Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!

Today let us learn one more crucial aspect associated with Building Muscles – As I mentioned earlier, there is more to the simple connect between Protein & Muscles – and here comes the need to know about the Branched-chain amino acids BCAA.

BCCA are essential amino acids with Protein Anabolic properties – what these means is that these amino acids help build Muscles – In scientific terminology, anabolic activity denotes “Construction”

Anabolic Activity
The simple connect here is that – Anabolic means Building and so if we wish to build Muscles – we must FOCUS on the BCAAs.

Now let’s get back to our learnings for the Day – We all know that Proteins are a major part of our muscles… and also true it is that proteins make up about 15 percent of the average person’s body weight.

There are around 650 skeletal muscles within the typical human body. Almost every muscle constitutes one part of a pair of identical bilateral muscles, found on both sides, resulting in approximately 320 pairs of muscles…It is our muscles that account for most of the energy our bodies burn and so as the amount of muscle we have increases through exercise, the amount of calories we need to fuel those muscles also increases. And the more calories we burn, the more food we need to eat to maintain our weight…Now this may sound pretty simple – but it is more complicated than you can ever imagine…here’s the catch !!!

Most of us aren’t building the kind of muscle mass that permits an increase in such calorie intake, so when we eat more calories than we can burn, we are asking for weight gain.

The answer to a Healthy Body Weight is to have the Right Kind of Muscles that help us stay strong & Fit – and this is precisely the reason, we must build Muscles…and that too in the RIGHT WAY !

Build your Muscles the RIGHT WAY !!!

Many a times, it is seen that we are excited about the Muscle Building Concept but we aren’t really looking at the aspect that govern this Process…Hence the need to get a bit idea on what is Muscle Building in Scientific Terminology…and how does one achieve the Best Results with Perfection, so that no regrets are entertained along the path.

Let us start from the Basic knowledge of Scientific Terms concerned with Muscle Building. There are two words that we must hold on to as we comprehend this Process.

  • Anabolic
  • Catabolic

I take my definitions from

Definition of anabolicmarked by or promoting metabolic activity concerned with the biosynthesis of complex molecules (such as proteins or nucleic acids) – relating to, characterized by, or stimulating ANABOLISM

Definition of catabolicmarked by or promoting metabolic activity concerned with the breakdown of complex molecules (such as proteins or lipids) and the release of energy within the organism -relating to, characterized by, or stimulating CATABOLISM.

As stated by Paul Clayton – “If the anabolic and catabolic processes are in balance, tissue remains intact and good health is sustained. But if the rate of decay is only a little faster than the rate of repair, there is a net loss of healthy tissue.

To get a clarity on the catabolic reactions in the body, I borrow the words stated by Alice Park…according to her statement, “The energy deficit that the contestants have been running since the first day is now catching up with them, and their bodies have become catabolic (preferentially feeding off their own muscle and fat stores to fuel critical metabolic and cellular processes).

With this understanding, I am confident, you know why we need to give our body Protein with Anabolic properties…. THE Branched-chain amino acids BCAA. These BCAA are a part of the Essential Amino Acids, can’t be synthesized in the body and hence must be taken in our DIETS. There are THREE BCCAs…

  1. leucine
  2. Isoleucine
  3. Valine

You can read about them and know their Sources in my article titled The Nine essentials…Now let’s get to know the importance of BCAA in terms of Exercise & Muscle Building & Repairs.

What makes these BCAAs unique…

Time to know some more facts associated with BCAAs, how they function in the body and how are they different from other amino acids…

Most amino acids are absorbed by the intestines and shuttled straight to the liver. It is the liver that decides what to do with them – like which functionality will they support in the momentIf the body needs more energy, the liver will even break them down for fuel rather than spare them to repair and build muscle and other tissue…hence the Proteins don’t get engaged in repair and growth, but for Energy Purpose – This is a wasted action of Proteins.

But the BCAAs follow a different path – They get direct access to tissues like muscle. The muscle fibers then get to make the decision of what to do with these amino acids based on their need in the moment – one of which could very well be to build up muscle tissue as we exercise.

When one drinks a beverage containing BCAAs, the concentration of BCAAs in the bloodstream increases before exercise…Now you can comprehend how this happens – simply because the BCAAs bypass Liver – the initial step of BCAA catabolism does not take place in the liver – Therefore, the BCAA increase rapidly in systemic circulation after protein intake and are readily available to extrahepatic tissues for Repair & Growth of Muscles.

This phenomenon of altered metabolic uptake of BCAAs gives a unique advantage to the BCAA-based nutritional formulas compared with others. Numerous studies report the many benefits and efficient use of BCAAs as an energy source during exercise and suppressed lactic acid production for improved endurance.

But the question still on the mind of many is – “Should I take them, and also are they safe for consumption ???

BCAAs are essential amino acids and hence important for everyone but they play a vital role when muscle-building or muscle-maintenance are the goals we seek. All the three BCAAs are important, each having a Specific role in Muscle Building.

Leucine, helps regulate protein metabolism by promoting protein synthesis and suppressing protein breakdown…Best way to remember the importance of Leucine – Take it be the ignition needed to start the car – leucine kick starts the protein synthesis process, thereby encouraging muscle tissue growth…Leucine also acts as a source for gluconeogenesis (the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrates) in the liver.

Gluconeogenesis (GNG) is a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from certain non-carbohydrate carbon substrates and the process occurs during periods of fasting, starvation, low-carbohydrate diets, or intense exercise….

The process of Gluconeogenesis helps the body and the muscles to heal. The continuous supply of glucose to the brain is a must because the brain needs glucose as the source of energy to perform and it cannot utilize fatty acids or amino acids catabolically.

Next we have Isoleucine – it shares some functions with leucine in regulating blood glucose levels and also helps in detoxification of nitrogenous waste like ammonia, which is then excreted from the body by the kidneys. Also Isoleucine has the ability to activate special receptors, that increase fat burning and inhibit fat storage.

Valine helps us in a unique way During exercise, the amino acid tryptophan is taken up by the brain in large amounts…it is this Tryptophan that is used by the brain to make serotonin, but when we take Valine, it competes with tryptophan for entry into the brain and typically wins….Now you must be wondering how does this impact our Muscles – Here’s the answer…

Serotonin is a neuromodulator – It has the ability to change the rhythm or behavior of single cells in the nervous system. Serotonin changes the activity of motor neurons that are contacting muscle, thereby inducing change in the contraction rate of the muscle.

With less tryptophan getting converted to serotonin, the muscles get to contract with more force for a longer time before becoming fatigued…so you can exercise for long & thus work towards drastic improvements in Body Composition.

Hopefully, Now you can connect the LOGIC as to “Why intake of BCAAs is important with respect to Muscle Building.”

Benefits of taking BCAAs

  • The increase the rate of protein synthesis – thereby supporting Muscle Growth
  • They help suppress Muscle protein breakdown – thereby reducing Muscle loss
  • They lessen the symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness and
  • Reduce markers of Muscle damage

Pause & Ponder !!!

Indeed the benefits of BCAAs are excellent – their role in suppressing protein breakdown, and reduced Muscle loss makes them an excellent & efficient energy source during exercise…buy why seek them in your Supplements – Just Go Natural

Mother nature has blessed us with a variety of foods rich in nutrients to sustain our body’s needs for optimal Growth and when we embrace the art of “Smart Planning” of natural Proteins, similar benefits can be achieved – The RIGHT INTAKE of Food before and after exercising is the mantra to Building Muscles.

One more logic that you must get sorted upon is that….Many of us rely on these supplements, and forget that these BCAAs are just 3 among the 9 Essentials Amino Acids, the body needs to build Muscles. No doubt they are enhancers and boosters, but a lack of the remaining, can once again cause us to regret…

Best way to Build Muscles is to EAT enough PROTEINS & TOTAL CALORIES to encourage “Positive Muscle Growth”

If you eat two to three grams of leucine—likely the muscle-building powerhouse—from food sources at least three times a day, you should be good to go, nutritionist Chris Mohr, Ph.D., R.D., writes. For instance, 3 ounces of grilled chicken breast contains 2.1 g of leucine, while 4 ounces of 1% cottage cheese contains 1.4 ounces of leucine.

Eating the RIGHT FOODS before Exercise is a must as it gives us the much needed ENERGY to exercise and also help prevent Muscle damage…

5 Foods that you could EAT before your Exercise
  1. Banana – Packed with carbohydrates & potassium – Excellent for the Brain & Muscle
  2. Greek Yoghurt with Fruits – Perfect Blend of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates
  3. Fruit Smoothies – Low fat versions/or can use Almond Milk
  4. Peanut Butter with Apples & Raisin – Smart Snacking
  5. Trail Mix – Provide us with the healthy fats, protein and calories when chosen wisely
these MINI SNACKS help you stay energized and also build Muscles the RIGHT WAY

Take away Tip !!!

The BEST TIME to eat these snacks is about 30 minutes before you begin to exercise, and the BEST SNACK is one that combines Carbohydrates & Lean Protein with an emphasis on the carbs to supply you with the much needed Energy to continue exercising…Avoid heavy Fats and too much fibre before exercising. You could aim for 25 to 40 grams of carbohydrate and about 10 grams of protein.

Let’s Go natural !!!

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