Set Sailing – 44/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

To gift myself a LESSON of HOPE…I share with you something that is very CLOSE to my HEART…and has its roots in our CHILDHOOD 🙂

I can sense the SMILE on your FACE right now….That is the Charisma of CHILDHOOD…It always makes us SMILE 🙂

Time to RECALL our CHILDHOOD DAYS – Of the poems we learnt – The games we played…the Joys we shared with our friends…the memories we made…and above all the FUN we had on RAINY DAYS 🙂Childhood.jpgWe loved getting wet in the rains…splashing in the puddles was an all time favourite…and that too especially when it rained on SCHOOL DAYS. The most cherished GIFT on RAINY DAYS 🙂Cherished Gifts - Rains.jpgOn our way back home…we would never miss an opportunity to do all the “MASTI” associated with RAINS 🙂 This was a BONUS we would receive…because no one was there to STOP us from getting wetting & Dirty in the puddles…Joy in Rain.jpgAnd if opportunity permitted – we would rip off some pages to make some paper boats & set them sailing – Not really worrying where they are destined to reach…We would ENJOY playing in the RAINS 🙂Happy DaysAnd sometimes…We would indulge in a RACE with our FRIENDS with the PAPER BOATS. With a SECRET DESIRE in our HEARTS to WIN the RACE we would make our PAPER BOATS ❤ 

This time the boats would be distinctive…so that they could be identified from far also…and then we would set them SAILING…


Once the BOATS were set sailing….Excitement filled the air…Screams of joy & Happiness echoed in the surroundings…Some friends would STOP as spectators…with full commentary going on…Everyone seemed to ENJOY the MOMENTS 🙂

Every participant of the race watched the BOATS with excitement as these little boats navigated themselves in accordance with the flow of the surroundings they are put into…The Winning BoatThe thrill of seeing YOUR boat surpassing all the other boats makes ONE feel like a winner 🙂 Each friend would get excited to see his boat speeding away to the finish line…Thoughts of TRIUMPH echo in the mind & you secretly WISH for the VICTORY of YOUR BOAT ❤

“My boat is strong – did not sink & it is definitely on a Winning spree” The RaceI am the WINNER 🙂 ❤ 🙂

Beyond doubt – We all wish that out boat beats the other boats – and wins the race of its journey. We watch attentively as our paper boats get sailing in the water…We LOOK up and make an attempt to guess the direction of the wind…The BOATS silently continues their journey…unaware of its DESTINY moves ahead with CONFIDENCE 🙂Race ContinuesSome of the boats get caught in the stones & Leaves…while others get drowned in the fast current & yet there are few who refuse to give up. They surpass the other boats, overcoming every obstacles that comes their way & sail swiftly down the stream.ObstaclesAs we watch the JOURNEY and WITNESS the CHALLENGES of each BOAT…We wonder what will be the FATE of our BOAT. The SECRET DESIRE that my boat should be the WINNING BOAT – grows higher & higher as the boats go distant…SECRET DESIREFilled we excitement, we watch our boats as far as the eyes can see…and in that space if our BOAT is ahead of others…we consider ourselves a WINNER 🙂 Sometimes we do wonder where our BOAT finally will REACH , but not really are we disturbed with respect to the boat’s destiny…

We are HOPEFUL of its VICTORY 🙂Winning Moments As long as our boat is winning we are HAPPY 🙂

As far as our eyes could see, our BOAT has won the RACE…Feeling HAPPY, CONTENT & definitely PROUD…we then make our way back home…after all MOTHER is WAITING…and the DELAY will only make matters WORSE. 

Filled with HOPE & POSITIVITY…The journey back home is just fabulous…With the gait of a WINNER we WALK with PRIDE 🙂

Even today, I can visualize myself saying these words…. Yippee….I won the race !!! 🙂  !!!

As a child, my interest was limited to the winning aspect of the boat…But today I can sense a Beautiful Connect with my paper boats – More than just winning the race, my boat demonstrated the courage to sail, cross the hurdles & make its way in the surroundings I had set it into…DestinyMy boat made me PROUD because of its determination & will power to keep sailing. No hurdle was BIG ENOUGH for my tiny boat…The turns & twists didn’t bother…

With CONFIDENCE my BOAT performed to the BEST 🙂Reflection Time.jpgREFLECTION TIME 🙂

Rains were FUN when I was small – Today they are all the more prized because they bring ME lessons of Life…

Today, I see a little ME in these PAPER BOATSI too have been placed in the World by my creator – Who secretly desires me to WIN the RACE of LIFEThe Winning BoatTo make HIM HAPPY & PROUD – I have to be determined & keep sailing & not GIVE UP even when obstacles block my path…I must CONTINUE with my JOURNEY…and in no circumstances should I feel disheartened…when challenges BLOCK my journey…Strength & CourageMy only DESIRE must be to bring a SMILE on the face of my CREATOR…For it is to whom…I matter the MOST 🙂 

As I share the CONNECTS…This  childhood poem echoes in my soul…Come sing along my friends….

Row, row, row your boat…

Gently down the stream…

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,


Recall the little BOAT…in the BIG outside WORLD…all set to WIN the RACE OF LIFE…only with the SECRET DESIRE to see that BEAUTIFUL SMILE on her CREATOR’S Face 🙂

We too can be SUCCESSFUL in our JOURNEYS…when we put our HEART & SOUL into our Journeys…Be Swift & Fearless…when you set sailing !!!

YOU are the little boat … who has been placed in the waters of Life...and you can be a WINNER if you DESIRE to WIN 🙂

As I take your leave today….Sharing with you a famous ghazal that beautifully articulates the BEAUTY of CHILDHOOD…and the IMPORTANCE of HAPPY MOMENTS amidst the CHALLENGES of LIFE 🙂 

ये दौलत भी ले लो, ये शोहरत भी ले लो भले छीन लो मुझसे मेरी जवानी मगर मुझको लौटा दो बचपन का सावन वो काग़ज़ कि कश्ती, वो बारिश का पानी…

I hoped you ENJOYED this short film…I am always in SEARCH of INSPIRATION & GUIDANCE…and the UNIVERSE responds me with the PERFECT LESSONS at all TIMES 🙂


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