Impromptu Gifts – 51/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The cream of enjoyment in this life is always impromptu. The chance walk; the unexpected visit; the unpremeditated journey; the unsought conversation or acquaintance.” ~ Fanny Fern

These are the WORDS that INSPIRED me to share with you some of my Enjoyable Moments – The impromptu Gifts that took me by Surprise and bought a SMILE on my face and left me amazed 🙂

Today I share with you some of my Impromptu Gifts – Ones I have received from Mother Nature…Let the JOURNEY of Gratifying Occurrences begin…

My impromptu Gifts have a SPECIAL NAME – I call them my HAPPY CONNECTS – For every time I REFLECT upon the MOMENT – I am transported back in time to the very Instant…when the moment got stitched into the fabric of my Life’s Journey and most important how it connected me to many lessons.

My Impromptu Gifts come from the BIRDS – One of the most beautiful creations of God on this planet…and also one of the most difficult one to be captured into the camera…for they always seem to be on the run…Forever flying from one place to another…to discover new lands.Kodak Time.jpgAnd you will agree when I say that...Birds don’t like to be approached…So it is quite a challenge to capture the Moments of interaction in our Camera lens…We focus in the BIRD…We Click the trigger…and the Bird takes flight…and your Family’s laughter fills the air…You Know you failed…and yet it makes you Smile…Coz it created a MOMENT of “LOL” for the Family…

And as you make your way back home… you resort to “Being Content” by the fact that you at least experienced the MOMENT….even if you failed to bring back a FROZEN & TANGIBLE Memory to flaunt with your Friends 😦

Here I am reminded of the words of Robert Lynd ….“In order to see birds it is necessary to become a part of the silence.”

A lesson well learnt…and when we adopt this SILENCE…We do sometimes get LUCKY…when these BIRDS generously pose for us…and as we capture the MOMENT in our Camera lens…We SMILE…for we just received an unexpected…impromptu gifts in that moment of our Life 🙂

The Impromptu Gifts of LIFE bring with them Happiness Galore 🙂Gifts of LifeWOW – What an amazing feeling it is…

I personally believe that so much can be learnt…if we ponder a bit deeper into the way these beautiful birds live their life… Through this post I would like to share with you some of my learnings of life from the birds…Beautiful Birdie.jpgI made an attempt to link these valuable lessons to some of my life scenarios..and realized that these can be my anchors & motivators…Should I face some similar challenges in my life…I will come back to Flying Friends…and they will teach me the art of Living a WONDROUS LIFE 🙂

As you read along…do take a pause & ponder over the connects that I share…and as you do you will understand how relevant they are in our life…

The pictures I share along have been clicked after a lot of running around & most importantly following the advice of Being Silent in the process…and listen to the sounds of these lively angels…who have the power to relax our souls & silence the irrational thoughts of our mind !!!

The sound of birds stops the noise in my mind. ~ Carly SimonIn Frame - Bird.jpgLet the JOURNEY of NEW LEARNINGS from my Feathered Friends begin…

This picture that I share here…clearly demonstrates the confidence the bird has in herself…As gracefully as she perches herself on this branch…little does she care about the wind that might just blow…or a stranger like me might approach her and be a hindrance to her peace…She with complete confidence enjoys her time on the branch…Why can’t we then too follow the same strategy to life…

Memories Captures – Lessons Learnt – Be ConfidentLittle Hope.jpgBe as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings ~ Victor Hugo

While taking a walk one day…I came across this bird hopping on the pavement. I watched her carefully as she tip toed the path…and then she stopped. I wondered what made her PAUSE…The next minute…I saw her taking the DARE…teaching me yet another powerful lesson… 

Cherished MomentLessons Learnt – Take the DARE Take FlightThe bird who dares to fall, is the bird who learns to fly.

This picture of the colorful parrot reminded me of the RAINBOW…and my thoughts triggered to the occurrence of Rainbows…Rain & Sun both are a must if we wish to see RAINBOWS in our life…and besides RAINBOWS always stand out in the sky…Don’t they.

As I share my thoughts & the lesson learnt…I recall that our life is like a RAINBOW..and we need both rain and sun to make its colors appear…

Colorful Connect -Lessons Learnt – STAND OUTColors of Life.jpgLife’s not about fitting in, it’s about STANDING OUT !!!

Moving ahead with my next lesson…Here is a picture of this ORANGE BEAUTY…Look at HER ATTITUDE…HER GRACE…HER STYLE. I was complete amazed at her ELEGANCE…Picture Time - Birds.jpgThe pride in herself…Dignity in her posture…clearly conveyed her self-esteem –Confidence in one’s own worth or abilities is what her posture demonstrated that instant…and I was reminded of this lesson through the words…“Elegance is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered”

Moment of Life Lessons Learnt – Be ElegantElegance.jpgShe remembered who she was and the game changed…

I consider myself to be LUCKY…to have captured such Moments of Life that SURPRISE us…and make us feel SPECIAL…Here’s another mesmerizing lesson that these birdie taught me…that day when she came to have BREAKFAST on our table one beautiful morning 🙂

Miraculous Moment Lessons Learnt – Be in PRESENTGuest - Breakfast.jpgWhen you are here and now, sitting totally, not jumping ahead, the miracle has happened. To be in the moment is the miracle. ~ Osho.

Next I share with a picture of this sparrow that actually made me run for a while…before it sat down on this tree…I thought to myself…”How LUCKY are these birds…they can fly at their will…and stop by at their will”…

Now for me that is what I would consider my LIFE to be…Always on the path of New Discoveries…New Places…New Wisdom of Life…To me that is  what defines the “Free Will” to life…and so it would be wonderful if we all could be birds and live a glorious life…

New realization Lessons Learnt – Be a traveler for lifeOn my Way - Birds.jpg“Become like a bird, expand your wings, learn new things and fly high as you can”

I hope you enjoyed reading through the above connects of Life that I have learnt from my feathered friends…There are lessons galore in the lap of Mother Nature. Her messengers…These lovely birds have the capacity to inspire us all…

Watch them as they pose for you…Capture the moment in your eyes…and let it get rooted in your heart…and should you miss the moment before you get to FREEZE it in the camera lens for they fly too fast…Never forget that these tiny birds won’t leave you without the pleasure of an IMPROMPTU GIFT that will be forever cherished by you in your memory closet…for they have captured a tiny space in your heart ❤LUCK - Birds.jpgAs I take your leave today….sharing with these words…PAUSE & PONDER upon the DEEPER CONNECTS they can add to our JOURNEYS of LIFE…

“We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery,

Guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate.

The world is all gates, all opportunities.”

These are the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson…And I am totally convinced that they hold TRUE for EACH one of US….So let us grab all those opportunities Mother Nature sends our way…And make new discoveries with each passing day…and as you do…let these words echo in your heart…


Good vibes

Bigger goals

Better experience

More happiness

Stronger interactions

More focused than ever.In Focus - Birds.jpg


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