“LIVE IN FULL EXCITEMENT”- 43/52- Weekly Photo Journal

Inspiration comes in many forms & the spirit of all inspiration is the awareness that our Life is Beautiful and we must take SPECIAL CARE so that one day…We can be PROUD of our EXISTENCE.

Today I share with you a very SPECIAL CONNECT – A lesson that LIFE has been sending me…time & again…and yet I was not able to CONNECT the links & comprehend its meaning until TODAY 🙂

Three Different MESSENGERS so that I could LEARN the LESSONS


Three Diverse channels of INSPIRATION so that I can find my TRUE PURPOSE

And yet all of us COMPLAIN that Life is UNFAIR

We are either busy in the rat race of life or we choose to not look beyond our fake assurances…and so we miss out on the BEAUTY & GIFTS that LIFE bestows us each day…each moment…

Time to CHANGE our views related to LIFE 🙂

LIFE is FAIR & beyond a doubt BEAUTIFUL for it keeps sending us communications & connects Time and again 🙂 It wants us to…


I too have had my share of fake assurances and I did go off track…but NOW things are DIFFERENT – My inner self is sorted – The message from the UNIVERSE has now been finally decoded…Indeed the PUZZLE is COMPLETE…for now all the pieces have been accurately positioned…and the LESSON perfectly LEARNT.

Coming back to my TEACHERS of this LESSON…It goes without saying that each of us is DIFFERENT & so it is quite natural for us to be INSPIRED by DIFFERENT things. The books we read…the movies we see…the friends we made…the places we visit…are the DIFFERENT ways our souls gets focused on the path that it must take to realize its TRUE PURPOSE.

Quite similar has been my quest…The universe has been kind enough to have started the teaching very early in life…Sending me a BOOK that I must READ to get myself on the RIGHT TRACK.

This book “Jonathan Living Seagull by Richard Bach” was handed over to me by one of my acquaintances in quite an unusual situation. A casual visit to her place…a casual mention of some lines of the book…my daughter’s keen interest in reading the whole story written by the author…paved the path and the book was in my hands…

A small blue book…But a very STRONG MESSAGE…I can say TODAY.Seagull Story.jpgGiving it all…

And though when I first received it…I really didn’t care to read it nor did I give any IMPORTANCE…My daughter’s desire to read the BOOK & a mother coincidentally getting an opportunity to gift it to her daughter was all that seemed SIGNIFICANT.

A few days later…for reasons unknown – I picked the book and as I read…I was amazed… It was a short and simple story…but what caught my attention was that the book was dedicated to DREAMS & DREAMERS…ACHIEVERS & SELF-STARTERS.Woman of DreamAnd I was the only one in my family…who believed in DREAMS. So it was quite obvious that this would end up being my all-time favourite book.

See how miraculously…Life gives us what we NEED…and yet we fail to express gratitude to the WONDERS of LIFE !!!  

The simple yet magical story about Jonathan Livingston Seagull, an ordinary seagull who dares to DREAM to be DIFFERENT always bought a SMILE on my face 🙂

Jonathan believes in more than just persisting…he wants to do the things that make him COME ALIVE…In simple words…For any ordinary seagull…Life is all about just eating to survive … But Jonathan wanted to do more than JUST LIVE – He wanted to accomplish his heart’s desire – The DREAM of FLYING HIGH in the sky 🙂Jonathan Seagull.jpgDo more than just survive…He wants to THRIVE…and this was exactly the kind of LIFE I yearned to LIVE 🙂

Jonathan Livingston Seagull became my HERO – My guiding light. Every time I read the book, I found NEW MEANING that leads me to IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING of the JOURNEY that a DREAMER must undertake to fulfill the DREAM.

A Strong believer of DREAMS I am…for it is my DREAMS that have inspired and motivated me to stretch beyond the limits, which society had set for me. The picture I share here is my motivational anchor.Dream - Light up the Path.jpg I always believe that it is my DREAMS that have the remarkable capacity to LIGHT up the paths that I have decided to walk on and if at all I do fall, I have my DREAMS to guide me back. Hence I strongly believe that the FIRST and most IMPORTANT step in our Life is to DREAM…

I am a DREAMER & I am PROUD to declare it to the WORLD 🙂

I strongly believe that the monotonous circle of life can be broke only when we give ourselves the permission to DREAM BIG.  Dreams have the POWER to escort us – to see beyond our imagination. It is our DREAMS that spark the “get-up-and-go” attitude in us – that helps us succeed beyond our capacity. 

Shared below is the audio link to the story…Hope you too can find some hidden gems in this simple yet captivating tale of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the Gull determined to be more than ordinary.

I did continue learning from the book…Life did surprise me with similar obstacles & challenges galore…and a twist of fate bought me to a point of being an “OUTCAST” in my society…just like Jonathan…and just as he continued on his DREAM GOAL…so did I.

I felt connected to Jonathan … In his journey…I found a bit of myself…and in his struggles – I saw reflections of my life.

The book gave me PERMISSION to step forward into my journey of DREAMS with clarity & Confidence – For only when we have a Dream, are we going to make a conscious effort to ensure that this Dreams becomes a reality to celebrate ONE DAY 🙂

With this CONNECT…I took the leap…and set myself to achieve my DREAMS 🙂

And here I am TODAY still walking on my DREAM PATH…ALONE I am…and that is the bitter sweet REALITY because that is what the Consequence one must accept for being a DREAMER – an ACHIEVER – a MISFIT – a REBEL…

But BROKEN I am not 🙂Beena - Endurance.jpgDie with MEMORIES…Not DREAMS

The BOOK did its job…but I guess…I missed out some parts of the lesson…and so this time the universe adopted the auditory aspect of teaching.

A fabulous song “Ruk jana nahin, tuh kahin haar ke” from an old Indian movie “Imtihaan” directed by Madan Sinha was my messenger this time.

The words “Ruk Jana Nahi” loosely translated mean “Never Must you STOP”

The movie conveyed a similar message – To pursue our DREAMS …one must be willing to BE ALONE…and though the path is going to be filled with obstacles…One must never GIVE UP…

Keep Going…

The song kept echoing in my mind…and I knew…I have a message that must be decoded – A lesson that Life wants me to LEARN. I don’t know WHY…every time I heard the song...the story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull came back in flashes…

Reflection Time it was…

Did I miss anything 😦 I questioned myself…???

In pursuit of my missing links – I once again ventured into the world of Seagulls…Seagulls - Morning Date.jpgThis time with more awareness I approached the Seagulls …

for the words of Pema Chödrön echoed in my soul 🙂

“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”

Mother Nature blessed me with the opportunity to spot some Seagulls one Lovely Morning. I watched them rise high…touch the sky…and FLY HIGH. But only a few among the many were willing to take the RISK…I felt drawn to the story that had been my STRENGTH…
I found myself linked back to the “Seagull Story” – I was already walking on my DREAM Path…filled with obstacles…I continued…I was ALONE…But that’s OKAY…It’s all part of the road that I had chosen.

So what was the lesson that was yet to be delivered…I asked myself once again…In a flash – I knew that this time my messengers were these birds – SEAGULLS – Mother Nature’s cute angels 🙂
Feeling LuckyI felt like the lesson that I must learn was somewhere in the story of Jonathan …and I must go back to it…If I wish to LEARN 🙂 

Some meaningful mornings with the Seagulls on the beach…and a little understanding of the symbolic connect of seagulls was the missing link that connected the DOTS. Morning Date - Seagulls.jpgSeagulls are Spiritual Messengers – and the desire to spot them or see them in our dreams is our “Message from the Cosmos”. I re-read the story…and this time the LESSON came out STRONG.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull’s life seemed to be my STORY – Of someone who wanted to THRIVE more than just SURVIVE – Do the unexpected according to the Society norms – Ready to be an outcast…if that is what it takes to fulfill the DREAMS.

It is our DREAMS that give us the much needed strength and drive to carry on further even when failures and obstacles block us time and again…

Jonathan was determined to LIVE a WORTHY LIFE – FOCUSED on the PATH of his DREAMS he was READY to take on the name of being a REBEL…He was someone who was willing to take the RISK…and was at PEACE with the CONSEQUENCES. He never wished to justify his DREAMS & DARE….He only WISHED to help others achieve their DREAMS.Fly High - SeagullsUntil now I was in sync with the consequences…and I was helping others achieve their Dreams…But I was not in PEACE with my LIFE…for the word “REBEL” had a negative connect in my mind.

But this time…when I read the book…I was confident that being a REBEL is not that bad…If living a Beautiful Life bestows upon us the tag of being a “REBEL” – I accept this honor with pride…for being a REBEL also kinds of means “UNIQUE”…which I accidentally discovered in one of my HAPPY Quiz TIME on FACEBOOK 🙂 

YES I am a DREAMER…and a REBEL too…Rebel- Dreamer.jpgDREAM big with your HEART and never GIVE UP 

INSPIRATIONS add meaning to our LIFE…and REINFORCEMENTS help us LIVE each day with a purpose. The UNIVERSE keeps sends us ENCOURAGEMENTS disguised as BOOKS & MOVIES and sometimes as SEAGULLS & FACEBOOK CONNECTS…

So step forward in awareness…Grasp the lessons with clarity…keep on going higher and higher and live a life that shouts out the TRUE DEFINITION of LIFE which is…


Don’t Store Your Dreams In Your Eyes, They May Roll Down With Tears Store Them In Your Heart,

Each Heartbeat Will Inspire You To Fulfill Your DREAM 🙂Dream on Dreamer.jpg


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