Wheat is Great !!!

As promised, we bring to you our next part in the series of Fussy eaters – This time the emphasis will be on Wheat Based Staple Diets and how wheat contributes to HEALTH, when consumed in the RIGHT WAY.

Wheat is the staple food of humankind and most consumed grain in the world. Different regions around the world use wheat in their cuisines. One gets to relish a wide variety of recipes made using wheat as their core ingredient...Wheat as we all know has wide culinary uses, from making breads, pasta and cakes to fermentation of alcoholic beverages...thus enjoying this title of…


Here are a few combinations that will help you comprehend as to WHY Wheat-based products personify CULTURAL HERITAGE & PRIDE...

  • IndiaChapatis, Paratha & Naan that are relished by people all over the world.
  • ItalyRecognized for the Pizza & Pasta that we all so dearly enjoy at our Parties.
  • EuropeWorld Famous for the Variety of Breads that one gets to Savor.
  • United States & CanadaWe all have eaten the Pretzels & Pies during our visits.
  • China Chinese cuisine are known for the authentic noodles.
  • Mexico & Central AmericaWheat flour tortillas and Empanadas
  • North AfricaCouscous & Matzah, important part of meals in this continent.
  • Middle EastShawarma, all-time favorite served on Pita bread – Pita bread is certainly made from wheat.

With so many cuisines rooted in WHEAT, ever wondered, why we are told that WHEAT must be eliminated from our Meals, if we wish to be healthy – Imagine Indians without Chapattis, Italians without pasta, and North Africans without couscous, Chinese without noodles or Americans without Pies and Middle east without their Pita Bread.

Very easily, we accept the CHOICE to avoid Wheat based food without realizing that we indirectly have taken the choice to damage the ROOTS of the Cultural Cuisines who have Wheat as their Staple Food.

To eliminate wheat from our DIETS is not only going to impact the Cultural Heritage, it also has its impact on our HEALTH – Beyond a Doubt – Wheat is Great – Let us get to the Facts & then take the call…based on careful calculations...

To Eliminate or Embrace the GOLDEN TREASURES of WHEAT.

Wheat is our source of dietary energy and has proteins along with a whole variety of vitamins and minerals… but also TRUE it is that Wheat contains a protein called gluten, which can trigger a harmful immune response in some of us – and so if you happen to be someone who is allergic to Gluten, then WHEAT is a “Complete NO” for you… However, for people who tolerate it, whole-grain wheat can be a rich source of various antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Just as we discussed in the Previous article based on RICE & how Perfect Combinations are a must to make it a Healthy addition to our Meals – Similar Strategy is need if we are to enjoy our Wheat Based Meals.

One always looks forward to savoring the tasty wheat-based cuisines of the world – But sometimes, misleading connects can confuse us when choices are to be made – So BEST it is to always make conscious decisions based on logical understandings.

3 HEALTHY TWISTS Is all that is needed for a recipe to qualify as a Healthy ADDITION to our meals…

Choice of Ingredients, Cooking Methodology, Serving Styles. 

Let’s get TWISTING ~~~

With special affinity towards the Northern Indian Cuisine based on wheat, we will be discussing a few modifications that can make our Mealtimes Magical.

Now, if I were to ask you – What is the FIRST thing that comes to mind when we think of INDIA – Definitely, one visualizes a platter of “Parathas with Curd” – But the floating knowledge says that Parathas are unhealthy & in an instant the BRIGHT SMILE disappears, obviously because you have visualized yourself eating HEALTHY – Can a paratha then be a part of your Meals ???

THREE TWISTS is all it takes to make a Paratha HEALTHY !!!

Ingredient ChoicesNutritional value of Paratha can be enhanced by adding Soy flour or Bengal gram flour (Besan) to the original recipe that demands the use of wheat flour…This twist will improve the protein content of the Paratha.

Next comes the FILLINGS – Always ensure, a Protein & Vegetable based filled – Perfect way to increase the nutritive value of this Cherished INDIAN MEAL.

Methodology When it comes to the Cooking Method – Avoid frying the Paratha in oil – Just Roast them DRY or add a small quantity of oil to give it that CRISPY TEXTURE and serve with a dollop of Butter – Butter has its Benefits, will discuss in the following articles.

Serving StyleAnd now our SERVING SUGGESTION – Parathas must be served with Curd or Lassi (Buttermilk) if you wish to savor the TRUE AUTHENTICITY associated with them…Curd & Lassi serve to be the Enriching Components in terms of Nutrition.

Crispy Paratha with Yummy Curd 🙂

Take away TipI personally prefer adding green leafy vegetables like spinach and fenugreek while making the dough – Taste & Health – Guaranteed.

Next on my Mind, comes the Picture of a Pizza/Pasta/Noodles – Cherished Meals & yet avoided because of the not so Healthy Tag, associated with them…

We all enjoy these foods & so instead of complete elimination – let us Choose wisely & pick the whole-grain variety of Pizza Base, Pastas & Noodles as the basic ingredients that go towards making these meals for our Family – Whole grain varieties are lower in calories and higher in satiety-boosting fiber than their refined counterparts.

Besides the BEST THING about making Pasta/Pizza/Noodles is that we can easily sneak a whole lot of vegetables & lean Proteins in them to enhance the Nutritional Value of the Dish – TOP PRIORITY when meals are concerned.

Serving Suggestion – Be it a Pizza/ pasta or Noodles – Serve them topped with the favorite kind of cheese, a dash of oregano or that authentic Sauce that your family savors & the take a back seat while the aroma on the dinner table creates that Magical Ambience – which is difficult for anyone to resist – let alone a Fussy Eater – who complains & Questions every Meal Combination.

Take away Tip I always add spinach to my choice of vegetables to Pasta & Pizza – Perfect way to enrich my recipe with Iron.

Now let us talk about Breads & Buns – Always a preferred Constituent in Meals – and yet confused we get, when we wish to make them a Healthy addition to our Meal Times…

Buns & Breads

Buns and Breads can easily be layered with any kind of animal /vegetable protein and vegetables. We have the entire range at your disposal…so let us make the most of the BREAD BASKET available to us…

Let us always use Multigrain and Whole Meal Breads & Buns in the recipes that we wish to make using them…This way we ensure wholesome eating in our Meals.

Multigrain Breads

Sharing with you some excellent ideas of using Breads in our Meals

Bombay Sandwiches – We all like Sandwiches – It is one of the Best ways to conceal the vegetables and serve them – Raw & Grilled – Both are Excellent – A generous spread of Coriander Chutney adds to the taste & nutrition.

Sandwiches – Loaded with Nutrition !

Stuff Bun – Snack Bites can be made using Mini-Buns or Pav Buns – Simply, empty the center, fill them with Protein & Vegetable based fillings – top with Cheese – Bake & Serve – No one can say NO these YUMMY TREATS. (Filling can be of Mix Veg/Mushroom/Chicken/fish)

Stuffed rolls – Made from “Bridge rolls” or “Finger rolls” as we know them, are the PERFECT last minute & yet Delicious Addition to a Quick Fix Meal – Stuff them with Kebab/tikka & a generous amount to salsa & viola – You have the family member licking away their fingers

(Salsa is made from Tomatoes & is the perfect way to incorporate “Lycopene” an antioxidant found in tomatoes that help lower blood pressure and bring down high cholesterol – Why the Sauce – Because, Lycopene is more readily absorbed from cooked tomatoes compared to fresh.

Take away Tip I always add NUTS to the mint Chutney used to make sandwiches – Perfect way to enhance the Nutrient Profile of the Dish.

Eating Healthy is not DIFFICULT – Let us not get confused with the Floating misconceptions – Mother Nature is far too kind & has blessed us with the BEST INGREDIENTS that can keep our body HEALTHY – It is our DUTY to RESPECT & not exploit & harm this BODY with wrong Choices & misconcepts…

As Homemakers, we need to ensure that our family enjoy their meal times. Also, it is in our hands to play around with the staple foods that we eat...

Camouflage the foods and serve them in the form that fascinates your family members and then sit back and relax as they now not only enjoy your home cooked meals, but they also appreciate you with their plates empty and their hearts satisfied.

Meal Times = Happy Times

🙂 ❤ 🙂

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