Timeless Treasures – 26/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“You will, if you’re wise and know the art of travel, let yourself go on the stream of the unknown and accept whatever comes in the spirit in which the gods may offer it.” ― Freya Stark

I borrow these words to describe our adventures of a journey when our loss was our gain – Come join me in my ADVENTURES of the UNKNOWN – They made me realize that sometimes losing isn’t a loss !!!

One afternoon – after having a dull & demanding day – I requested my husband to take me for a drive…To which he enthusiastically agreed & drove me to one of my favorite places…And though we had visited this place earlier…due to the diversions on the road we missed a turn…and LOST OUR WAY 😦

After about 20 minutes of driving – my husband realized that the place that he wanted to take me had been left far behind…and so he immediately took a U – turn & we drove back – expecting to reach the RIGHT PLACE this time… But alas the universe had DIFFERENT plans for us…and once again we found ourselves misplaced…and then something crossed in front of our car…and we were speechless.

These were the gazelles running & playing in their natural habitat.

My husband stopped the car and we enjoyed the moment for as little as a few seconds…obviously the gazelles won’t pose for us…Besides, when the mind is confused, one really finds it difficult to concentrate – so a Kodak moment was totally out of question.

But we were HAPPY to spot these Gazelles & when they disappeared into their green pastures. We continued our drive…and found ourselves on a beautiful spot…Indeed the lost wanders had found their abode 🙂

Nature photography is my way to Relaxation & so the camera in my car was obvious – I quickly pulled it out to capture the untouched BEAUTY through my lens after all…

“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.”

Have a look at this frozen Moment  – Gifts from Mother Naturewhen her child desires some relaxation 🙂

For reason unknown…Today I feel losing ourselves on this journey was a part of Mother Nature’s plan !!! A Blessing in disguise for ME 🙂Pristine BeautyThe place that my husband had in mind was the Al Qudra Lake in Dubai – A place of pure SERENITY & BLISS – The perfect place to RELAX & UNWIND 🙂

We didn’t quite reach the SPOT we were aiming at but we reached an area of Al Qudra lake that was still under construction – so the crowd was less…but Mother Nature’s Blessing were plenty… 🙂

Sharing with you some amazing moments from the day…My share of Blessings I received that day – in spite of losing track of the journey intended.

No doubt we were lost & yet we found some wonderful TREASURES of LIFE. I discovered “A Whole New World” that “Blessed Day” – My personal request to you is to listen to this song as you  enjoy these Frozen moments – Timeless Treasures 🙂

Nature photography – I believe – is a wonderful way to share the BEAUTY AND WONDERS of MOTHER NATURE with your friends & family – These photographs recharge your spirits & also of those who don’t have the opportunity to see these lovely wonderful GIFTS of MOTHER NATURE first-hand.Al Qudra lakes

WOW...is the first word that came to my mind when I saw this scene 🙂

Lovely man made small lakes everywhere – A great oasis in the middle of the desert. I would describe it as the Perfect Getaway” in the weekend.

The Dubai Government has taken this exceptional initiative to create a beautiful place for the migratory birds flying into this country to escape the cold weather of their home country and the residents get an opportunity to spend some quality time with nature.What better way…


This is the precise reason why my husband too prefers to  take me there…when the need to recharge my souls craves in my heart…and when I bring back Mother Nature’s beauty through my Kodak clicks – My DAY IS MADE 🙂Beauty Nature.JPGI like taking photos, so I hung out the car window with my camera. We drove round all the lakes, slowly, enjoying the Blissful Bounty of Mother Nature & looking for wildlife..Birds

Those who dwell among the BEAUTIES and MYSTERIES of the earth are never alone or weary of life. Rachel Carson
Against the Sun

We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our understandings and our hearts. William Hazlitt

Gait“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David ThoreauFamily“Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay close to Nature…It will never FAIL you.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

We were LOST – Entirely, wholly, completely lost that day. This wasn’t what we had in mind when we set out on this journey . Yet, right in the middle of nowhere – we found ourselves some UNIQUE TREASURES and some ADVENTURE & this made me HAPPY 🙂

We continued driving – The Sunset was amazing – and as we moved ahead – I spotted this little bird – Enjoying itself – taking flight as & when its heart desires.The Hero…and then it disappeared somewhere in the sky…we thought that was the end of our acquaintance with it…however Mother Nature had more in store for ME 🙂 – we spotted her again – this time soaking up the sun.

Indeed “Nature” has a “GIFT” for each one of us…

If we care to look close enough. 

Picture PerfectI was in no way to lose her this time – Slowly I tip toed to capture her in my frame – and see what a BEAUTY it was 🙂 – “PICTURE PERFECT “

And trust me this was not the ultimate – I was BLESSED that day – as I took a few steps to get closer to this BEAUTY – The sun did the PERFECT job of casting a shadow on it – and Voila – What a BRILLIANT FRAME 🙂  Pure JoyThat day Sunil & I found a whole new perspective associated with CALCULATED JOURNEYSMISSED OPPORTUNITIES & UNKNOWN DETOURS on the road.

I have always had this fear of losing myself in the unknown – a missed turn on the road always worried me – freaking me out – But that day after this fabulous encounter with Mother Nature (after having missed a turn) – lead me to new realizations 🙂 It helped me make some wonderful memories & also some new recognitions in life 🙂

Some Beautiful Paths can’t be discovered without getting lostErol Ozan

As I reflected upon this thought – The sky changed its colors – The PERFECT DOT –  The ORANGE hue loaded with warmth & happiness – Mother Nature’s gesture that the day has come to an END & it was TIME to go back HOME 🙂The PERFECT Dot

It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not Dream – Bern Williams


With renewed DREAMS I came back home – Refreshed 🙂

Learnt something NEW that day….

The antidote to exhaustion isn’t rest. It’s Nature ! Shikoba

 Journeys don’t  become adventures until you lose something only to find something…which can never be lost again …for it is now a part of  your memory locked away in your heart

So if you want ADVENTURES in LIFE – Be ready to lose a little in the process .

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