Know your Millets !!!

Today, we delve into the Mysterious world of Millets once again – This time, we get to know them with respect to SPECIFIC BENEFITS they contribute and how wondrous it gets, when we are willing to experiment with FOOD.

For those who are following the series on Health Awareness, you must be aware of the previous article related to the ancient grains – MILLETS. We discussed the HEALTH BENEFITS of the “forgotten treasures” of the food kingdom.

In today’s post, we will be learning to identify the different millets and how each one has a Precious Gift to contribute in terms of HEALTH.

Forgotten Treasures – Millets

Time to EXPLORE…

As discussed in our Previous Post, Millets have been an important part of Indian Cuisine, appreciated by our ancestors and mocked by the young generations.

The modest millet got rejected by an entire generation, and the consequences of this CHOICE got implanted in the FUTURE – many health issues surfaced, Obesity, Diabetes, PCOS, high blood pressure, …. are just a few among the many, our younger generations are facing.

Truly speaking, when health gets compromised, the entire humanity suffers. But we can’t blame anyone for this loss and rejection of Millets – for many a times, Goodness gets concealed in layers of illusionary Evolution…and one just can’t see the TRUTH. But now that the WORLD is ready for HEALTH, Millets are back !!!

There are a vast variety of Millets available to us – let us get to know them in details…We will be referring to this list as we unravel the secrets to Millets.

  1. Sorghum Millet – Jowar
  2. Pearl Millet – Bajra
  3. Finger Millet – Ragi/ Nachni
  4. Barnyard Millet – Sanwa
  5. Proso/Broomcorn Millet – Chena
  6. Foxtail Millet – Kangni / Kakum
  7. Little Millet – Moraiyo/Kutki/ Shavan/Sama.
  8. Amaranth Millet – Rajgira/ Ramdana
  9. Buckwheat Millet – Kuttu
  10. Kodu Millet – Kodon

Sorghum Millet – Jowar

The first on my list is my favourite – Sorghum Millet – commonly known as “Jowar”. This ancient grain is been considered as an Important part of Healthy Diets because of its whole grain goodness & Gluten free properties.

Jowar being gluten-free is perfectly a great choice for people with IBS. Replacing wheat with jowar can help reduce symptoms like bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, fatigue, headaches etc.

Jowar is also rich in phytochemicals like tannins, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, phytosterols and policosanols…these compounds act as antioxidants and helps in reducing some forms of inflammation.

Jowar helps us strengthen our IMMUNITY as it has all the macro nutrients – magnesium, copper, calcium and iron that work in coordination to keep us fit and Healthy – Magnesium, cooper and Calcium helps in making bone and tissues strong. and iron helps to increase the red blood cells.

Pearl Millet – Bajra

Next of the list we have Pearl Millet – also known as “Bajra”. The uniqueness associated with Bajra is the Colour of the seeds and hence the Flour. Have a look at the Plant.

The Grey hue of the flour is the secret to its RICHNESS in terms of HEALTH and Nutty Flavor and yet this is the very reason, Bajra is rejected by many – The Roti and Khichdi prepared using Bajra are dull grey…But look beyond the appearances, and you have a SUPERFOOD within your easy reach.

Just like Jowar, Bajra, too is loaded with Nutrients – It contains iron, protein, fibre, and minerals like calcium and magnesium. When combined with legumes, the Protein quality gets enhance and hence, we must make efforts to have atleast one meal with Bajra as a Staple...Pearl Millets can be enjoyed, cooked as Rotis and Khichdi.

Finger Millet – Ragi/ Nachni

Ragi Crop

Now let’s talk about a Millet that is known for its unique Colour Finger Millet commonly known as “Ragi/ Nachni”. The red-coloured grain of Ragi are a healthy substitute for rice and wheat. Ragi flour can be used to make Rotis, halwa and cookies as well.

The amino acids profile present in ragi help the body cholesterol levels and they also work as a natural relaxant. Studies have shown that consuming ragi on daily basis helps in dealing with conditions like insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Also, Ragi is beneficial for people with regular migraine attacks.

Ragi has the lowest fat and highest Calcium content among all the food grains…and with excellent iron reserves , Ragi is a Great Choice for Growing Children. It is usually recommended for Growing kids to promote brain development.

Barnyard Millet – Sanwa

Barnyard, is yet another type of millet that is nutritionally dense with high fibre content. It is also known as Sanwa. If you are planning to lose weight, then incorporating it into your diet can do wonders for your overall well-being.

Besides the advantage of HEALTHY Weight loss, 100 gms of this Millet provides us with 18.6 mg of Iron and 22 mg of Calcium – Both essential nutrients to keep the Body strong.

So you see, we have within our reach a HEALTHY Option to increase our Iron and calcium reserves…but sadly, this millet is royally rejected – all because of lack of awareness… Time for a Realization of how lack of awareness can prevent us from enjoying the benefits of Mother Earth – Let us wake up to the REALITY and embrace the Goodness of Millets.

Proso/Broomcorn Millet – Chena

Proso Millet is also known as Broomcorn millet – due to the resemblance the Plant has with a Broom – Besides this unique name, Proso millet is popularly called Chena in India and is used as bird feed...But its time we look beyond the “Bird Feed” significance associated with this Nutritious Millet.

These graciously glowing seeds of Proso Millet are PERFECT for balancing blood sugar levels and have a low glycemic index….that makes them a GREAT ALTERNATIVE to Wheat and Rice food choices replacements for a Diabetic person.

The seeds can be ground into flour and used to bake Rotis and also the seeds could be used to make upma and tabbouleh.

Foxtail Millet – Kangni / Kakum

Foxtail Millet

The next millet on my list is Foxtail Millet – Also known as Kangni / Kakum. Ever wondered why the name Foxtail – The seed head of this plant looks like the bushy tail of a fox, hence it got the name as Foxtail Millet.

Foxtail millets are small oval or elliptical seeds – a great substitute for Rice – Foxtail Millet is also available in the form of Semolina and flour… Can be a GREAT Substitute to Quinoa.

Foxtail millets are a good source for many vitamins and minerals and this is very crucial in building a strong immune system. Rich in Vitamin B12 are these Golden Grains of Foxtail Millets – Add them to your meals if you wish to maintain a healthy and nervous system…Besides Vitamin B12 is the secret to glowing skin and hair growth.

Foxtail millet is a good source of blood sugar balancing carbohydrates that make it a PERFECT CHOICE for Prediabetic and Diabetic conditions

Little Millet – Moraiyo/Kutki/ Shavan/Sama.

Little Millet  known by many names Moraiyo/Kutki/ Shavan/Sama is an integral part of many traditional dishes in the South Indian cuisines.

With respect to Nutrition, the little Millet is particularly high in the sulfur-containing amino acids Cysteine and Methionine, and overall has a more balanced amino acid profile than other cereals… This millet is especially rich in iron, and is also an excellent source of carotene and zinc.

This makes it an EXCELLENT CHOICE and a Perfect Substitute for RICE. Have a look at this Delicious Bowl of Lemon Rice made using Little Millets.

Amaranth Millet – Rajgira/ Ramdana

Amaranth Millets

Amaranth Millet is also known as Rajgira, Ramdana, and Chola…You will be surprised to know that inspite of being nutritious, this Millet is unknown to many. Have a look at the Picture shared above – Amaranth Millets are sure an Eyecatcher.

Amaranth is a complete protein and it’s naturally gluten-free. Amaranth Millet has high amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium – the very macronutrients that help us keeping us HEALTHY – Studies showed that those with cardiovascular disease must include this millet in their diets as it helps decrease total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Amaranth seeds when cooked retains their crunchy texture – and thus are a PERFECT addition to salads & Soups – The seeds are also used in Baking breads, muffins and pancakes as they contribute an interesting texture to the Dish – The PERFECT CRUNCH that we all so relish. Chikki and Halwa are however popular dishes made with this millet.

Rajgira Chikki, is one of the Best ways to incorporate iron into our Diets…When made with jaggery, it serves as a PERFECT SNACK for those suffering from anemia.

I am particularly in love with the Sweets made using this Millet – unique in taste and loaded with Nutrients.

Buckwheat Millet – Kuttu

Buckwheat Millet

Buckwheat is one of the most popular types of millets in India and is often used during the fasting period of Navratri Festival. It is the seed of a plant called “Fagopyrum esculentum.” and is related to rhubarb, not wheat, rye or barley.

This millet is often confused to be Wheat – But beware, despite the confusing name and somewhat similar looks, buckwheat is gluten-free and super healthy…It also goes by the name “Kuttu”.

Buckwheat seeds

Buckwheat has a well-balanced assortment of essential and non-essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein. It is considered a superior source of protein when compared to wheat, rice, and even millet…hence enjoys the tag of being a rich source of “Biologically available Protein.”

This Millet is diabetic friendly and lowers blood pressure – hence a Perfect choice for those looking at replacing wheat & rice from their Diets. Also an excellent Choice for those looking at weight loss as it is high in fibre.

Buckwheat is popularly ground into a fine powder to make Breads & Muffins, Rotis & Puris, and Pancakes…a perfect replacement for recipes that require wheat as the Base Ingredient.

Kodu Millet – Kodon

Last on our list is Kodu Millet – also known as “Kodon” is a millet known for strengthening the nervous system. Besides, the Kodo Millet helps hydrate the colon to keep the system regular – thereby preventing us from being constipated…Constipation is the root cause of many Health Issues – With this in CHECK – we are confident of a HEALTHY BODY.

Kodu Millet is a fantastic source of B vitamins, especially niacin, B6, and folic acid. It contains minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

Postmenopausal women are at risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels…regular consumption of Kodu millet is known to ease these signs.

With so many different Millets to choose from, I can almost imagine the questions on your mind – How can one incorporate millets in meals ?

One simple way of including Millets in our Daily Diets is by converting the Normal Wheat flour into a Multi grain flour by mixing 50 per cent of your choice of millet and 50 per cent of whole wheat. Different Millets can be experimenting with on a monthly basis – this ensures, variety and Balanced Nutrients.

Also you could gift yourself an enriched wheat flour that has wheat, jowar, bajra, ragi in the Proportion of 1:1:1:1.

Another great way to add Millet flour to the rice batter prepared for south Indian delicacies – Idli, Dosa, Uthappam.

If you have a Sweet tooth, Millets can be you CHOICE of flour when making the traditional Halwa and Laddu – Instead of the usual wheat flour Halwa, try making a Ragi Halwa and you will THANK yourself for the TWIST. Same logic applies to Laddu and Chikki recipes.

Millets are Healthy & Nutritious – Perfect way to Eat them is by gradual inclusion in our Diets – have them as a snack, or along with your usual curries and Dals. Enjoy them with the Non-vegetarian Curries – appreciate millets in sweet preparations – With Plenty of Options – I bet, you are all excited to have Millets in your Next Meal.

If you are looking at nutritional powerhouses – Millets fits the bill perfectly !!!

Bon Appetite 🙂

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