B – Fit Lifestyle

When we change the calendar to reveal the 10th month of the year, we should have practically achieved 75% of our targets. Now is the TIME to review yourself. To get an idea of how the year was spent, each one of us must schedule some assessments to document the progress made with respect to the targets that were set way back in January...It is time for REVIEW !!!

With the “Pandemic” barging into our life, 2020 was not a year of triumphs & so when we stepped into 2021, we all had reservations as to how 2021 would fare…and that guided us to live in the moment & cherish the wonders of LIFE “One day at a TIME”.

Riding the waves of FEARS & DOUBTS, we made it through the times…Some happy & some sad moments of life were gathered along the way…and here we are in the Month of October – October is considered as the “Review Month because October marks our entry into the final quarter of the year.

With 3 months left to the NEW YEAR, it is a must for us to do some reviews as to how did we fare all through the days – and how the year of 2021 impacted our LIFE.


Turn back the pages of your diary of your LIFE to analyze where you stand. Are you on track? Are the visions a Realty today – are the plans made still active and if not, what reasons led to the choices and so on…Knowing your GROWTH helps you stay focused on your Targets.

One challenging aspect of these reviews is that they might lead us to displeasures – because sometimes, these reviews and checks reveal to us our missed opportunities but let the “Reality Checks” not become an obstacle for you.

Though we had a Plan, things didn’t work out as expected – Definitely, a moment to feel low and many of us GIVE UP on our goals when we find the success graph going downwards or has reached a Plateau…but if we do the opposite and become HOPEFUL, we can still achieve SUCCESS – It is in these Moments of REVIEW that we must Pause & Ponder upon the reasons for failure.

Review Times help us comprehend our “Weakness

Know that this year there will be many such downfalls & yet let us not get disheartened. Embrace the reality checks with honesty & let them guide us towards Pleasant Moments of Victory.

Let me assure you that displeasures are certain when we find ourselves on a DEAD END, but never must we GIVE UP…Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it…and so if you are really interested in taking that step forward to achieve your goals, I have some GOOD NEWS for you all.

Review Time – Perfect Time for B-Fit Awareness

As the series on Health is in progress, I will share with you some connects that will assist you if you had set Specific targets in the area of health for 2021.

Before I share some secrets of achieving your “Health” goals, do take a moment to answer these questions – these will set the trail for you…leading you to a healthier YOU.

  • Are you aware of the theory of eating clean?
  • Do you want to live a life full of charisma and confidence?
  • Are you ready for a new you?
  • Are you ready to B-FIT?


“Eating clean” is a theory that basically stresses on incorporating healthy, whole, unprocessed foods and healthy patterns in our daily routine. Although the phrase is relatively new, the principles are not.

There are two parallel pathways associated with this IDEA of “Clean Eating” – One needs to focus on making changes the dietary habits of Eating RIGHT and simultaneously we must embrace some new lifestyle practices…the union of two creates Magic – Join me as we embark on this BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY of a lifetime that will gift you a HEALTHIER YOU.

We will take up the art of “Eating Clean” as a two series project – TWIN ARTICLE…the first series focuses on the six dietary practices that need to become a part of our Personality hence termed B-FIT LIFESTYLE.

The second series we will learn Six LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS that are a must to sustain a Healthier Personality.

  1. Healthy start to a day
  2. Portion size
  3. Moderate your intake of fast food.
  4. Hydrate yourself at all times
  5. Moderate your intake of salt, sugar and fats
  6. Healthy Carbs and Proteins at all mealtimes

1. Healthy Start to the DAY

Start your Day HealthyMake this the mantra of your LIFE...simply because a Healthy breakfast keeps you going during the day without binging on the wrong foods. Eating Breakfast also prevents us from overeating during lunchtime.

Gift yourself a “Healthy Breakfast” – A balanced combination of protein, fruit, and a complex carbohydrate…helps keep the sugar levels in control...Perfect JUMPSTART to the DAY ❤

2. Portion Size

Portion Size plays an important role in staying HEALTHY – When we change our CHOICES & always CHOOSE healthy options, we tend to overlook the amounts we are consuming – We often forget to reduce the portion size of our meals when we switch to healthy eating because we think we are EATING HEALTHY – But let us remember that all FOODS are supplying us with Calories. Let us EAT with awareness – Follow these two choices when eating food…

Let us remember that even healthy snacks need to be eaten in limits because anything that goes in the body has calories.

Let us Change our Meal Habits by eating smaller meals – 5-6 meals per day is a sensible approach to healthy living instead of the usual 3 main meals.

3. Moderate your intake of Fast Food

Fast food is easily available but we are well aware of the fact that it is loaded with fat and salt. So, you need to eat in moderation and be SMART 🙂

Learn to Stay away from FAST FOOD

However, if circumstances aren’t into your hands & fast food is the only option left with us, we must play SMART in ordering the food cautiously.

Here’s an example of how we can make a ‘Smart & Sensible” Choice when fast food is placing an order for a BURGER – Always ask for some modifications...

  • Order with, no mayonnaise and cheese.
  • Ask for some extra tomatoes and lettuce to bulk up the burger.
  • Replace the fries with fruit sticks.
  • Also ask for grilled meat.
  • Chicken is an even better selection than red meat.
  • Replace aerated drinks with water.

4. Hydrate yourself at all TIMES

Water is the best option to hydrate our bodies – it is also the key to losing weight. Strange to hear but trust me it is a fact. If you haven’t been drinking enough water, your body has developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals unwanted weight.

By drinking more water, you are not only flushing out toxins, you are also teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. If you are still not sold on the merits of water, then let me tell you the BIG SECRET


5. Moderate your intake of Salt, Sugars, Fats

Healthy Lifestyle calls for SMART CHOICES – Many a time, we find it DIFFICULT to say “No” when sweets & Snacks are offered to us – Taking the SMART CHOICE of moderating your intake of Salt, Sugar & Fats helps you take baby steps towards a Healthier You.


Sugar provides empty calories, displaces more nutritious foods and makes is easier for yeast and bacteria to thrive, therefore it is sensible to limit your intake of beverages and foods that are high in added sugars.


Salt plays an essential role in regulating fluids and blood pressure but excess of salt consumption increases the loss of calcium from the body thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

In the Health industry, Sugar & Salt are considered as the White Poison


We have discussed in details on how FATS though IMPORTANT must always be eaten with care – Fats do play an important role in our diets and this calls for a healthier selection of fats. Eating low fat food doesn’t mean we should give up fats entirely because our body needs fat for energy, to pad organs and to transport fat soluble vitamins.

We should aim to keep the total fat intake between 25 and 35 percent of calories, with most fats coming from sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as fish, nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oils, canola oil.

6. Healthy Carbs & Proteins at all Mealtimes

A healthy diet is one that consists of perfect balance of carbohydrates and proteins because all BOTH NUTRIENTS perform specific functions in our body.


Carbohydrates have been discussed at length – 10 plus articles in this series of Health Awareness – but if we were to get a basic idea as to why “Carbohydrates” are important, here’s a small snippet…

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel. The central nervous system, the kidneys, the brain, the muscles (including the heart) all require a constant supply of energy to function properly. Carbohydrates can be stored in the muscles and liver and later used for energy.


Once again, every aspect of “Proteins” has been discussed in our previous articles…A quick reminder to connect the DOTS and know why PROTEINS are a MUST in every MEAL.

  • Proteins are an important component of every cell in the body.
  • Our body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
  • Proteins are building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
  • Our body makes protein from amino acids found in protein-rich foods.

However, unlike carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. Hence, we must eat protein and carbohydrates in all our meals.

The Dietary Modifications discussed in this article are a must if we are to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE – Always remember this fact……. There is no diet that will do what eating healthy does. We need to eat healthy and we need to make it a part of our life. Part 2 of “Clean Eating” will be all about some we “Lifestyle Modifications” needed to make HEALTH a part of our PERSONALITY.

Do join us & take time to READ the strategies – Let the concepts of CLEAN EAT help you stay Healthy confidently.


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