Happy Meals :)

Last week we not only celebrated the advantages of Vegetarian Proteins, but we also realized that all FOODS are Excellent sources of Nutrients and when we learnt the art of Smart Planning of Meals – we can make HEALTH a daily affair – Cheers to a Healthier YOU !!!

As promised, today we will be discussing some Cereal Pulse Combinations that can excite your Children.

With kids, there is a Universal Challenge that all Mothers face – Making them EAT Healthy Balanced Meals…and we learnt that for the optimum growth of her child, every mother ensures a meal that is not only enjoyed by the Child but also nourishes them with Nutrients – Hence the Pestering 😦

The last article did introduce you to the concept of “Importance of a “Cereal-Pulse Blended” Meals, especially if you are a Vegetarian…and how the Blend is Beneficial with respect to Health.

Have a Look the List I have shared here…

  • Dal ChawalThe Classic Meal in all HOMES
  • North Indian Cuisines Dal Makhani/ Dal Panchami served with Tandoori Roti
  • South Indian CuisineIdli/Dosa/Uthappam with Sambar
  • Maharashtrian CuisineBhakhri with zunka
  • Punjabi Cuisine Chana Bathura
  • Rajasthan CuisineDal-Bati-Churma.
  • Sindhi CuisineChola Dabal /Besan ki Tikki with Roti

Do look closer and you will see a CEREAL – PULSE Blend – Indeed our Ancestors were SMART and did a Brilliant Job of Eating COMPLETE PROTEINS by skillfully implementing the Combination of Cereals & Pulses as their Traditional Foods…the Food Legacy we all did receive and yet we failed to see the Secret of Health concealed in them.

All that is required to live a Healthy Lifestyle is to get back to the Roots – Embrace the Legacy that we have been gifted but since the 21st Century has its “Special Impact” – we too will have plan our Meals with a “Special Twist”

The key here is to follow your instincts about the likes and dislikes that you child has and keeping that in mind stick to the fundamentals of Eating a Complete Meal of Cereal – Pulse Blend.

Three Main Meals – Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner & Two Mini Meals – Mid Day & Mid Evening Snacks are the areas we must focus upon when Eating Healthy 🙂 Sharing with you some Cereal Pulse Combinations to get you Started …

Snack Variety – Mid Day /Mid Evening

  • Hummus with Pita Bread/Khakhra/Ragi Bites/Koki Bites

Hummus is a Middle Eastern dip, spread, or savory dish made from cooked, mashed chickpeas (Our Protein Component) blended with tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. The standard garnish in the Middle East includes olive oil, a few whole chickpeas, parsley, and paprika.

In Middle Eastern cuisine, it is usually eaten as a dip, with pita bread but we could serve the Hummus with a Twist – The traditional Indian Khakhra is a Special Twist – and so are the Ragi Bites/Koki Bites.

Tip – A few sticks of Carrots & Cucumber and some Olives by the side & Viola – You have a Balanced Meal…if you child prefers Salsa, go for it – Tomatoes are just Perfect for Immunity as well.

Another Tip – You can create versions in your Hummus – Avocado Hummus/Beetroot Hummus/Spinach Hummus/Black Chickpea Hummus.

Breakfast Option Main Meal of the Day

  • Wraps/ Sandwiches/Parathas

Sandwiches & Wraps are an all-time favourite in almost every home….and they are BEST option for TIFFINS & OFFICE MEALS as well but what really comes in the way of these EASY to GO option is the Variety that we all seek in our sandwiches…and yet this is one area where we can play Smart and Churn up Healthy Meals for our Family.

Have a Look at this Picture shared – a decent amount of Healthy Filling can be sneaked in the Bread Roll and then when toasted – comes out Delicious ❤

BREADThe Cereal Component can be a Whole Meal/ Brown or a Multi grain option, and sometimes long bread/French bread is also a good variation – Pita Bread & Tortilla sheets can also contribute to variety.

FILLING This is where, we must make sure to add a Protein Component – Vegetarian Options are Edamame, Soybeans, Tofu, Tempeh and my all-time favourite Mushrooms.

Soybean Options

Paratha loved by ALL & specially Children – They are, beyond a doubt, every Mother’s Top-Secret Code to Health…when made with Nutritional awareness.

Parathas when cooked with Perfect Filling can work WONDERS on the ENERGY BOOST to keep not only our little ones but also adults going through the DAY – No more Binging & Empty Snacking is then required.

Let us bear in mind that parathas are a GREAT IDEA only when the fillings are Right & not much Oil is used in making them…Yes, we can serve with a Dollop of Butter, but don’t overdo it – Moderation is the key to Health.

Tip 1 – Moong Dhal/Whole Green Moong/Soybeans granules/Paneer/Tofu are some excellent options for Fillings and if your family enjoys Curd/ Lassi/Laban – Serve your Parathas with them & enjoy a Guilt Free Meal Time.

Tip 2Also, should you find yourself making Aloo Paratha/Gobi Paratha/Radish Paratha – here’s another tip to add the Pulse Protein – When kneading the dough for Paratha, as a Pulse Protein Component, you could add Gram Flour and also some Sesame seeds.

Main Meals – Lunch & Dinner

  • Biryani & Pulao & Fried Rice – Perfect Pack for Lunch/Dinner.

Biryani/ Pulao/Fried Rice – A single-pot dish made with rice and a variety of other components – often served with a side of spiced yoghurt – Must says, It holds TRUE for each HOME that Biryani and Pulao are relished by ALL.

Once again, this is one Recipe that gives enough scope to conceal in the Right Nutrients in the Right Portions – We can make a variety of Options when we choose the RIGHT ingredients…Sharing with three Perfectly Unique Choices

Chana Biryani – Bengal gram or Chana as it is commonly known as has a nice robust and meaty taste and this makes it the Best Cereal Pulse Blend in the Biryani Options – Did you know it is also called the Kali Moti Biryani – Kids & Adults both like this Combination.

Tofu/ Paneer Tikka Biryani – Both Option are Great – Paneer & Tofu provide us the Perfect Protein Component we are seeking in this Cereal Based Recipe.

Jackfruit Biryani – Due to its fibrous texture, people often use jackfruit flesh as a meat substitute in vegetarian or vegan dishes…Also when compared to fruits, its Protein content is pretty high.

Soya Pulao – Soya is a great source of proteins, vitamins and minerals and this Pulao is a PERFECT lunchbox recipe to be served with raita of your Choice.

Hope you are now excited to Churn up an array of HEALTHY MEALS for your LOVED ONES with CONFIDENCE in your understanding of Nutrients and Love for your Family in your Heart…leaving you with a THOUGHT to ponder upon, every time you enter the Sacred Space – your abode of Health !!!



Happy Eating !!!

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