SNOW much FUN – 29/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

This is my FIRST New Year’s stories for you in my series of Wondrous Wednesdays – Apologies for being absent for THREE weeks – But when LIFE gives you an opportunity to be in the lap of Mother Nature – Learning some New Lessons – The delays don’t matter – coz the LEARNINGS are just AMAZING 🙂

This winter I had the opportunity of visiting USA for a SECOND Time – So glad I got to indulge in my inner child and LIVE a MOMENT that makes me feel WONDROUS 🙂

I will always cherish the winter vacation of 2017 because it brought the coldest winter I had ever experienced in my life – Having experienced -24 was something I will never forget.Coolest DayGrowing up in Dubai and then to experience this temperature is quite a dare…and though I have been to Australia in the winters & USA last year during the same time period …Never had the weather been so chilly… This year was DIFFERENT 🙂

One of the days – The weather prediction stated a snow storm -The prediction of a Snow storm did frighten me – but I also felt hopeful that I could finally tick one item off my bucket list – which was “Building a Snowman”

When it SNOWS – SNOWMAN is on our MIND 

Can you DISAGREE with this REALITY.

Allow me to take you back in time & share with you the reasons for my addition of “Snowman Building” experience to  my BUCKET LIST.

Most of you can relate to the happenings of life that unfold as we grow up. Very often we get so caught up in trying to accomplish something BIG, that we fail to notice the little things that give life a meaningful existence…This movie came as a Blessing in disguise – To lead me on to a NEW Path – A NEW Realization…serving as a reminder that apparently it is the little things in life that make us happy.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the BIG things.”

Robert Brault’s words echoed as I watched this inspiring movie…and it was then that I decided that “Making a SNOWMAN” should be on my Bucket list.

I hope you ENJOYED the MOVIE 🙂

For me, this movie was an eye-opener – The rat race of life does get very tedious – and as the years go by – we just doesn’t seem to WONDER at the MARVELS Mother Nature bestows upon us each season.

What a waste it is – To not seek the BLESSINGS that are given to us by our Mother Nature to NURTURE our SOULS 

The message delivered was crisp and clear…

“Don’t get so caught up making a living that you forget to make a life.”

This was almost 2 years back & ever since that day…I have been making every possible attempt to live my LIFE to the fullest in the small HAPPY MOMENTS that LIFE sends my way…

So this is how I was INSPIRED to make a SNOWMAN – With this vision – I looked forward each holiday for that MAGICAL MOMENT when my SNOWMAN would SMILE with ME 🙂

The enthusiasm to make one would always be on my mind & this year I finally got to make ONE – It was Christmas Eve & the weather forecast predicted it will be SNOWING all night …So keeping my fingers crossed – I looked outside the window every few hours – Hopefully wishing my DREAM of making a SNOWMAN would come TRUE this year… and it did….SNOW & SMILES & SNOWMAN all on my list…FINGERS CROSSED…I waited EAGERLY…


While I waited…I did some research on how to make a SNOWMAN – The HERO of TODAY’s post…and the “Making of this white robust Man” seemed pretty easy – at least in words.

The SNOWMAN must be ROUND with a CARROT NOSE & TWIGS…Pretty Simple…But what caught my attention was the significance of each item that must be used used to make this HERO !!!Snowman - Winter FriendThe SNOWMAN has so many SECRETS concealed within itself…and as I read these symbolic connects associated with the SNOWMAN  – I said to myself – God’s TIMING is always PERFECT – I guess this was what I had to LEARN before I get to Build my SNOWMAN.

Everything happens in the right moment and in perfect time for your Soul to evolve.


7 SECRETS – The SNOWMAN reveals to us are…

1) The white snow represent God’s forgiveness of our sins.
2) The circular snowballs show the everlasting life God promises us.
3) The carrot nose shows us that God has given us the Earth and all living things.
4) The black coal mouth reminds us to give God praise.
5) The scarf keeps us warm, just as God’s love does.
6) The top hat reminds us to honor God above all things.
7) The twig arms are open to hold us the way God does when we need Him.

All in all…the SNOWMAN is made to be that way for a REASON

Learning about these REASONS was awesome & now I was all the more excited & equally motivated to make this MOMENT come TRUE as early as possible.

Christmas was gone…and yet I was HOPEFUL…Each day – I would wait for the SNOW to be just ENOUGH so that I could rush out & make a SNOWMAN….

One of the days – The weather prediction was Snowfall over 4 inches – and my daughter suggested that it could be the PERFECT DAY to build a SNOWMAN 🙂

Once again I got excited – The moment I had been waiting for was around the corner…Snow had fallen steadily all night long and in the morning I woke to a blanket of Snow – Shimmering & Shinning.

The Day was finally here…30th December 2017 – This day happened to be just one day before my vacation was ending…Honestly speaking – I take this as a BLESSING – Not only did I experienced a White Christmas – I also got to make my SNOWMAN in 2017.


Chills & Thrills – I experienced galore…In the NOW

The cold outside was just not in my favor – But making a Snowman was on my mind – How could I let this opportunity slip by – No second choices I was willing to give myself – So I bundled myself – Boots and all – with a few needed nitty-gritties – my husband & I took the DARE 🙂

Silence filled the air – The whole world seemed to be held in a DREAM-like STILLNESS – Not a soul was seen moving around – Why would someone want to be out in the cold – with weather being UNFRIENDLY – it was BEST to stay indoors…But we had some MAGICAL PLANS 🙂

You know how kids get really excited when they see snow for the first time? Well that was me when I was building my very FIRST SNOWMAN 🙂

I was really bad at building a snowman, I mean, I couldn’t even get the snow into a ball – How was I going to make it look like a SNOWMAN – Round & Robust…But then my Partner in crime came to my rescue…
Snowman - Getting made.jpg
My husband skillfully help me gather the snow…Starting with a little ball of snow to make the fat body of the snowman seemed like the most difficult task ever done – Having to stop every few minutes because you can’t feel your fingers and running inside to warm them is a fond memory that we will cherish forever. My husband did a fairly GOOD job of making both the head and the body and then I proceeded to accessorize it –

After all making a SNOWMAN is a JOINT EFFORT.

After we had successfully made the body and head of the snowman – Now it was time to accessorize the snowman – I recalled the necessities – Two eyes – a nose – buttons – the BEST SMILE.Snowman.jpgThe baby carrots were PERFECT was the NOSE…But what about the eyes & buttons. I needed something Black – I had heard that COAL was used to make the eyes & Buttons were a MUST.

But how I was to find coal in this place & since my daughters were out for their work –  and I didn’t want to disturb them…Buttons just didn’t seemed to be my choice – Besides I was excited to share with them my CREATION as a SURPRISE !!! 

I recall reading on Wikipedia – M&M‘s are “colorful button-shaped chocolates”

So I used the BEST option available – M&M – My daughter’s favorite candy…after all making a Snowman is all about being CREATIVE 🙂M&M.jpegSo buttons it was – My CHOICE – Just Flawlessly IMPECCABLE was my SNOWMAN with these Magical Buttons 🙂Snowman - Buttons.jpgNext we began the search for the twigs that would be its hands…Finding them was a little difficult – The snow had fabulously covered the entire place with its love…But then where there is a will there is a way…Two twigs for the arms & one extra for the head 🙂Snowman - EssentialsThe snowman appeared  incomplete – Without a SMILE – How can a SNOWMAN create its Magical Charm on the passersby…So I got hold of a little green fern – Voila – The Snowman has a SMILE – Or should I say – a pipe 🙂Snowman Smiles.jpgIn the snow – My husband found something that made me SMILE – We put it on its forehead – The PERFECT letter “J” made our SNOWMAN a SPECIAL ONE –  He is a JOLLY GOOD FELLOW 🙂 

Our Snowman had a POWERFUL Message for US ! 🙂 !Jolly The Snowman.jpgAlways be a JOLLY, HAPPY SOUL  ! 🙂 !Fun time with Jolly.jpgRejoicing – CONFIDENT APPROACH !!!

From putting a baby carrot for his nose, M&Ms for his eyes & buttons, a green spring to make sure it always keeps SMILING and the letter “J” that shouts out a JOLLY MESSAGE  giving our wonderful creation a name is an experience I wish everyone could have once in their lifetime !!!

Made in the cold by the warmth of our hearts…This was our FIRST SNOWMAN 🙂Snowman - Jolly.jpgSCREAMS of JOY 🙂

At first, I thought – since this was my FIRST experience – I will be really bad at building a snowman, I mean, I couldn’t even get the snow into a ball – How was I going to make it look like a SNOWMAN…After all the basic prerequisite of making a SNOWMAN is his ROUND BODY…But when I shared the FINAL picture with my girls – They were pretty surprised & happy… That day in the snow – making our FIRST Snowman – is now a uniquely memorable moment in our family life.

My husband & I did a pretty good job ! 🙂 !Family Fun.jpgAt 45 years of age, I FINALLY made a SNOWMANBucket List.jpgTime to TICK that GOAL off my bucket list !

Leaving you with a THOUGHT to ponder upon…Winters being usually cold and dry are not really looked forward to…But do you think MOTHER NATURE would really give us something that was not required…

Every season brings with itself New Adventures & Experiences…Let us NEVER be too LAZY to make time for what we WISH to DO…Sometimes SECOND CHANCES are only available after the WORLD goes ROUND.

A snowman is love and laughter all rolled up into one !!!
HappinessSnowmen aren’t forever, but their Memories are…

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