blessed DAY calls for a Blessed CELEBRATION connect23 wedding AnniversaryWedded to LOVE – Our Anniversary BLOOMS 🙂

We were excited to give this milestone moment of our LIFE a Special Connect and “Seize the Moment” with FLOWERS also because…

Mother Nature speaks to us through FLOWERS 🙂

Sharing with you a video – that captivates me every time I hear it – Do take a moment & you will know why I take it as my ADVICE from Mother Nature…through her Beauties 🙂 

I know you SMILED as you heard the FLOWER speak…YES these pretty FLOWERS speak to us…I have experienced this MIRACLE – And so FLOWERS were the FIRST CHOICE of my BLESSED MOMENTS 🙂

Let me show you some of my little angels – They inspire me with their colors & the aura they create in my living spaces adds value to my everyday Happiness 🙂

Life’s Little Pleasures 🙂Anniversary Gifts.jpgLIVING ART 🙂

This year being special – we decided to get some new varieties of Flowers – The intention was to get ourselves 23 GIFTS of Mother Nature’s cutest creation 🙂 RoseRoses were our FIRST CHOICE – And pink was our preferred choice because…  Pink roses are FABULOUSLY VERSATILE…a classic symbol of GRACE and ELEGANCE are these PINK Beauties !!!

Considered as a token of admiration and appreciation. Beauty RoseA Perfect reminder that we all have to accept the thorns if we WISH to have roses in our garden 🙂

To have them in my balcony was my way of expressing Gratitude to LIFE for all the Blessings that come my way…and BE THANKFUL in every phase of LIFE 🙂

As I moved ahead…I spotted these cute flowers that you see below – They took me back in time -this is exactly how I would draw FLOWERS in my drawing classes – These cuties seemed to jump out of my Memories of CHILDHOOD  – and to bring them home would be a BEAUTIFUL REMINDER of my fabulous days…Nature Beauty - GazaniaI was told that these are Gazanias – also known as the Happy flowers and can brighten any dull patch. With so many colors to choose from – it was a difficult task – But I managed to get some orange, white , yellow and some even had stripes which were revealed only when they opened themselves up in the sun.

I was excited to get them HOME 🙂Wonder Gifts - Gazania.jpgWONDER STRUCK 🙂

We also bought some Petunias as they are my husband’s favorite – He just loves the way  these flowers brighten up the corners of our balcony…and they GROW in abundance…when given the RIGHT amount of WATER & placed in the PERFECT SPOT 🙂FlowersPetunia come in a variety of colors…So we prefer a Colorful array of these BEAUTIES. Their abundance is reflective of the JOYS one can EXPERIENCE when the RIGHT amount of LOVE dwells in the HEART of COUPLES 🙂 

As always I prefer to add value to my surrounding…this year I ventured into the World of symbolism associated with the petunia flower.  It is believed that Petunias symbolize your desire to spend time with someone because you find their company soothing and peaceful.Peaceful Petunia.jpgI think this is the learning we must all imbibe in our life – and now that my Petunias are there as my constant reminder…

I am confident that my life will be PEACEFUL 🙂 

Our next choice was the Marigold – the Flower that symbolizes auspiciousness. I had read so much about this Saffron Beauty – and when I spotted them at the nursery – I was super excited.MariGoldThe flowers are an important part of every Hindu festivals and the flower is offered to God as a symbol of surrender because of its saffron/orange color which signifies renunciation.

The Flower symbolizes a Trust in the Divine” and a “Will to overcome Obstacles”Saffron Beauty.jpgSaffron Beauty 🙂

This is the reason why the flower is used on  Vijayadashami – The auspicious Day of victory of good over evil….

Lord Rama triumph over Ravana .Happy Moments“Mother” (Mirra Richards) of The Aurobindo Society said that the marigold signified “Plasticity”

“When you come to the Divine, you must abandon all mental conceptions; but, instead of doing that, you throw your conceptions upon the Divine and want the Divine to obey them. The only true attitude for a Yogi is to be plastic and ready to obey the Divine command whatever it may be…

I was in all awe when life introduced me to this symbolic connect associated with the Marigold flower which is so prominent in all occasion of celebration – Be it a Marriage ceremony, a festival, house warming special or a simple offering at the daily prayer ritual at home – these flowers adds so much optimism to the celebration. Nature Miracles

Flowers are those little colorful beacons of the sun from which we get sunshine when dark, somber skies blanket our thoughts. – Dodinsky

These THOUGHTS echo in my mind every morning when I step into my balcony – These are the flowers that make me SMILE day after day…and it has become my daily ritual to capture their BEAUTY through the lens & share it with the World 🙂

PURE ELEGANCE are these FLOWERS 🙂Morning Blessings.jpg“Adore LIFE with HAPPY MOMENTS…for in the END…this is all that MATTERS”

The Periwinkle – a humble flower is always welcomed in our HOME …so it is a MUST to bring these BEAUTIES in my space each year 🙂Periwinkle.jpgPeriwinkle also known as Vinca by its scientific name, features a star-shaped light blue or lavender flower. Some varieties are white or slightly pink. It’s commonly used as a bedding plant because it spreads quickly across the ground to form a low growing green layer that doesn’t need mowing or pruning.Periwinkle - Pretty Pink.jpgThe reason we make it a point to bring it each year is because of its symbolic connect. This easy to miss flower evokes feelings of Everlasting loveand

LOVE is what makes every Marriage Blossom.

Having this in our balcony was utmost priority…and though we were advised that this is not their season – we had enough reason to get them. The periwinkle flower also symbolizes SUCCESS  – Reaching your Full potential and achieving your Dreams is what these Flowers whisper into my soul – They are a MUST in my BALCONY 🙂

Last but not the least – were these PINK BEAUTIES – I am not aware of their name – But their bright pink color caught my attention – 

I fell in LOVE with them 🙂Pink Beauties.jpgLove is the answer, and you know that for sure; Love is a flower, you’ve got to let it grow ~ John Lennon

These pretty FLOWERS are my CHERISHED GIFTS of my 23rd Anniversary Celebrations…A Moment that made me SMILE that DAY…and handed me Memories that will always make me SMILE as the YEARS go by…Little Happiness.jpgAnniversary Celebrations are always a cherished moment for any couple – But for some of us the big day comes and goes, and we don’t quite do anything at all because we are either hard press for time or money & sometimes situation & circumstance don’t quite offer us an opportunity to SEIZE the DAY as per our desires & dreams.

Times passes by…Year after Year…Moments slip by…Memories treasure EMPTY 😦

And with so many of these HAPPY moments disappearing in a flick of a second in our life … we feel lost & unhappy – life seems meaningless and when a Special Milestone is celebrated – We are less happy & more shocked…


Anniversaries are our BLESSINGS…Make sure they COUNT. Never must we let them pass by in EMPTINESS of mundane tasks of LIFE…There is always something that we all can do to make our special days memorable & celebratory and that too with small wonders of Mother Nature.

Time to PAUSE & REFLECT…And Give yourself some NEW CONNECTS 🙂Anniversary Promises“Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly. It is the one thing we are interested in here.”- Leo TolstoyAnniversary Celebrations

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