Forget-Me-Not – 34/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Spring is around the corner…and each one of us is excited to welcome MOTHER NATURE’s Blissfulness…The Forget-Me-Not flowers are the FIRST hint we receive from Mother Nature – Declaring the arrival of Spring…

Forget Me Not is a FLOWER that bloom in early spring. it is a biennial plant which may grow anywhere from 6″ to 2 feet in height and about 12″ in width, and which has delightful small blue flowers with yellow centers.

According to a German legend it is believed that God gave a name to each plant. When he thought he was finished he heard a little voice say, “What about me?” 

God then picked up the little plant he had forgotten and said, “Because I forgot once, I shall never forget you again…and then God replied, “That shall be your name.”Blue Beauties.jpgWhat a UNIQUE occurrence – To some it is a legend – to others a BEAUTY of circumstances…But ever wondered – Why the very FLOWER that blooms in Early Spring was BLESSED with this Name … and though legends have their share of stories – I guess…there is more to what lies beneath the Fabulous incident of naming the Blue Beauty…

I personally take these FLOWERS as Messengers of  Mother Nature – Who are conveying the message of “Forget-Me-Not” for the most BEAUTIFUL SEASON that most of us detest…and by now most of you would have guessed the answer…

WINTER it is…

the season which is not so welcomed in some parts of the world 

Of the FOUR SEASONS of the year, WINTER is the COLDEST and so is never really appreciated…coz it brings with itself silent days & locked doors… 😦Winter - Silent.jpgBesides, Winter brings with itself a whole lot of extra work – Pain – overload of clothes – chills that cause us to worry – and morning that don’t seem to be inviting… 😦Winter Days.jpg

But do you think MOTHER NATURE would really give something that was not beneficial to her children…

There is magic in the crisp and cold air of the winter months as well….And even though it may not be as beautiful as spring, it is still a marvelous experience 🙂 Thomas Moore, the Irish poet and songwriter has so rightly put it in his words….

“Every season hath its pleasures.”

On this note – Today I take you on a journey of WONDERS & MARVELOUS MOMENTS… I experienced during my WINTER BREAK in December…

As I write – I reflect upon the BLESSING I have received from MOTHER NATURE…Just like Summer, Spring & autumn – Winter too is a BEAUTIFUL if only we care to know it in our hearts…No doubt the weather is not agreeable & we are forced to limit our adventures…but then that is the BEAUTY of LIFE – Whatever comes EASY is NEVER appreciated…so LIFE gives us CHALLENGES so that we LEARN to appreciate the GIFTS.

Time to get connected to Mother Nature in glorious ways…

WINTER – Season of SNOW

Can you deny the BLESSED MOMENTS – when you witness the Snow laden country side…A Miraculous Creation of Mother Nature – Exclusive to the WINTER MONTHS 🙂FootprintsOne look out of the WINDOW refreshes our soul – One feels like spending the whole day watching Mother Nature put on a Blanket of white – The ambience is just magnificent – awe – Inspiring 🙂

Blessings galore we receive each winter Morning – Pure & Pristine we feel…When we open our eyes to greet the NEW DAY 🙂Frozen Winters.jpeg

WINTER – Season of MAGIC

Winter brings out the inner-child in me…The prediction of “Flurries” brightens my face…and I just can’t resist the urge to step out when Snowflakes make their appearance…Winter Memories.jpgThat FIRST touch of the falling Snowflake is just DIVINE – You have to EXPERIENCE the MOMENT to FEEL this MAGICAL TOUCH 🙂

Without a doubt – Snow has always been a fascination for me… Feeling the snow is just awesome – the soft fluffy crystal-clear SNOW demands to be played with… and so here I go…Winter - Snow Play.jpgSnow has a calming effect on our souls – Mother Nature Blessing – we receive each year – Snowball  fights are a favorite playtime  – Be it children or adult – just about everyone seems to have a blast in the SNOW 🙂Snow Much Fun.jpg


During Winters – We may sometimes feel STUCK indoors…With the weather not at its BEST – we feel that we are wasting our precious time – But if you care to FOCUS – Winter Time is the much needed break Mother Nature blesses us – So we LEARN the art of Reflection !!!

Being indoors is a BLESSING in DISGUISE – Observe the STILLNESS – And LISTEN to what Mother Nature shouts out LOUD in the SILENCE of its MARVELS.Winter Decors.jpgBe still in the MOMENT & Marvel at Nature – witness the Glory of Mother nature as she silently wraps her little bundles of joy with her LOVE 🙂Nature - Lullaby.jpgThe Trees are HAPPY as SNOW hugs them…It is something like a “Go to SLEEP” my children kind of an ambience 🙂

As I share these thoughts – I recall the words of Lewis Carroll…

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, “Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.” 


Falling in love with winter & making some memories that will warm my heart in the future are the only THOUGHTS that linger on my mind during the awesome days of Winter 🙂

I have always had the pleasure to ENJOYING the BLISSFUL MOMENTS that MOTHER NATURE secretly adds to my treasure trove of MEMORIES…Have a look at the KODAK MOMENT – I received one WINTER morning 🙂Squirrel - WinterA little squirrel came searching by for the acorn it had safely kept & now the SNOW necessitates it to play hide & seek while I enjoy the FUN SEARCH & freeze the moments through my lens…

One must always…Focus on making Memories that will make you smile as the days go by…Don’t let the CHILLS frighten you & down your spirits – Head out – even if it is for a few moments to experience the Wonders of Mother Nature – I say this with experience.


Winter is all about awareness & Gratitude – Sitting indoors feels pleasant – we explore the marvels of Mother Nature & we collect memories of the “PLAY MOMENTS” & “GAMES” that are played over the course of the winter as the trees & landscapes get covered and uncovered with snow as the SUN plays “Hide & Seek”

Sunny mornings compels us to step out – To ENJOY the WARMTH…But as we step out into the open…the cold breeze makes its presence – In an instant – We know WINTER it is… 🙂In the NOWThe cool winter breeze lightens up our our soul – Feeling Blissfully Blessed  – We breathe in the freshness of life – Slowly & deeply – we inhale the goodness of the MOMENT 🙂 and let go the worries of the circle of LIFE !!!

The MOMENT seems to be FROZEN to just let us experience the Awesomeness of LIFE when we LIVE in the NOW – In the presence of the MOMENT we receive the GIFTS of Awareness & Gratitude 🙂

As we feel the WIND on our FACE & the CHILL in our Bones – We experience the miracles of gratitude & the magnificent presence of GOD himself…and then everything seems PERFECTLY in Sync with GOD’s Will 🙂


The five petals of the little forget-me-not flower encouraged me to share with you FIVE  FORGET – ME – NOT connects associated with the WINTER WONDERLAND…Five ConnectsLet us be thoughtful never to forget the GOODNESS associated with the BEAUTIFUL SEASON of WINTER that Mother Nature bestows upon us each year.

…for I have always believed that the UNIVERSE is a BALANCED reserve – and we are BLESSED with what is NEEDED…so let us Make the best out of it while it lasts …

The WORDS echo in my HEART

and I ENJOY the MOMENT while they last…

Then – Today – Forever …

So this is WINTER

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