Let it RAIN – 46/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

LISTEN to the VOICES of YOUR HEART…Nature speaks to YOU through the language of Instincts & Intuitions…Pay attention.. for that is where TREASURES galore await YOU !!!

These WORDS are the FOUNDATION of all MY WRITINGS & LEARNINGS…In Silence I seek my treasures…In Reflections…I discover my reality…In retrospection…I share my LESSONS 🙂


“Into each life some rain must fall.

Some days must be dark & dreary.”

And so when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down…Without the RAIN – There would be no RAINBOWS.

I came across these lines…and it set me THINKING…and…I guess it was TIME to LEARN a NEW LESSON…and then some slight drizzling a few days back…seemed to be MOTHER NATURE’s hint towards a new understanding of Life…and positively I knew, It has to be linked with RAINS…coz those were the similarities that stood out between these two DIFFERENT instincts.

There begins my NEW QUEST…This TIME once again with RAINS 🙂Rainy Days.jpgRain is GOOD … And it must FALL 

Rainbows…too are a Beautiful thing to WITNESS

BUT – Dark & Gloomy days are a MUST…

The WORDS pricked me…and…I wondered…WHY is it so IMPORTANT for us to experience DARK & DREARY days…WHY can’t we just be BLESSED with…

HAPPY DAYS….HAPPY MOMENTS…HAPPY LIFE !!!Beautiful Life.jpgIsn’t LIFE supposed to be dotted with LOVE 🙂

We all WISH that each day of our Life should be “Beautifully Bright“… with No hitches & glitches…No obstacles whatsoever must we encounter as the journey of Life continues…

A smooth sailing…a clear path…DREAMS waiting for us with OPEN ARMS…must be our DESTINY ! 🙂 !

We all secretly WISH to be BLESSED in all our endeavors…with SUCCESS lined out at every STEP…But this is no where close to the life we all live…Each day is filled with Challenges & Conflicts…A HAPPY LIFE seems like a MIRAGE…Only to be seen from FAR…the CLOSER you go…the further SUCCESS seems to have moved away…

All we have as our destiny is an illusion of the HAPPY DREAMS, we have been chasing all our life…

But then when I did some reflections of my personal life, I realized that the very words that HURT me sometime back…now seemed VALID & JUSTIFIED…Reflections.jpgIndeed “Some days must be dark & dreary”… So we can appreciate the GOODNESS that follows…Dark & Gloomy skies bring RAIN…which cleanses the surroundings….And then when the sky CLEARS…we get to see a RAINBOW that makes us SMILE.

A BEAUTIFUL LESSON was DELIVERED in that very MOMENT…My life flashed by before my SOUL…and I realized that every DARK CLOUD bought with itself some RAIN which on its passing BLESSED me with a RAINBOW 🙂

The HAPPY MOMENTS of my JOURNEY smiled at ME 🙂Happy Moments.jpgFew they were…But BLESSED with HAPPINESS….They filled my HEART with GRATITUDE galore 🙂

RAIN & TEARS – BOTH seemed to be having a SIMILAR PURPOSE in our LIFE 🙂 The similarities between the two were well defined for me now …It felt like the TIME had come for me to grasp the NEW LEARNINGS…

Tears like RAIN flow from our eyes when darkness surrounds us…

Our Heart cries & our Soul breakdowns…and tears roll by…and then suddenly  after a moment of fall…everything appears crystal Clear…the soul is cleansed…and then with PEACE in our HEARTS we set sailing on NEW JOURNEYS… 

RAINS are known to have “Healing Powers” and the same holds TRUE for TEARS ! 🙂 !Healing Tears.jpg“This is the BEAUTY of TEARS”

Just as RAINS always wash away the dirt and leave behind a FRESH NEW WORLD…Tears wash away our fears & cleanse our soul…and then we embrace AWARENESS in our JOURNEY… 

Awareness brings Clarity. Clarity leads to wisdom. Wisdom leads to purityMohanji

It is during the DARK DAYS of our life – when we are introduced to the REALITIES of our existence –Tough times introduce us to the falseness of relationships – the mask that our friends & family wear each day – falls down on these days –and though life appears blurry…

There is clarity in our mind 🙂BlessedPurity in the SOUL 🙂

So BLESSED we are when GOD bestows upon us some GLOOMY DAYS…for they are the REALITY MIRRORS that reveal the TRUTH…

The dark clouds bring with them the much needed rain that cleanses our soul…is the positivity I carry in my HEART now… 

The days filled with obstacles familiarize us to our aptitudes & strength. We now have a CLEAR perspective of the future that lies ahead of us … and if we are STRONG & COURAGEOUS – There is no one STOPPING us.


It is during the RAINY DAYS of our LIFE that we MUST be READY to accept the TRUTH. The REALITY was always PRESENT…but never TRACEABLE…Rainy Days is our TIME to FACE the TRUTH…that brings with itself the favorable loss…are you READY !!!


The understanding behind this connect for me is that….Into each life some rain must fall but SUNSHINE does appear bringing with it a RAINBOW and a powerful message that is CRYSTAL CLEAR…

Beena - Good Company.pngTake away from this POST 🙂

RAIN & RAINBOWS are interconnected – A DESIRE to see the Rainbow is our WISH asking for some RAINS… So be Careful when you ASK … Be ready to face the RAIN 🙂 and WELCOME these RAINS with a SMILE for they are here to BLESS you with the COLORFUL ARC of LIFE 🙂

I wrote a few words to ANCHOR this lesson in my LIFE …and though I am not good with rhymes… For me…what COUNTS is the DOTS that lead me to my HAPPY TIMES 🙂

This poem is like a DOT that will always bring a SMILE on my face…should I find myself complaining about the RAINY Days on my Parade…

When Gloomy Days arrive in your LIFE…

Let Faith & Hope dwell in your Heart !

Make sure to you keep the Happy Memories handy…

For behind the clouds, the SUN is still shining !

And your RAINBOW is almost here…

Silently WAITING for YOU…

To make you SMILE 🙂Rains - No ComplainsMESSENGERS of HAPPY TIMES – RAINS are here 🙂

As I take your leave today…I recall the BEAUTY of RAINS & RAINBOWS in my LIFE…and the understanding that GOOD & BAD…Both play their ROLE to DELIVER the lessons that one must LEARN.. So never FORGET…

Only when it RAINS will the RAINBOW of our LIFE be revealed to us…Rainy Day Memories.jpg…So let it RAIN ! 🙂 !

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