To Shine – You Must Rise :)

“BACK to SCHOOL” – The PHASE is BACK – CHALLENGING TIMES are HERE !!! Are YOU ready to accept the challenges & come out a WINNER in this phase of your Life…this is where your SEARCH ends….

It’s the start of the New Semester for some schools & the excitement for this NEW PHASE is on full Swing in the minds of Young minds & Enthusiastic mothers. New Uniforms & Books are being bought. And then there are some families, where the kids are returning back to school for the NEW TERM – Sadly this year some schools have decided to START with EXAMS as the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 😦

Be it a normal school day or the CRUCIAL EXAM DAY, children are always running on their toes, forever at loggerheads with their DREAMS & DESIRES & sometimes FEAR.


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Excited families on one end and worried ones on the other – for reason diverse and yet there is ONE COMMON CONNECT between these both families.

Breakfast is of utmost concern to every mother.

With the start of school days, both Mothers & children are found running down to the Bus Stop, either because the child woke up late or the Mother rushed to get the Water Bottle/ Tiffin/ Some forgotten project/ Math Books ….the list is endless – but the common connect – The child forgot to pick it on the way to the Bus Stop. 

With books in their hands or Mobiles (in today’s generation) some children are busy cramming up the last-minute studies, overlooking the delicious breakfast, so lovingly prepared by the mother.Busy Breakfast.jpg

“Morning Madness” is the WORD that comes to my mind as I share with you the SAD REALITY of…“School Days”

A concerned mother runs behind her children hastening them off to school and then as she throws herself on the sofa, as if she just ran a marathon, to catch up a few breathes, she notices that her child left without eating BREAKFAST.Boring Breakfast.jpg

Disappointed & Disheartened, the mother feels , and then she sets out to do what she has been doing EVERY SINGLE DAY of School days  – She either throws away the leftover food into the bin or sinfully eats it to avoid wastage . And sometimes, should the family happen to have a pet dog, he gets to enjoy the BREAKFAST – Thanking the child for making him healthy.

Needless to say, the family dog enjoys a scrumptious breakfast of nutritious sandwich or a healthy porridge, while the children grabs cream biscuits on the way to the bus.

A typical scenario in every house on a typical “SCHOOL DAY”

Dear Mothers, I have something to share with you all – a logical explanation to this REPEAT PATTERN in your HOMES – You are trying to get your children to eat breakfast, but they just don’t want to listen to you precisely because they don’t know what they are losing by not eating this starting meal.

If you are interested in inculcating the habit of EATING BREAKFAST on a DAILY BASIS – Let them KNOW the rewards associated with BREAKFAST.

“Breakfast can lead them to Better Grades”Breakfast & Better Grades.jpg

Wondering how? It works this way. All our learning, reasoning and recalling happens in the brain. Our brain is the smallest organ in the body but it uses up to 20% of the energy we need every day. To perform its functions, the brain needs a steady supply of energy in the form of glucose throughout the day.

Glucose is the basic fuel for the brain as well as the central nervous system. When we wake up in the morning after approximately 8 hours of sleep, we need to supply the brain its stream of energy, its fuel to perform to its optimum. This in turn, ensures that you do not lose concentration during both your study and exam time.

Thus, the most important thing to do upon waking is to FUEL YOUR BODY. Having fuel in the tank will allow us to make quicker decisions and stay focused. Obviously, we can’t run our car on an empty fuel tank.Food is Fuel.png

So, fuel up your mornings and get going because when you wake up, your body hasn’t had any food for several hours – Starting your CAR without PETROL won’t take you far.

Healthy Breakfast is a “EVERYDAY CONNECT” – Starting our day with a nice healthy breakfast gives us a lot of energy and our attention span increases which in turn leads us to a BETTER FOCUS…thereby resulting in “BETTER GRADES”Healthy Breakfast Connects

Hopefully, this new Neuro Connection has been installed in your brains that a HEALTHY BREAKFAST increases the BRAIN POWER and a full stomach guarantees that your child  can concentrate better and write their exams well.

Another small tip: To ensure a further boost, it is a good idea to have a Breakfast high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables and lean protein as this will not only enhance your mental abilities but also deliver a constant supply of energy to your brain by balancing the sugar levels in your body.Eat Fresh

So, now you see how eating a HEALTHY BREAKFAST helps our children to study and get GOOD GRADES.

Share these facts to your children – let them know the CONNECTS – and leave the CHOICE to them. Let their Choices be seasoned with complete clarity, thereby becoming a Habit of their Healthier & Smarter tomorrow 🙂

Always remember, when the “WHY” is sorted – Children won’t mind getting up a little earlier than usual to ensure they EAT their Breakfast before going to school – With the PETROL TANK full, they are sure to WIN the RACE.

Few lines for your kids to read and comprehend – A very special message for all the kids. Make this the MANTRA of your LIFE !!!

B” for Breakfast … “B” for Better Grades.Morning Wonders

Rise and Shine for a ‘HEALTHIER & SMARTER YOU’

Eat your breakfast to ace your exams with better grades and make everyone happy, especially your mom. Well, I doubt everyone, because there will be one disappointed member, your dog. He can always go back to his days of “Doggie Biscuits”

Please Note – A version of this article is also available on Morsel & Juices – I was a Contributor for the Health Column – Lean Bean

Morsel & Juices

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