When we talk of FATS – the first thing that comes to mind is NUTS, many of us are often confused when we are served the best variety of a blend of almond, walnuts and pecan at a party – These crunchy nuts, beyond a doubt tempt us to gobble a few handfuls & then we STOP.

The reason behind the hesitation is our understanding of NUTS…We have grown up hearing the NUTS are BAD because they are loaded with FATS…This statement regarding FATS isn’t incorrect, but neither can we say that this is perfectly RIGHT…so let’s get to know the FACTS of NUT FATS.

Before you continue reading ahead, I suggest you grab a Bowl of Nuts & Relish them, for the Facts that I share TODAY, will make you feel confident of your CHOICE provided you have eaten these “Nutritional Gems” in moderation.

I am confident that you are doubting the article as you read along – Your reaction is truly justified…Counselling with people of all ages has made me realize that many of you are scared to eat nuts as they are rich in fats…so let us confirm NUTS to be GOOD based on some Scientific facts...and then it is for YOU to decide if NUTS are truly “Nutritional Gems


1 – Healthy Fats

As much as 80% of a nut is FAT – and hence it is rightly said that “Nuts are FATS” but the GOOD NEWS is this fat is HEALTHY FAT… One that is good for the HEART

Nuts are moderately low in saturated fat & high in Unsaturated Fats. Many nuts also are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help our heart stay healthy, preventing irregular heart rhythms that can lead to heart attacks. Nuts also contain plant sterols, a substance that can help lower our cholesterol.

Eating a handful of nuts is the way to “Healthy Heart” and a “Fit Lifestyle

While it may be true that nuts are high in fat and calories, research continues to show that they do contribute to HEALTH – Thanks to the many others nutrients present in them.

2 – Vegetarian Protein

Nuts are a great sources of VEGETABLE PROTEINS...A Perfect Snack for those who are looking at increasing the “Protein Reserves” of the body but can’t opt for Animal Sources of Protein either due to “Religion” or “Health Restrictions”

100 g of Mixed Nuts = 20 grams of Protein

3 – Fibre Rich

Fiber not only helps lower our cholesterol but also contributes to a feeling of fullness – and this keeps the Sugar levels in check…Nuts, being a rich a Source of fibre when consumed with outer skin is a GREAT SNACK when hunger strikes at odd hours and/or due to Emotional attacks that compel us to EAT the wrong food.

4 – Vitamin E

Nuts are a GREAT source of Vitamin E, which help stop the development of plaques in our arteries. Plaque development in our arteries can lead to chest pain, coronary artery disease or a heart attack…Thus it can be said that Vitamin E helps broaden the blood vessels and keep blood from clotting within them…

Our body also needs vitamin E to boost its immune system so that it can fight off invading bacteria and viruses…Though rare, Vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve and muscle damage that results in loss of feeling in the arms and legs, leading to loss of body movement control, muscle weakness, and vision problems…So let us EAT NUTS to keep our BOFY free from these damages.


In today’s times, we are all exposed to a dust, pollution, harmful chemicals that somehow find their entry into the foods that we eat and then there are other threats like “cigarette smoke from passive smokers”, sunlight exposure, drinking alcohol to socialize & eating junk-food to support the hectic lifestyle we gradually gets accustomed to – These are trigger that release free radicals in our body which, in turn, cause oxidation of fats. The oxidation of fats leads to heart disorders, stroke, cancer, cataracts etc.

In order to keep the body toxic free, one needs to incorporate anti-oxidants in the meals that are eaten. Role of anti-oxidants is to help our body fight against these free radicals, and boost our immunity thereby keeping us HEALTHY – The good news is that NUT ARE RICH IN ANTI-OXIDANTS...They keep us “Toxic Free”

6 – OVERALL Health

Yet another important connect associated with NUTS – They are also a source of L-arginine – an amino acid that is needed to not only build Proteins but also contribute to other important aspects of HEALTH.

In addition to building protein, L-arginine releases nitric oxide in the blood…which acts to widen blood vessels in the blood stream…thereby improving the health of our artery walls by making them more flexible and less prone to blood clots that can block blood flow. L-arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and also help maintain pH balance in the body.

With so much HEALTH associated with NUTS – it is time we CHANGE our judgement against NUTS & start including modest quantity of nuts into our diet 🙂

Nuts are truly “Power Foods” overflowing with nutrients and they truly deserve to be termed “Nutritional gems”.

There are a variety of NUTS available to us – Almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, and peanuts– The list is limitless but our intake must be LIMITED as they do contribute to CALORIES – Smartness lies in Eating them in RIGHT QUANTITIES.

Word of Caution

Two solid reason why we must eat NUTS in MODERATION – Primarily because Nuts contain anti-nutrients like Oxalic acid, Phytic acid, Lectins, Tannins, and Trypsin Inhibitors which tend to deplete a wide array of essential micronutrients our body needs to obtain and achieve optimal health…Soaking and/or Sprouting nuts is hence considered beneficial as the process helps breakdown these tough inhibitors.

Soaking does solve one of the issues associated with NUTS, however it is also seen that NUTS – our go to snack – are a source of pro-inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids.

Omega 3 & Omega 6 – Both are essential fatty acids needed by the body and a must to have in our MEALS but the challenge arises when the ratio of consumption of both these essential fatty acids gets disturbed when we fail to watch our intake of foods that contain them.

Medical Research shows that omega-6s are pro-inflammatory, while omega-3s are anti-inflammatory – and it also is believed that some amount of inflammation is essential for our survival. It helps protect our body from infection and injury, but extreme inflammation can cause severe damage and contribute to disease (heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and many types of cancer)

Scientists have come to a conclusion that a diet high in omega-6s but low in omega-3s increases inflammation, while a diet that includes balanced amounts of each reduces inflammation...It is important for us to seek this BALANCE if we wish to stay HEALTHY !!!

A healthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is somewhere between 1-to-1 and 4-to-1

The TAKE AWAY message is that though NUTS are an EXCELLENT SNACK – they do are a cause of concern when it comes to micronutrient sufficiency & omega 3 to omega 6 ratio…hence it is BEST to keep nuts to a minimum.

Have them…But don’t go overboard

Nuts have an excellent keeping quality – Perfect snacks while travelling, picnics and parties…But why limit them to these occasions – when they can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.

Few suggestions that will be interesting and exciting and will definitely give your recipes not only a new flavor and taste but will boost up the nutrient content of your recipe in a HEALTHY WAY.


  • Start your day with nuts: Within the first 20 minutes of waking, one should consume a protein food to stabilize the sugar levels. What better time to take your daily dose of nuts (8-10 almonds /6-8 walnuts /10-12 pistachios).
  • Almonds and walnuts with honey is the best way to boost your memory…Many of us are used to this Morning Winter Ritual.
  • When making salads instead of cheese and croutons you can drop in some blanched almonds. And there you have a complete meal in your reach in less than 10 minutes.
  • Sautéed vegetables can be made more nutritive by garnishing it with nuts of your choice…My personal choice is “Walnuts & Peanuts” when cooking any stir fry that includes CHICKEN.
  • A simple bowl of raita, “a yoghurt dip” can be made nourishing with nuts. A perfect example is “Spinach & Peanut raita” with a dash of chat masala, an Indian spice mix made with dried mango.
  • Instead of the usual corn flour that we often use to thicken our soups and curry you can use almond powder thereby increasing the protein content.
  • Add in a handful of cashew nuts when making coriander chutney. Not only does it add to the taste but also gives a nutty crunch to the chutney.


Walnuts are a good post-workout recovery snack…You can pack them as a snack on your way to your gym or when you go for your daily walks. They are known to maximize your fitness efforts by providing fuel for optimum performance.


Last but not the least many mothers complain that their kids only prefer eating the “Chapati” and very often the vegetable or the lentil is left out. Let us play smart and add powdered nuts to the Chapati dough – Also, if you like baking your own Breads & Pita – adding NUTS is a great way to incorporate NUTRIENTS into their Meals.  In this way your child gets a balanced meal even if he eats only breads.

A combination of a handful of nuts on a daily basis is your key to a good health. But one needs to remember two very important points when eating these nutritional gems.

  • Eat in moderation because excess of it can trigger weight gain.
  • Eat them in their natural form: dry- roasted, unsalted and unsweetened form.

I have given you adequate reasons to say “Goodbye” to chips, French fries and candies, and an excellent justification to say a big “Hello” to the most neglected food group, nuts and dry fruits.


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