The Missing Key – 37/52- Weekly Photo Journal

“I am not happy – Am I missing something…

Does this sound like the VOICE that speaks to YOU…in moments of SILENCE? Do you feel CONNECTED to these thoughts…Wondering if you are on the threshold of a BREAKDOWN… Do you often find your inner consciousness whispering… 

 “I think I have misplaced my key to Happiness !!! “

Time to…


Do we really know – What HAPPINESS is ? 

While we WAIT for the HAPPY MOMENTS – To get what we WANT – Little do we REALIZE…that HAPPINESS is slipping away from our LIFE ….while we are “WAITING”

From the psychological perspective – Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

So now ask yourself what is the meaning of “Happiness” for you…Feel free to come up with your own definitions – It doesn’t matter if you can’t explain it to ME – But knowing what denotes “Happiness” for YOU is the KEY that will lead YOU to “HAPPINESS”

“What makes YOU happy and what makes ME happy are two DIFFERENT things…and to keep searching for your HAPPINESS in my WORLD is your MISTAKE” ~ Beena Gurdasani

For many of us…it is very difficult to come up with an answer…Happiness is rather hard to  put it into WORDS – But you know exactly how it feels when you are “HAPPY” – You know that feeling that makes you SMILE…and CONTENT with your deeds… You feel energetic & Full of LIFE…Something inside YOU tells that LIFE is WORTH LIVING 🙂HappyAwareness of the HAPPY MOMENTS in our Life is the most IMPORTANT Connect to HAPPINESS…Because to miss out on something only means that … we are either clueless in our quest and/ or we are careless in our observations.

What makes you “COME ALIVE” is “HAPPINESS”

My learnings on “HAPPINESS” comes from Mother Nature’s Colorful Arc  – The RAINBOW…and here are some connects…

Be it a child or an adult – Rainbows are always a Wonder to Spot 🙂 Seeing a RAINBOW is like receiving a BONUS when rainy days fill our HEART with HAPPINESS 🙂

As I write I recall my Australia trip…It was a RAINY DAY and we were on a Road trip…and with the opportunity to sit beside a Window…One is bound to witness the Wonders of Mother Nature as the Journey continues…

Being a RAINY DAY – means there is a high probability of seeing a RAINBOW – This is how we associate a RAINBOW…and we all look forward to seeing the colorful arc in the sky. I am no different. The DESIRE to SPOT a RAINBOW kept me FOCUSED.

With HOPE in my HEART – I looked outside the window and there it was…The COLORFUL BAND of MAGICAL COLORS – My day was made 🙂Double Rainbow Delite.JPGI thoroughly enjoyed the MOMENTS – It was my LUCKY DAY…for after a few moments – I was fortunate to see  a “Double Rainbow”

This was my very FIRST experience...when I got to see a “DOUBLE RAINBOW” and from the moving bus with my camera – I could just capture this basic shot – I guess I was too excited…and by the time I realized…that this moment must be captured in my lens…the Rainbow seemed to fade away…Double Rainbow Australia.JPGI know at a FIRST LOOK – You really don’t get to SEE the second band…But LOOK closer to the Top Left…and there it is…My DOUBLE BONUS for the DAY 🙂

The Rain & Rainbow like Friends were busy playing hide & seek that day…And I was LUCKY to Experience their Magical Play…THANKS to my POSITIONING 🙂

Rainbows are seen when the Sun is behind us and Falling Rain is in front of us – POSITIONING MATTERS at all times !!!

A Rainbow is not a physical thing by itself. When we see a rainbow we are looking at sunlight that has been reflected and refracted by raindrops. A RAINBOW will only appear when the SUN, RAIN & WE – The THREE important essentials of a RAINBOW are in the RIGHT SPOT.

Have a look at this picture – This time the RAINBOW is seen on the WATER and not in the Sky. The place is Niagara Falls – USA. It is not a RAINY DAY – But the mist arising from the water fall – a Sunny Day – and my perfect placement – is what makes a RAINBOW appear – My Bonus for the Day 🙂

I am once again in the PERFECT POSITION to ENJOY & SEE a RAINBOW :). My point is that a RAINBOW is all about Positioning… Rainbow Wonders.JPGAs children, we all have learnt that Rainbows are seen only on special days – and this science lesson has been delivered to us at a very young age – But we have failed to take it seriously.

The DESIRE to see a RAINBOW whenever the rain clouds fill the sky… compels us to get on a quest to be the FIRST ONE to spot this colorful arc…but we forget the Scientific calculations…we fail to understand that  until the THREE essentials SUN, RAIN & WE position themselves correctly… We aren’t seeing a RAINBOW.Happy Curve.JPGThis is the MISTAKE which often lead us to unhappiness 😦 

No doubt the DESIRE is GOOD – Who doesn’t want to experience the Multi colored arc of HAPPINESS across the SKY… But there is something that we must all REMEMBER…

In our quest to ENJOY the RAINBOW…We are missing out on the FUN & HAPPINESS that RAINS bring with them. On some rainy day we may not be well positioned to see a RAINBOW…But we can always ENJOY while we WAIT for the RAINBOW to appear….This is how we must approach each DESIRE of our LIFE…

The Rain comes & goes during the MONSOON season & the Sun has its own mood swings…but spotting a RAINBOW has its own calculations.

LOVE the Rain while you WAIT for the RainbowRainy day

With personal experience – I share with you my learnings  – We are all so busy chasing our TARGETS – eagerly waiting for the outcome of our projects that we often fail to enjoy the process – the journey that will lead us to our desired target 🙂

We are never thankful for the small snippets of HAPPINESS that Life sends our way in this Journey…Simply because we are waiting for the Big Bonus that will bring a smile on our face… 

This TIME with COMPLETE AWARENESS I embrace the Essentials of Happiness from Mother Nature 🙂


A RAINBOW – is your BONUS for the DAY


And Enjoying the RAIN is your JOY in the JOURNEY

Never ever miss out on this JOY 


Beena - Happy Soul

So here is our “MISSING KEY” 

HAPPINESS is our RESPONSIBILITY – A conscious choice that each one of us  must take when we set ourselves on our trails of DESIRE 🙂Beena - Happiness

“The journey is more important than the destination” 

These words that we all so calmly advise are rarely practiced in our daily living…Only a few among the many who preach this “GOLDEN RULE” of Life are fortunate to experience the MIRACLES that come when we are FOCUSED … not only on our DESTINATIONS but also on our JOURNEYS

…and if I may say it is the little joys of life that greet us along the twists & turns of our journey that actually end up being the most cherished Moments of our Life.

One must always reminisce these words of Mildred Barthel…when talking about “HAPPINESS”… I take his words as my Happiness Anchor – Words that have POWERED me with HAPPINESS & JOY in my JOURNEYS…for it was in these words…where I found the key to HAPPINESS 🙂

Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response. Happiness Key.jpg

Hopefully – The CONNECTS bought a SMILE on your FACE – At first it may sound a bit DIFFICULT to comprehend the lessons…But what Mother Nature is hinting is…that we must always be in awe of her BLESSINGS…

Be it a RAIN – SUN – RAINBOWS – They are our Blissful Gifts… Accept & appreciate every aspect of Mother Nature with LOVE.

On similar lines – Is our Life – We must love every aspect of our JOURNEY – and always remember that in Life – Every JOURNEY that we undertake is as IMPORTANT as the DESTINATION we aspire to REACH…

Reaching the DESTINATION is not in our hands…Just as spotting a RAINBOW is beyond our scope …But what is within our REACH is to ENJOY the JOURNEY…just like the RAIN 🙂

Let us enjoy while it rains & if we are LUCKY to be in the RIGHT PLACE

The RAINBOW could be our BONUS for the day !!!

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