Man on a Mission – 40/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

On the occasion of this year’s World Water Day (22 March) – Which is TODAY – Here is a SPECIAL Post celebrating 25 years of this initiative.

YES – This year World Water Day turns 25 !

The NEWS is Good as well as BAD…Good because we are stilling hopeful that THINGS can CHANGE and BAD because it has been 25 long years and yet the BATTLE continues…No one seems to be taking this initiative on a serious note…

I think most of us have forgotten the motive behind the observance of this day – And when is one not aware of the MISSION – One fails to have the VISION and the DRIVE to do whatever it takes to WIN the battle…

Water is the only resources that helps sustain LIFE on EARTH. We all KNOW that. Scientists have been searching for this LIFE SAVING resource in the Universe…and have yet to find a planet that can support life in similar ways…Water - LifeMan on the other hand  is royally wasting this PRECIOUS GIFT of LIFE on this planet in his own greed…He fails to see through his choices…But Consequences must be faced…for that is the only way this equation of CHOICES & CONSEQUENCES works. 

With the future kept in mind…way back in 1992…in the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development an international observance for water was recommended with a VISION that Water usage could be reduced…and LIFE on this PLANET can be extended.

The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating March 22, 1993 as the First World Water Day.

World Water Day has been held annually since then…25 long years – The Men with the MISSION are sill fighting the BATTLE with HOPE & FAITH – Spreading awareness on the IMPORTANCE of preserving FRESH WATER …Because we all know that FRESH WATER is our LIFE.

But are you aware that though EARTH being as a WATER PLANET…only three percent of Earth’s water is FRESH WATER…and to top it all…most of it is found as ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, icebergs, bogs, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground as groundwater in aquifers and underground streams.

So practically speaking we have a very small percentage of accessible fresh water….Here I am reminded of this WORDS which are TRUE in every aspect !!! 

A river is more than an amenity, it is a treasure. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.Test of LIFE

Indeed – The fact of the matter is that … Every source of FRESH WATER is our TREASURE…and Each one of us has to be a part of this MISSION…

To SAVE WATER is to SAVE the FUTUREWater - saves LifeWATER is the base of our existence…Be it the lakes & ponds – Waterfalls & Streams – Oceans & Rivers – We all LOVE this LIQUID GOLD – Mother Nature’s Precious Gift.

In my own little ways – I bring to you some WATER CONNECTS that might act as a catalyst…speeding up this awareness process…Some Reality checks are needed so that each of us can take up this RESPONSIBILITY with complete Clarity of the Circumstances .

I firmly believe that some missions are accomplished when AWARENESS is INSPIRED… ACTIONS then become a NECESSITY 🙂

So let’s get started…Read these CONNECTS…for then you will know how IMPORTANT it is to SAVE WATER…In fact…Always remember…

Every DROP matter !!!DROP - Matters.jpg

“Water is the driving force of all nature.” — Leonardo da Vinci

Beyond a doubt – WATER is our NEED … and it is WE who have to make sure we can hand over to our FUTURE GENERATIONS this Precious GIFT…coz if we FAIL to do so…Let us be ready for another WORLD WAR…that might be fought…just for WATER !!!

As I write, these words of W.H. Auden echo in my mind…and I feel sad that Human Race – in its greed or should I say…careless…has bought itself to this misery 😦

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” Water Precious.jpg

How beautiful the water is! To me ’tis wondrous fair– No spot can ever lonely be If water sparkle there; It hath a thousand tongues of mirth, Of grandeur, or delight, And every heart is gladder made When water greets the sight.

Elizabeth Oakes Smith – I borrow your words to express my THOUGHTS. The presence of water is all it takes to make a patch of land BEAUTIFUL. Our souls are stirred in presence of a water body… We come Alive – We feel Wonderful 🙂

Can you ever imagine this WORLD without WATER – Water is HAPPINESS…Water is BEAUTY…and beyond a doubt…Water is MAGICAL !!!Ocean Beauty

The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul ~ Wyland

Scientist believe that Life on earth probably began in the depths of the ocean…which once again supports the REALITY that Water is the most precious resource. To survive & thrive – MAN needs WATERLet’s hear a few WORDS from the OCEAN

Water is LIFE – We all know that…Water can lead us to our destruction – is something we all have forgotten. This video is an eye opener – One that should set you THINKING !!!

The rising water level of the oceans is a threat to our survival…Water is POWERFUL to wipe up islands and cities…One must never underestimate the havoc WATER can cause…if we FAIL to ACT on TIME.

Have a look at this picture from my Great Ocean Road experiences…The Great Ocean Road is an Australian National Heritage spanning 243 kilometers along the stunning coastline of Victoria’s south-west.KISS - BeachOn this spectacular Great Ocean Road Tour we experienced a breathtaking coastline with pristine beaches, rain forests and charming seaside towns and the World famous 12 Apostles.Shoreline.JPGBut what caught my attention was the receding Shoreline…The rising Ocean level have led to the shoreline moving inland by hundreds of metres, drowning stretch after stretch the former coastline in the process…Which only means…more DAMAGE in the near future & sadly we won’t have this BEAUTIFUL BEACH for our future generations to ENJOY.

This loss is the result of our CHOICES…Global warming – Thermal Expansions are the reasons behind this loss. Oceans are expanding & Glaciers are melting…Both are warning signs we FAIL to NOTICE.

WATER is indeed very COMPLEX when it comes to the characteristic associated with it…Have a look at this picture & you will get to witness for yourself the…

TRUE NATURE of WATER !!!Water is POWER“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong. ” ~ Lao-Tzu Water - Pathway“The weak always overcomes the strong” 

A Powerful message for us to Comprehend…

One must never underestimate the STRENGTH of someone who appears to be SOFT…I think HUMAN race has forgotten this feature of  water…It may be SILENT…But it does send us messages…that we FAIL to LISTEN !!!

The 12 apostles are a PERFECT example to justify how WATER can CHANGE our FUTURE. The Twelve Apostles is a collection of limestone stacks by the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia…World famous tourist attraction…When I visited the place in 2007 – I got to see only eight Apostles left, the ninth having collapsed dramatically in July 2005.12 ApostlesImagine the LOSS…Just two years down the lane – and we lost a part of the World Famous attraction…and with the rapid rate of erosion, it is forecast that this number will reduce even further.Erosion - Land.jpg

Today as I share these CONNECTS…I hope each one of us is well sorted…and is CONFIDENT of the MISSION to SAVE WATER !!! 

Have a LOOK at this video…and THINK Deeply…

THINK TWICE – are the word we must FOCUS upon…For the consequences that we will FACE one day are going to be lethal…The damage will be beyond repair… and once again…LIFE will vanish from this PLANET…

And MOTHER NATURE will be disappointed…for her children FAILED in the Test of Life !!!



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