Think You’re Hungry? It Could Be “Fake”

Have you experienced a situation wherein even after eating your meals you still feel hungry? Are you really hungry or is it some kind of a mind game? Do you want to know the real cause of this feeling? If the answer is YES — then your quest ends here. This is a sign of “Fake Hunger”– Let us learn more about this feeling. How to identify and control this sensation and FREE yourself from this trick?

We all know that Food is a response to hunger and so when we are hungry – we eat and when we are not hungry, we don’t – Simple and logical is the act of Eating and yet most of us end up overeating – Why??? – Simply because we are experiencing “Fake Hunger”

“Fake Hunger”a kind of sensation that we experience when the mind is not in a relaxed state. And yes, to a certain extent it can be termed as a game that the mind plays with our sensations.

When we are in Stress, we get emotionally disturbed and then we EAT without awareness and this leads us to more stress – We are then caught up in the cycle of entanglements of “Emotions” & “Guilt”

A look at the picture below clearly shows that Stress creates FEAR in us, setting triggers for us to EAT without realization…To overcome this FEAR & seek FREEDOM from it we resort to FOOD…because for many of us “Food is a sign of Comfort”. This comfort is seeked from Sweets & Chocolates & Ice-creams & all sorts of JUNK FOOD...This Overeating leads to guilt & more Stress…and thus continues the cycle of FAKE HUNGER.

To put it simply, when we EAT to feed our EMOTIONS – We are eating EMOTIONALLY.

The best way to free yourself from the clutches of “Fake Hunger” is to live a “STRESS FREE LIFE”


I personally consider “STRESS” as a “Demon” that is forever looking for opportunities to cloud our thinking and this creates confusion in our life – leading us to FAKE HUNGER.

Let us learn more about this feeling…the demon that forever wants to control us – Time to set ourselves FREE from its shadows & live a HEALTHY LIFE without feeling guilty for what we EAT.

Let us know why we experience fake HUNGER – These reasons are valid & should you find yourself drifting towards “Fake Hunger” – Get alert & seek the Right Guidance.

SECRET LANGUAGE of Fake hunger


If in less than 2 hours after eating a balanced meal or sizeable snack, you experience hunger, this is your FIRST CUE.

In fact, these fake hunger pangs are so strong that you almost forget that you have already eaten. The urge to eat is very strong that it forces us to grab a snack or mini meal to satisfy ourselves. We unknowingly end up eating extra. This extra intake of calories leads to weight gain, guilt and further complications.


Often, we look out either for something sweet or salty to satisfy our fake hunger. Having the urge to eat something sweet or salty after a complete meal is your SECOND CUE to fake hunger.

We need to understand a crucial point here. When our body is emotionally craving for sugar (from candies and chocolates) or has a strong urge to eat something salty, we need to pause and CHECK OUR MEAL TIME.


Eating our meals in a hurry is also associated with fake hunger. Eating fast has its fault because the brain takes a whole of 20 minutes to get a feeling of fullness. This is how the body remembers that FOOD has been eaten. Eating fast is your THIRD CUE.

Many of us not only EAT FAST but we also EAT while doing other tasks as checking our Phones, watching Tv, talking on the phone – these acts disturb the brain signals & hence we sometimes even fail to recall that we have just had a “Full Meal. When we eat our Meals, we must not only aim to eat our food slowly but let us relish each morsel of foodmaking Meal times, our Moments of “Happy Connects

So, the next time when you are hungry, watch out for these cues and then you can easily differentiate genuine hunger from fake hunger.


Many of us justify our “eating habits” and often the younger generation believes that “Stress” is a part of LIFE & we have the RIGHT to EAT UNHEALTHY because we are depressed & stressed.

The above saying has forced us to believe that eating sweets & desserts foods will make YOU feel better…This is a mythincomplete TRUTH – You think you are feeling better, but in reality, you are merely just stuffing yourself with calories when these sweet treats are consumed without awareness.

No doubt, chocolates and sweets and in some cases even chips are know to relax us and indeed one feels GOOD after having them – But Moderation is the key if we wish to seek the positive effects of eating them – Excess only causes us Harm.

Should you find yourself eating packets after packets of Chips or eating Ice cream straight from the Ice-cream tub, you need to PAUSE & REFLECT on your EATING HABITS.

Need of the hour is seek answers as to why are you eating non stop – Are you DEPRESSED and also if you are really DEPRESSED for the RIGHT REASONS…Don’t just feed your “emotions” but take efforts to resolve the triggers that are leading you to “Fake Hunger”

Depression is an after effect of being stressed for a long time and one must consult a doctor to get treated – simply because depression can be fatal.


You will be surprised to know that “Depression” is “Nutrient related” – Shocking as this may sound, it is the TRUTH – Sometimes it is seen that we tend to resort to “Emotional Eating” as a result of some “Nutrient Deficiencies”

Here’s a list of some Nutrients that are a must to keep us Emotionally Stable – often the lack of these leads to chaotic eating


The FIRST important NUTRIENT to pay attention to is PROTEINS – The reasons for being super dull or hyper is due to sudden highs and lows in the blood sugar…We know that Proteins help us maintain the sugar levels and also help sustain HUNGER for extended times – hence PROTEINS are recommended to be a part of Every Meal.

When we mess our “Breakfast Meal” by either “Skipping” it all together” or just eating “Carbs” we are sure to look for some more food in a matter of 30 mins…and many a times these options are unhealthy again.

EATING our MEALS on TIME and in a “Balanced Way” helps in maintaining Energy levels in our body & then we don’t resort to “Junk Food” – An easy option available to us at all times.

Check your intake of “Proteins” as they help neurons within the brain communicate effectively.

Sunshine Vitamin D

Depression gets triggered when we are not happy and then our quest to find Happiness begins – Food of the wrong choices becomes our target – This is our mistake – Research proves that Vitamin D keeps us Happy by increasing levels of serotonin, a neuro-transmitter that regulates the mood and the BEST way to get the Sunshine Vitamin is to go out & enjoy the Warmth of the Sun.

Beaches & Park are the secret to staying Happy. Let us step into the arms of Mother Nature and soak in all the Happiness & Sunshine we need to be HAPPY.

Vitamin D – The “Sunshine Vitamin” is a must to slay the demons of “Stress” ❤

Omega –3 – Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are promising natural treatments for mood disorders… The magic of Omega 3 works by helping our body restore magnesium which increases the body’s ability to cope with stress. Omega 3 foods also help soothe our nerves. Here’s the list of “omega 3” food sources.

  • Eggs – Mother nature’s incredible and edible source of Omega-3 fatty acids, providing on average, 180mg per serve (2 eggs).
  • Fish and other seafood – particularly cold-water oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines
  • Seeds and nuts – flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts
  • Plant oils – flaxseed oil, soybean oil, canola oil

Time to grab some dry fruits like walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds as they help us to stay calm.

Water Soluble Vitamins

Water soluble Vitamins B complex and vitamin C are a must when it comes to being Energetic & Happy 🙂

It is seen that most “Mental Health” issues such as memory loss, anxiety, depression, irritability, and insomnia are also associated with deficiencies in vitamin B1. Lack of enough vitamins may also lead to fatigue, loss of appetite, and gastrointestinal disorders…The reason being that our body needs this vitamin to help convert glucose or blood sugar into energy. lack of Vitamin B1 indicates that our body may not have enough energy to function normally and thus the errors in our EATING HABITS.

B 12 and Folic acid (B9) deficiency is associated with depression. Vitamin B12 is a key component in the formation of red blood cells. Its deficiency could lead to an oxygen-transport problem in the blood known as pernicious anemia. This disorder may cause issues like mood swings, distrust, irritability, confusion, dementia, and hallucinations

Doctors often prescribe Vitamin B12 and folate supplements to not only cure anemia but these supplements also enhance the production of serotonin and dopamine…both important in regulating and maintaining a good mental health state.

Foods rich in folic acid like oranges or green leafy vegetables and B12 like milk, cottage cheese can make us Happy & Cheerful.

When we think of Vitamin C – Two images come to mind, Sailors & Oranges – Vitamin C deficiency (Scurvy) in sailors lead to fatigue or depression – and as the levels of Vitamin C restore to normal by giving them Vitamin C foods like oranges & limes, mood swings disappeared and the sailors were all energetic & happy to work again.

Thus was established the connect between Vitamin C & Happiness…Oranges keeps us Happy – have them as your daily dose of Vitamin C.

Eating Oranges keeps us Happy & STRESS FREE 🙂

Lack of one or more nutrients often lead to imbalance and various complications arise – one such of it being ‘FAKE HUNGER’…We often experience fake hunger when our meals are not balanced with respect to these nutrients that are essential for our body to stay STRESS FREE.

I suggest you get a through check up of your Body, should you find yourself Eating Wrong…Chances are your reports will reveal the truth of your Missing Nutrients.

Check for these Defaulters & Sort them out

Knowing and identifying the Demons of Fake Hunger are the key challenges here. Listen to your gut and take charge of your body. Now is the time to off load that intake of few extra calories due to those ‘fake hunger’ pangs…Overcome the DEMONS of Fake HUNGER with Smartness & Style !!!

Be relaxed, eat a BALANCED DIET and ENJOY your MEALTIMES – Best & Perfect way to stay healthy and curb fake hunger pangs.

Fake hungerCurb it in the right way!

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