Food On The GO ~ ~ ~

Last week we learnt about the “Golden Ratio” & how it impacts our LIFE – This week let us tackle yet another interesting aspect – One that is universal to each one of us – FOOD on the GO How to make the RIGHT CHOICES.

Being healthy and fit calls for a logical understanding of the concepts of FOOD and its NUTRITIONAL VALUE.

Some key pointers reiterated

Food is the indeed an essential part of our life. Lack of proper nutrition can lead to many physical defects such as poor eyesight, bad posture and a weak digestive system….These a just a few damages we incur by not EATING RIGHT.

Another challenge that comes up when incorrect choices are made is – Excess Weight. Obesity and weight related issues are a major concern as we are easily tempted towards high calorie diet.

What we eat directly affects our body health, so it becomes all the more necessary to be aware about the calorie content and also the nutritional value of the food that we are eating.

This next connect is closely related to a Mother’s Concern – Every mother wants her child to excel in LIFE…and Excellence in LIFE is closely related to FOOD they EAT !!!

The choice of food eaten clearly gets reflected in our PERFORMANCES – Wrong Food choices leads to lack of Concentration & Confusion. Research also proves that “Poor Grades” in children is often a result of Poor Nutrition.

This does not mean if a mother feeds her child a lot of food, they ’ll be able to THINK BETTER & PERFORM BETTER. Quality and not quantity of food is what we need to focus on…and this applies for all age groups.

With the right kind of food intake with respect to the nutrients, we’ll be able to think better and therefore, perform better. If you wish to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is essential to be aware of the nutritional importance of the foods we eat.

The TAKE AWAY CONNECT is – There is a definite connection between what we eat and how we think and perform in our day-to-day chores.

Now that we have the CORE POINTERS revised, let us tackle the challenges this Society & Modern Times present to us as life goes by…

Two important aspects come to my mind as I write…

Living in a competitive world and a stressed-out environment, HEALTH is of prime concern to us. We all want to be HEALTHY & we do READ a lot about it & we often hear about the importance of EATING RIGHT and paying attention to the nutritional aspect of the food that we consume…and yet again we resort to “Quick Fixes” & “Short Cuts” Wondering WHY ???

We often believe that we are EATING WRONG because we don’t have TIME to COOK – and our JOBS & CAREER does not give us the much needed TIME to enjoy a Balanced Meals & that is why we EAT food that is easily available to us – Hence, when asked why the choices are being made in the wrong direction – we justify our lack of knowledge to EAT RIGHT with lack of Time to EAT RIGHT.

This is an illusion we create to satisfy our GUILT…Know that just as knowing how to cook right is important, so is how to DINE RIGHT…Let us Learn the art of Dining Right TODAY.

The second important point of concern that I would like you to ponder upon is that there is no quick fix to GOOD HEALTH – as often suggested by advertisements & marketing gimmicks when selling food supplements.

When you visit the supplement aisle at your local drugstore, you get to see a variety of supplements designed to help you increase your intake of a range of vitamins and minerals….Colorful pills & gummies & al sorts of exciting bottles – and though they seem pretty harmless because their intake is less (1 -2 Tablets a day) you can actually go overboard with them and hurt your health when consumed in EXCESS !!!

I am not in favor taking dietary supplements to make up for the loss of nutrients in our daily intake…because at the end these are all “Chemicals” & can lead to Toxicity at times – Besides, anything unnatural isn’t truly HEALTH – It is a compromise we are making with our HEALTH – once again by making a wrong choice.

Allow me to explain this in details – We know that consistency is important to achieve success in all that we do – But sometimes consistently taking too much of a supplement, even if it’s something that is important for our health can lead to more loss than gain – A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that while calcium-rich foods can help protect your heart health, calcium supplements can raise your risk of plaque buildup in your arteries, leading to heart damage...hence knowing which supplements can be taken without risking our HEALTH is crucial.

This is just one among the many minerals that lead to damage…there are other common supplements that can be risky if you take too much…Iron, Zinc, Potassium are some minerals that need to be consumed with care.

Another missing link that we must fill here is the intake of Fat Soluble Vitamins…These can be stored in the body & hence their consumption through supplements must be monitored…

Let discuss an essential Fat Soluble Vitamin – One that is very important for us & yet excess of it can wreak havoc on our body. Vitamin A helps keep our vision and immune system healthy…but take it in excess & you are asking for hair loss, bone loss, confusion, and even liver failure.

Nature has offered us its bounty in a variety of cereal grains, whole grams, legumes, greens, root tubers, fruits, spices, nuts and oil seeds, fish and fish products, milk and milk products. These are significant contributors to the daily requirements of minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium, potassium and essential vitamins like Vitamin A, B, C and D and fiber which is essential for a healthy and strong body…

Let us seek the Goodness of Mother Nature & enjoy the Goodness of Life by Eating Right…and say NO to CHEMICALS

Eating Chemicals is not HEALTH – Let this be your FIRST TAKE AWAY from this post – Next comes the reality check of our “Work Ethics” & our illusionary reasons for not eating HEALTHY

Unfortunately, we are living in a world hard pressed for time, pushing us towards fast meals, popularly known as ‘FAST FOOD’ for the obvious reason, it is FAST.  It is FOOD on the Go & though it does supply us with Energy to sustain the demands of “TODAY” – we are all making a CHOICE that is leading us to a “Unhealthy Tomorrow”

The nutritional value of the fast food is highly debatable but in recent times, these fast-food chains are realizing the growing need for ‘healthy options’ in their Menu…Change is happening but not at the pace we need…After all Food Chains have a Different Goal to achieve…Health may not be a part of their Goals...and if it is then it is HEAVY on your Pockets…

Does this mean that living in today’s time is a compromise on health?

No, definitely not. When we hold the knowledge to make the right choices in our hands – HEALTH is always by our side – If we find ourselves in a situation when fast food is the ONLY OPTION that we have, we can still afford to make a healthier choice amidst the choices available.  Know that if fast food is the only alternative available in a situation, you still can play smart and be healthy...

Let us unravel some SMART SECRETS when Fast Food is the ONLY OPTION available to us.

When ordering at fast food joints, make sure to modify your fast-food order. Few tips to help you modify the not so healthy choices into healthier one in the best possible way.

  1. Never ask for a upsize: super-size fast food eating should be avoided. Eating in moderation is advisable.
  2. High fat and calorie sauces and a big NO: Sauces like ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard and other toppings should be avoided. They are a temptation as they often are part of the meal. Please avoid them.
  3. Request an alteration in your bread: Plain white bread rolls can be replaced for Whole-wheat rolls. An excellent example is when we eat at subway sandwiches, we can choose a multigrain bread over the plain version.
  4. Choose your dressing wisely: Fat free salad dressing –lemon and basil dressing instead of mayonnaise-based dressing are a perfect way to toss your salads.
  5. “No cheese no mayonnaise with extra vegetables”, while ordering burgers and grilled sandwiches you can always make special requests… “MOVE my CHEESE” be your new mantra when in comes to Dine in options.
  6. Drink Smart – Sodas should be replaced by water. Water is best ZERO calorie drink and is always an OPTION available in all Food Places.
  7. Cook Smart – Choose grilled over frying options wherever possible…hence request for a grilled meat option and reduce your Fat intake.
  8. Smart option – Ask for a Green Boost like a Salad side rather than “French Fries”

Next time grabbing your FOOD ON THE GO, pause to make the “RIGHT CHOICE”

Be Smart ~ Be Healthy ~ Be You!

Be Food Smart ~ Change 4 Life

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