Type 2 Diabetes – Lifestyle Modifications

When it comes to Diabetic Care – “Always Seek Knowledge”… For that is how one gets closer to findings answers to the many questions that arise in the mind when the doctor reveals to you – YOU have DIABETES !!!

Today I bring to you some more facts associated with Diabetes and in particular Type 2 Diabetes – “ASK & BE AWARE”

This is Part 3 of a 4 series on “Diabetes Mellitus”

Diabetes as we all know is a disease characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, or action, or both.Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition that affects the way our body metabolizes sugar. With type 2 diabetes, our body either resists the effects of insulin or doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain a normal glucose level.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insufficient production of insulin. At first, the pancreas work hard to make up for the deficient insulin. Over a period of time, pancreas become powerless to keep up with the requirement of insulin to maintain the blood glucose at normal levels.

Lack of insulin increases the blood glucose levels in the blood stream. Our cells get deprived of glucose hence they starve for energy resulting in lethargy and weakness.

If not taken proper care, the high blood glucose levels starts affecting the functioning of other organs like the eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart.

Often, when people are diagnosed with diabetes, they don’t know what is required of them to do and where they do need to draw a line with respect to restrictionDiabetic CareThough there is no cure for type 2 diabetes, it can still be managed. There are THREE important aspects to management of Type 2 diabetes…

  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Oral Medications 
  • Insulin

First step: Nutritionally Balanced meals, Exercising and Weight management are effective in managing our blood sugar levels.

Second step: However, if diet and exercise aren’t enough to manage the blood sugar well, then we can resort to diabetes medications.

Third step: If due to any complications we are unable to continue on oral medications, insulin therapy is our last remedy.

“Lifestyle Modifications”

Dietary management plays an important role in Diabetic care. In the past, diets for people with diabetes were very restrictive. However now things are different. There isn’t a one-size fits all “Diabetes Diet”The diets can be more flexible and with a little planning, we can still include our favourite foods in our meal plans.Nutrition.jpgSharing with you all a BRIEF UNDERSTANDING of the LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS one needs to make when diagnosed with Diabetes. Awareness of the DIFFERENT FOOD GROUPS & their ROLE in HEALTH is the Key to Diabetes Management.

There are THREE Macro Nutrients – Carbohydrates / Proteins / Fats that make up most of our Dietary intake… Let us KNOW their SIGNIFICANCE in our DIETS.


  • They are the main source of energy in our diet. They play a very important role in affecting our blood sugar levels.
  • Carbohydrates have a direct and faster impact on the blood glucose level whereas proteins and fat have little to no impact.
  • 45 and 55 percent of the day’s total calories should come from carbohydrates.
  • Complex carbohydrates are more effective as they supply a steady source of energy and also provide fiber.
  • Fiber helps to keep our blood sugar levels in control.
  • Focus on eating more of non-starchy vegetables.
  • Simple sugars are best avoided.


  • People with Diabetes are at an increased risk for heart disease and stroke.
  • Fat quality is there more important than fat quantity…which in no way denotes that one can eat fats without restriction. Moderation is the key to Successful management of Diabetes.
  • Replacing Saturated fats with Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fatty acids is a necessary step.
  • Total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg per day.
  • Eating a diet low in saturated and trans fats and cholesterol can help to reduce cholesterol levels and decrease these risks.


  • The usual intake of dietary protein should be approximately 10 to 25 percent of total caloric intake.
  • Lean meats, fish, beans, peas, soy products, legumes, nuts and seeds can be eaten.
  • Eggs to be eaten in Moderation.

Understanding how “Macro Nutrients” affect our body can go a long way in taking care of Diabetes…However, there are a few more facts to be kept in mind when it comes to Diabetic Care…


  • Eating a diet that is high in fiber helps to keep blood glucose levels in control.
  • Diabetes diets should provide at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, to control blood glucose levels and hemoglobin A1C.
  • Whole fruits are a better option than juices, as they provide us with fiber.


  • People with Diabetes are more prone to high blood pressure, hence salt intake needs to be monitored.
  • A diet that is low in sodium is recommended to keep blood pressure in control.
  • Fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, can help manage blood pressure.


  • It is important to keep yourself hydrated at all times. Water is the Best choice.
  • Fruit juice or regular cola, can increase blood glucose levels and increase the calorie consumption.
  • Caffeine consumption needed to be reduced.


  • Alcohol intake should be avoided because it increases the blood glucose levels in the body, followed hours later by a decrease in the blood glucose level.
  • Moreover, calories from alcohol have little nutritional value.


  • Smoking is the greatest single lifestyle risk factor for developing diabetic complications.
  • Smoking affects circulation by increasing heart rate and blood pressure, by making the small blood vessels thinner.
  • Smoking also makes blood cells and blood vessel walls sticky, thereby allowing dangerous fatty material to build up.
  • This can lead to heart attack, stroke and other blood vessel disease. 
  • Smoking is a strict NO!

Managing Diabetes

There are TWO UNIQUE methods when it comes to managing our Blood Glucose Levels – A simple calculation helps us not only KEEP DIABETES away but also helps add variety to our MEALS 🙂

Carbohydrate CountingDiabetic Care

  • Carbohydrate counting or “Carb Counting” is a meal planning technique for managing your blood glucose levels.
  • It helps you to keep track of the number of carbohydrates that need to be taken at each meal and snack.
  • It is a helpful tool to monitor blood glucose levels, especially for those who are on multiple daily injections.
  • Carbohydrate are divided for each meal or snack based on the personal preferences, meal timing and spacing, diabetes medications, body weight, and activity levels.

Exchange PlanningExchange Planning

  • Foods are categorized as either carbohydrate, protein or fat and all end up as Glucose in our blood – Refer to the picture above to comprehend the impact of each food type.
  • In the Exchange Planning system, a serving of a carbohydrate can be exchanged for any other carbohydrate. This helps us to add variety to the meals. The same applies for protein and fats.
  • The exchange lists also identify foods that are good sources of fiber, and foods that have a high sodium content.
  • The more you know about factors that influence your blood sugar level, the more you can anticipate fluctuations and plan accordingly.Diabetic Diets

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease…it calls for a 




Please Note – A version of this article is also available on Morsel & Juices – I was a Contributor for the Health Column – Lean Bean

Morsel & Juices

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