March – May – EVERYDAY – 39/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

This is a very SPECIAL POST – A NEW MILESTONE achieved – with this post that I share TODAY…I am HAPPY to announce that I have Successfully completed ¾ of my Journey on this MISSION of Weekly Photo Journal


And when I THINK of the COINCIDENCE – I can’t help but LOOK UP & SMILE – I know it was GOD who bought me to this fortunate twist of fate … Today in UAE – It is Mother’s Day – and I dedicate this post to the UNIVERSAL MOTHER…MOTHER NATUREMother DayMOTHER NATURE loves us and in her own UNIQUE ways expresses this BEAUTIFUL GESTURE of LOVE for her children – Leaves & flowers – Butterflies & Berries – Each of this is a GIFT from Mother Nature…Indeed we are BLESSED 🙂

Flowers excite us & Foods nourish us – Birds inspire us & Bees give us the Golden Syrup – The Food of the God – HONEY – that keeps us healthy. Trees provide us with shade & rivers & lakes with Water, the GIFT that supports our very existence….

Beautiful Landscapes – Mesmerizing Sceneries – Exciting Nature tracks are the best retreats – Energizing us – Refreshing our mind – Setting us back on Track

Beyond a doubt…Mother Nature has the ability to LIFT OUR SPIRITS and ADD TO OUR WELL-BEING. Every MOMENT spend with NATURE is WORTH the EFFORTS taken to get CONNECTED to HER…For now we are HEALTHY & HAPPY in our JOURNEYS of a BLESSED Tomorrow 🙂

Nature just seems to be always overflowing with LOVE.

Each one of us has been enchanted by the beauty of nature at some point of time – But are we making an effort to preserve her MAGNIFICENCE…Is the QUESTION that is hitting hard on my head… 

The never ending trail of MARVELS that Mother Nature bestows upon us – Each Day – Each Moment are in DANGER – and sometimes I wonder…will the Future Generation ever be able to ENJOY them…just as we do?

My greatest fear is that in the near future – Children will only KNOW the BEAUTY of MOTHER NATURE through the numerous photographs – articles – Documentaries – and Media that exist today.

Bedtime stories will revolve around Mother Nature…but our children will never be able to EXPERIENCE the BLESSINGS you & I have enjoyed as children. 

The REAL challenge why MOTHER NATURE is in DANGER is because HER children have gone off track… caught up in the DIGITAL WORLD…they are so busy updating their Status & Profile pictures…that they often fail to notice the skyline changing from dawn to dusk.

Twitter Birdie has become their all time passion…who cares if the little bird is singing on your window sill…all in all…Our children have LOST the CONNECT that is needed to SAVE Mother Nature.

Technology is a BLESSING…But slowly & gradually it is becoming a CURSE…In its GRIP our children are losing out the WONDERS of MOTHER NATURE…and sadly our CHILDREN are not even aware of this TWIST…

Some disconnects & a few reconnects is what is the NEED of the TIME – and it is we who must take the STEP of CONNECTING our younger generation to NATURE…

These words that I share here…Read them carefully…For in them lies our ANSWER to Saving Mother Nature

“It’s hard to imagine how the next generation is going to save the environment if they haven’t actually spent time in it.” ~ Author unknown

BLESSINGS of Mother Nature can be only ENJOY & APPRECIATED when one is AWARE of HER WONDERS… Awareness & Appreciation are the missing LINKS…and SPENDING TIME is the only way to fill in the MISSING GAPS…So if you are really…
EnjoyWhen we take the efforts to SPEND TIME with Nature – and ENCOURAGE our children to do the same…We get to KNOW Mother Nature BETTER… WE feel CONNECTED and BLISSFUL in the WONDERS that surprise us when we SPEND TIME in the OPEN – We start LOVING the NATURE :)Caring & protecting our LOVE then comes naturally to us…because Human nature always protects what it LOVES.


I strongly recommend that we must time & again step out of the concrete jungles & venture out in the lap of Mother Nature & soak in all the LOVE that she is bursting with – Plan a trip with that someone special to capture all the LOVE that dwells in our nature.

And, once we find LOVE – we will love it more – adore it more, care for it more and appreciate the crucial role Mother Nature plays in our very being.Nature MomentsSPEND TIME“– LOUD & CLEAR is the SOLUTION

“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” Jawaharlal Nehru

Remember these words by Jawaharlal Nehru when introducing “NATURE CONNECTS” to your children. Find something that fits easily into your lifestyle…and is in sync with the child’s personality…Never FORCE it on the child…Let them be excited & Look forward to NATURE CONNECTS.

Sharing with you – My ideas on how to get your children get connected to MOTHER NATURE. These are my personal experiences…

Dare to be DIFFERENT

A few year back…I encouraged my daughter to start her NEW YEAR on a DIFFERENT Note…Instead of the late night party celebrations…we planned to wake up in the wee hours and head to the Sunrise Spot to WELCOME the SUN.Tania - Morning Sunrise.jpgWe had an experience of a Lifetime – Something that made my daughter feel GOOD and Special…and when she shared her experience with others…Many of her friends went on to do it with their families…She felt like a “Trendsetter”


Meeting with Friends is an all-time favourite activity with children…and instead of staying indoors – It is better to suggest that they plan something outdoor. This is a WIN-WIN situation…Parents are HAPPY that children are connecting with Nature & Children are HAPPY they are connecting with friends…Isn’t this THE PERFECT PLANBeach Therapy.jpgAdmiring the Blue waters on the beach – Playing with the sand – Building Castles…admiring the sunset is a fabulous the opportunity to be ONE with Mother Nature & experience HER awesomeness.


Going for Morning walks is the BEST away to START our day…Mother Nature’s BEST GIFT to keep us Fit & Healthy 🙂 We feel refreshed & energized.

I am blessed to be staying close to a park that has a fabulous walking track facility…and I must say it is the perfect place to start your Day…Trees to fill your lungs with freshness…chirping birds to calm your mind…Colorful flowers to make you smile…And not to forget the playfully cats & kittens that are busy cuddling each other.Nature Walk“Picturesque Moments” if your child is a passionate photographer  – and “Playful Kitten” if he/she is an animal lover – are the strings that encourages our children to wake up early morning & be blessed with Health & Happiness galore. This is your cue to get them CONNECTED to Nature 🙂

I hope I have to a certain extent led you to the SOLUTION…You can have your own ways of Connecting with Mother Nature…Nature trails – Long Drive to explore the hills – Bird parks & Wildlife Sanctuaries – Options Plenty we have…what we need is just the WILL 🙂

Loving Mother Nature – is the only way to SAVE HER…and to LOVE HER is to SPEND TIME with HER…Mother Nature never disappoints us…All the care that she receives comes back to us disguised as Happiness & Health – The two essentials of a Life well Lived 🙂

“Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.”

These are the WORDS that every PARENT must make it the mantra of their Life…when it comes to Parenting…We parents have to understand that children may not LISTEN to us…but they are always watching us…So rather than just PREACHING…Let us get into the PRACTICE of being CONNECTED to NATURE 🙂 Family Time.jpgWhen we SPEND TIME with Mother Nature – We are setting an example for our CHILDREN to follow in our STEPS.Be a Role Model.jpg


Mother’s Day is a celebration that needs no introduction – and each one of us looks forward to this DAY with great excitement…

And though this SPECIAL DAY is celebrated on different dates…depending on the country…some places it is MARCH while others it is MAY…but the essence of the day remains the SAME…LOVE your MOTHER…for it is the DAY to show our appreciation towards mothers and mother figures worldwide…

This year let us take a moment and reflect upon our actions with respect to our Universal Mother … Do we really LOVE & APPRECIATE Mother Nature is the question we ought to ASK…

And if we do…then we must be in awe with her Magnificence & Blessings…SPEND TIME with her…Be in LOVE with her…and TAKE CARE of our MOTHER NATURE

From this day forward…Let us take a few conscious steps to appreciate our UNIVERSAL MOTHER…Get Connected to her…Set some good examples – Be a Role model…Not just in MARCH or MAY but EVERYDAY !!!

On this note…Here’s wishing MOTHER NATURE

A very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAYLove Mother Nature.jpgWe LOVE you MOTHER NATURE

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