I am WORTHY – 33/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

To be surrounded by plants – To wake up to the GREEN aura – To witness the opening of a bud – To be overwhelmed when a New leaf sprouts…are some of the GIFTS that we receive when we choose GARDENING as our HOBBY 🙂

Beyond a doubt…I can say that GARDENING is AWESOME – But one must remember that it is not EASY…Plants require ATTENTION & LOVE – Just like Human Relations – They must be cared for…Watered & Washed  periodically…If we WISH to CELEBRATE the PLANTS that GROW in our GARDEN.Growing Beauty.jpgJenny Uglow has so rightly expressed the FAVORS Mother Nature bestows upon us …when we chose to CONNECT with Mother Nature in our spaces of LIFE…In her words…

“We might think we are nurturing out garden, but of course it’s our garden that is really nurturing us.”
Bright & Beautiful

It is always a pleasure to see our plants glow & shine when the sun rays shine on them brightly – I can forever spent time in their company – Moments of Bliss – Those are – For they always take my breathe away…and my phone shouts out a silent message “Storage Full”Mother Nature GIFT.jpg

Gardening is our passion 🙂

My husband & I both are fond of GARDENING…There are MOMENTS of JOY everyday…and MEMORIES galore we get to store in the JOURNAL of our LIFE…But with all these HAPPY DAYS…there are some MOMENTS….when I have to do what my husband detests the most…a practice that is Constructive for my PLANTS … but involves Destruction.

With a heavy heart…I pick up a pair of scissors and go ahead with the most DIFFICULT job of snipping my plants – Yes – you guessed it RIGHT – Pruning is my ROUTINE Destructive process…that makes my PLANTS thrive with BEAUTY 🙂Pruning.jpgThe dictionary defines…Pruning as “to trim by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to encourage growth.”… so you see…it is PRUNING that helps the PLANT grow.

There are several reasons – as to why – Cutting away dead branches & leaves is IMPORTANT – Undoubtedly the plant looks presentable… But most important…Pruning encourages a more balanced and healthy growth… 🙂Pruning Time.jpgRegular year-round pruning of plants involves the removal of dead leaves and branches…The dead & unnecessary must be discarded so that the Fresh & essential is retained…in this manner the light gets in where it couldn’t before….Air circulates better…New growth takes place and the PLANT now breathes with renewed HOPE & ENTHUSIASM.

Also – On a personal front – I feel – Pruning like Decluttering brings in positive energy – the negative auras no longer clutter our spaces…It is actually a relaxing activity…One that refreshes the Soul.

So if we are looking at a GARDEN – with a STRONG FOUNDATION – Brimming with JOY – with all the FRESHNESS of LIFE & POSITIVE GROWTH …

Pruning is the ANSWER.Pruning Beauty of Life.jpgPruning for Growth – Is the message for the DAY 🙂 

Pruning to encourage healthy & balanced growth is a GREAT IDEA which must be done around late winter for many house plants…and this is exactly what I am doing at present…

Pruning away to get started on with the NEW…Pruning - BlessingPruning may involve “Cutting away” – But at the end of it…we get a plant that is all set to BLOOM & BLOSSOM once again 
BloomingSo in simple words – Pruning stimulates more growth

And so if GROWTH is what you are SEEKING…and if you consider your plants to be worthy…then Pruning is what you must opt for 🙂

Mother Nature once again comes to our aid – Sharing with us the Message of LIFE 🙂

Everything that is WORTH celebrating involves some Pruning…and this is exactly why God takes the decision of pruning our life…coz we are WORTHY…and it is in HIS pruning that we GROW & BLOSSOM 🙂 God Blessing.jpgYES – Pruning is PAINFUL…and beyond a doubt SCARY – But it is also NECESSARY for us to THRIVE – FLOURISH – & BLOOM 🙂

This lesson of Life is PERFECTLY TIMED for ME 🙂

God knows the LESSONS that will make our LIFE productive…HE also knows when to DELIVER the message…and it is HIS guidance that sets the trail for us…It is HE who does the Pruning for us…

When the branch will be cut & which branch must be taken away…is for HIM to decide…So let us be assured that our GARDENER is the BEST…and only HE knows what is ESSENTIAL for our GROWTH.Me - New Life.jpgWhen GOD starts pruning things in our life, it does hurt. We get upset & angry – we fail to understand the reason at the MOMENT – Pain grips us – we break apart…we cry and sometimes we FIGHT with GOD.

I am saying all this with personal experience – It is always PAINFUL when pruning is being done…but when we witness new signs of growth in our life…only then we realize how IMPORTANT this pruning was…

Pruning is all about create some BREATHING SPACE !!!

I am glad that GOD considered me WORTHY enough to be pruned…HE not only did the much needed  work in pruning my life – so that I could GROW towards a BLISSFUL Tomorrow…HE also make sure…HE was always there for ME – Taking me in HIS arms when I needed HIM the most….

Pruning is GOD’s way of putting us on the Track of Productivity 🙂Fruitful.jpgAs I take your leave TODAY – sharing with you my THOUGHTS 🙂

Pruning is not an easy phase in the journey of LIFE – especially when it involves…letting go off the DREAMS that you THOUGHT were vital for your existence…But when I was pruned…and I got to SEE through clearly…I found myself encircled in Manipulative Motives…that led me to believing that these were the DREAMS I must WORK upon…

But TODAY…I can see that these DREAMS were forced upon ME – They were the CHAINS that were leading me to stagnation…

I was not even living a life…let alone thriving…My life was DULL & filled with doubts & pain…Fear & uncertainties…All I was doing was DRAGGING & DISRESPECTING my precious GIFT – LIFE

There was absolutely no sign of growth – and the flow of joy had STOPPED – there was a 100 % chance of stagnation…If things were not sorted out … 😦

And then GOD came to my rescue…HE took me in HIS arms and led me to a SPACE where I could breathe 🙂 – He cleared my DEAD branches – cut off the unnecessary connects that were draining me…

 I was all ALONE – A point in TIME – But I was HAPPY 

Pruning created a BREATHING SPACE for ME –  A space that gave me the liberty to REFLECT on the DECISIONS I had made…I felt light & happy…the loss didn’t bother me…The act of pruning was performed with the intention of LOVE from GOD HIMSELF – How can I not feel HAPPY 🙂

Everything has CHANGED in my LIFE ever since then and yet I am more ME than I’ve ever been..Keep Smiling.png

So go ahead – I insist – with no inhibitions – Let GOD help you to create SPACES in your LIFE by pruning areas of your LIFE that add no value to your SOUL – And as you do so – the SPACES will widen – The pathway will be CLEAR – Your vision more FOCUSED – and you will then be in alignment with your PURPOSE !!!

If you consider yourself to be WORTHY & WISH to open your life to more growth and want to live a LIFE worth CELEBRATING…then pruning is what you must adopt in your life…coz…

Sometimes what comes across as a LOSS is actually a GAIN ! 🙂 !I am worthy

All plants need attention and care if they are to flourish and beautify our yards…and pruning is an essential step…Much similar is the case with LIFE…

In the world of gardening, Pruning is caring…

In God’s World , Pruning is caring…

This understanding is received when the SOUL is READY to ACCEPT the crucial LESSON 🙂

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