Meaningful Insights – 41/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Never base your LIFE decisions on advice from people who don’t have to deal with the results – simply because their advice is based on their perception of life

The advice set me THINKING – and it did sound PERFECT – Without a doubt – WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN REALITIES – and this is what makes our CHOICES differ & our OUTCOMES diverse…

The Rose is by far the BEST way to contemplate on the importance of perception…and how it affects our Living. This week I share with you some significant perceptions of LIFE that Mother Nature reveals to us through the ROSE – These lessons have always been right before our eyes & yet we fail to notice their significance. Rose Bud.jpgThis famous quote by Abraham Lincoln truly justifies how our perceptions affect our thought process…

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses”

Time for yet another LESSON from MOTHER Nature…I invite you to take a journey of “Meaningful Insights” with me…Have you ever visited a Rose garden – I request you to close your eyes & visualize a rose garden.Rose GardenThe ambience is BEAUTIFUL – Mesmerizing & definitely aromatic. The aromatic beauties are swaying in the air – Their fragrance fills the space – and you get drawn to their charismatic pull…You step forward and start walking – completely soaking in the Divine Goodness that surrounds you & then something pricks …

Oh what PAIN amidst this PLEASUREThorns.jpgThe THOUGHTS echo in your mind….

But you don’t COMPLAIN… neither do you GIVE UP…You continue your walk through the garden… admiring the beauty…but this time being more cautious of the thorns that might come in the way of your PLEASURE.

And as you leave…You are filled with gratitude to Mother Nature for the Beautiful Roses that made your day. Feeling BLESSED you make your way back home… 🙂

May I ask you a few questions…Do REFLECT upon the your answers…for that is where our meaningful insights shall be revealed 🙂

  • Did you STOP admiring the ROSE ?
  • Not really…
  • Did you COMPLAIN for the PAIN that was caused along the journey ?
  • Not for a long time…
  • Did you continue the walk ?
  • Yes & that too with complete consciousness of the mind this time..
  • Did you express Gratitude for the pleasures you encountered during the journey?
  • A positive YES…

Our Love for the roses is always there & in spite of the thorns – we never fail to express our gratitude to Mother Nature for this magnificence…because we are well aware of the REALITY….

ROSES & THORNS co-exist !!!ChoiceROSES & LIFE – Share a resemblance…

Just like the ROSE – Which is a Beautiful yet encircled by thorns…So is Life – Beautiful yet Hurting. But sadly most of us are taking the wrong CHOICES when it comes to LIFE.

We are missing out on the PLEASURES of LIFE because we are only worried about the PAIN.

LIFE is the most PRECIOUS GIFT from GOD…But PAIN scares us and once we are hurt…we fall apart. We choose to avoid venturing out into lanes that are filled with PAIN. Taking a BACK SEAT becomes our characteristic…a preferred CHOICE…and anyone who challenges us to walk on similar trails…is loaded with EXCUSES from our end.


We refuse to walk ahead giving excuse to the ones who compel us walk ahead… simply because we are not interested in getting hurt time & again…But this approach can be lethal in the long run.

Giving excuses becomes our habit overtime…Little do we reflect upon our CHOICES…and as time takes on its pace…ONE FINE DAY…we realize we have LOST the opportunities – The Happiness – The pleasures that could have being our TREASURE.

One must always remember. Taking a back seat only means REGRETS in the future.

If we only keeping DREAMING and are not willing to walk on the path of our DREAMS….only because it is dotted with STRUGGLES…Can our DREAMS become our REALITY – Give this THOUGHT a THOUGHT !!!

This quote by Ben Hogan is one of my favourite…It reminds us of the fact that we have ONLY ONE LIFE TO LIVE – Can we afford to MISS this WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY.
Rose SecretIndeed Life is a one time GIFT…If we continue to FOCUS on the PAIN…and are always COMPLAINING & giving excuses … then we are definitely going to miss out on the ROSES that are lined up for us along the path.

So how do we approach our journeys when we are hurt…after all no one likes to be in PAIN. The answer is crystal clear – Just ask your yourself…

Do you HATE the Beautifully aromatic ROSES because of the thorns –Do you reject them…Do you STOP buying them…

Absolutely NO – In fact ROSES are our FIRST CHOICE when the desire to express our LOVE kindles in our heart ❤

Just as this LOVE for ROSES continues so must our LOVE for LIFE continue…We must never end up on missing out the BEAUTY of life just because of a few challenges that hurt us on the way.

LIFE is like a ROSE…Let us make it COUNT 🙂Beautiful LifeComing back to the LOVE CONNECT associated with Roses that will ultimately lead us to the LIFE CONNECT

I recall reading that the ROSE speaks of LOVE silently, in a language known only to the HEART…and so it is quite obvious that…Roses are one of the most Beautiful and sought after flowers when it comes to LOVE…Roses are often used as a gesture of Love…and a SECRET message is conveyed through this act…

A Life with LOVE will have some THORNS…But a Life without LOVE will have no ROSES

We love them and adore roses in all their grandeur…and though we detest the fact that they have thorns and sometimes we complain that it is a pity that these beauties are surrounded by thorns…and yet when the TIME comes to express our LOVE to our loved ones on their special days & on the most awaited Valentine’s Day – The dedicated to Love & Lovers…Our preferred choice has always been a ROSEBeauty with a DIFFERENCEIsn’t it STRANGE – The flower that blooms encircled in thorns is our symbol of LOVE  bringing with itself a BEAUTIFUL LESSON 🙂

I have no idea when the tradition of giving roses to our loved ones must have started – But I feel that the tradition is more than just an expression – it has a lot to do with the message concealed within this unique flower.

The Humble ROSE reminds us of the FACT that…PAIN & PLEASURE co-exist in all aspects of LIFE ❤Rose“But he who dares not grasp the thorn Should never crave the rose.” ~ Anne Bronte

Let us learn to LIVE our LIFE with the AWARENESS that echoes in the words of Anne Bronte. Let us be CAUTIOUS of the thorns that can cause us PAIN…But in no circumstances should we STOP our JOURNEY…for we now know PLEASURES galore await us ahead 🙂 

In the past, I have failed to ENJOY the pleasures of life…coz I was more focused on the PAIN…and this has lead to a lot of SORROW & REGRETS at the end…I have watched my happiness slip through the shackles of unawareness that gripped my soul. 

As a result, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to put an end to the foolishness…Life Motto.jpgWhen we live with choices based on LOVE & GRATITUDE instead of complains & Regrets…only then does LIFE BLOSSOMS !!!


Awareness & Perception is what really matters when it comes to living a Beautiful Life. Our perception compels us to think differently because we perceive the world based on our perceptions and to a larger extend on the experiences that have shaped our life…

Each situation and every event in our life is reflective of our awareness & the perceptions that get rooted in  in our subconscious mind. Beena - MindIndeed it goes beyond saying that we all have our own REALITIES…The precise reason why different people give different meanings and act differently in the same situation.

PLEASURE & PAIN – Both are defined by the logic we associate to them – And so it is we who are to face the consequences of the choices our awareness compels us to make each day.

My CHOICES are based on my PERCEPTIONS…and my PERCEPTION is reflective of my Awareness ~ Beena Gurdasani

REFLECTION of my personal JOURNEY lead me to this LIFE CONNECT… I had failed to acknowledge the goodness of life (Rose) & my entire focus was on the distress (Thorns) – Little did I realize then that PAIN & PLEASURE are two sides of the same coin called – LIFE – And I MUST accept both the aspects – If I WISH to retain the coin (LIFE).

With this NEW INSIGHT…TWO amazing GIFTS I received…that have lead me to WONDERS galore 🙂

Perception – Our missing link…

Awareness – Our only Solution !!!

Now every time a rose makes its appearance in my life…I recall the LESSONS & REFLECT upon the my Life…to make sure I am living with awareness each day…each moment !!!

Life is like a ROSE – Beautiful & Pretty Awesome & always filled with thorns…but we can still LOVE our LIFE just as we have always been loving the ROSE 🙂Beauty Rose.jpgSo here’s my CONNECT for the WEEK…

Pleasure & Pain coexist

This is the LESSON we must hold on to in our LIFE !!!







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