Let’s DETOX !!!

In this Space of Learnings, the month of October was dedicated to Reflections and Renewal – we did get introduced to many new learnings related to HEALTH and how we all can live a “Healthy & Happy Life – Today, let us delve into yet another aspect that can make us stay “FIT” – The World of “DETOX” awaits us all…Let the journey of learnings begin…

As per the definition from Wikipedia – “Detoxification or Detoxication (detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver.”

Some facts about LIVER are a must to know if we desire to enjoy a HEALTHY LIFE – Liver is one of the largest organs in our body and its primary function is to filter the system by converting toxins to waste products, cleansing our blood and processing various nutrients.

When we are maintaining a healthy lifestyle without any over indulgences our liver is healthy, but should we go off track in our FOOD HABITS – the consequences are for us to face – Hence, it is important that we keep our LIVER HEALTHY.

In simple words, DETOX keeps the BODY system stable – and the most important organ that helps to keep the BODY free from Toxins is the LIVER...Let us now learn a few yet important aspects on how to keep our LIVER HEALTHY.

Many of us resort to all sorts of medications & other strategies to detoxify our LIVER – But you will be amazed to know that when it comes to cleansing our body of harmful toxins, “FOOD” is the BEST OPTION – Yes, you read it RIGHT – Mother nature’s Blessing disguised as “FOOD” help us cleanse the BODY – thereby preventing harmful toxic buildup.

The question on your mind must be “WHAT FOODS” help us “DETOXIFY” – Answer, indeed very simple – SALADS

The key to a HEALTHY LIVER is SALADS – Simple formula of a Healthy Us.

In simple words, Salad is a dish of raw leafy green vegetables, often tossed with pieces of other raw or cooked vegetables, fruit, cheese, nuts or other ingredients and served with or without a dressing…

When it comes to SALADS…some of us relish every combination and yet I have come across many who just detest the thought of eating a SALAD…for them SALADS are a waste of time – a not so needed essential of Meals. Indeed I was shocked to know of this REALITY associated with salads, and ever since then, I took it upon myself to let people know that “SALADS” are indeed an ESSENTIAL” part of our MEALS, not just for the Crunch & Colour but also in keeping us “TOXIC FREE”.

Have a look at some of my Salad Creations 🙂

FIVE Reasons to ANCHOR – Why SALADS are a MUST !!!

  • Salads are low in calories and are highly suitable for weight loss when made RIGHT.
  • Salads are rich in complex carbohydrates, thereby providing high satiety levels.
  • They provide a rich supply of vitamins and minerals – Nutrients that keep the immune System strong.
  • Salads add variety to our Meals with respect to COLOUR, TASTE, TEXTURE.
  • Salads are a way of life…They help us “DETOX”

Here’s an SECRET – SALADS are HEALTHY ADDITIONS to our MEALS and so we must be willing to learn the SECRETS that will get our LOVED ONES to EAT THEM with Pleasure & Smile – a little twist always works wonders…

“Eating with our eyes” is hardwired into the brain – Use this strategy when it comes to SALADS. Presentation & Garnish can trigger the Neurons in your Favor…Have a look at the salad Box my husband carries to work 🙂

This Simple yet appetizing salad was put together in about “10 Minutes” – I really enjoy making food but “Simplicity” is my way of LIFE & so here’s sharing my simple version of making a “Healthy Salad” – Follow the steps & Viola – Every time with Smart Combinations – you could be serving a “New Salad” that delights your Family.

Five simple steps to make a “Healthy Salad”

  1. Choose a BASE of a LEAFY VEGETABLE ( lettuce/Kale/ Spinach)
  2. Choose any 2 fruits of your choice (Apples, Orange, Grapes, Peaches – Pick your Favourite.)
  3. Choose any 2 vegetables for your choice (Cucumber, Carrots, Tomatoes – Pick the ones that you enjoy)
  4. Add in your favourite Nuts & Seeds ( Almonds, walnuts, Pecans, Sesame seeds, Pumpkin seeds – The choices are PLENTY)
  5. Adjust the Seasonings to your Taste & Toss away to a Healthy Salad.

Some Pointers to REFLECT upon when making SALADS 🙂

Eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables assists with detoxifying harmful substances from our body. so play around with combinations with respect to Taste & Texture – Here’s a few tips on how some additions are just PERFECT !

Apples are an PERFECT addition to our SALADS – Wondering WHY ???

We have all been advised time and again to eat them – the scientific reason being APPLES are high in pectin, a type of fiber that binds to cholesterol and heavy metals in the body, thereby help eliminate toxic build up.

Apples provide an array of antioxidants – substances that help neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are reactive molecules that can build up as a result of natural processes and environmental pressures. If too many free radicals accumulate in the body, they can cause oxidative stress, and this can lead to cell damage. This damage can contribute to a range of conditions, including cancer and diabetes.

Apples in our salads are a GREAT way to add Colour & Crunch besides helping in detoxification.

Berries are the BEST ingredient when it comes to DETOX- Wondering WHY ???

Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are all powerful healing foods for our liver… Blueberries in particular contain natural aspirin that helps lessen the tissue-damaging effects of chronic inflammation, while lessening pain.

Strawberries on the other hand are excellent addition if detox is on our mind – Strawberries vitamin C and Folic acid, both nutrients important for cell regeneration and the production of new cells in our bodies.

You may be surprised to know that Raspberries pack a lot of nutrition into a small space. They provide potassium, essential to heart function, and proven to lower blood pressure. The omega-3 fatty acids in raspberries can help prevent stroke and heart disease. They also contain a mineral called manganese, which is necessary for healthy bones and skin and helps regulate blood sugar.

Raspberries can be found in four different colors: red, black, purple, and gold. Black raspberries offer the most antioxidants, followed by red and then golden raspberries. The deeper the color, the more antioxidants the berry contains.

A squeeze of Lemon is all one needs to keep the body “Toxic Free” – Wondering WHY ???

Have you noticed that most salad contain “lemon” – is it just for the “Taste” or there is more to this essential ingredient…You will be amazed to know that “lemon” are excellent liver detoxifiers because lemons contain high amounts of vitamin C – A vitamin that is needed by the body to make an important substance called Glutathione.

What is Glutathione & how does it help us stay HEALTHY – the question but obvious on your mind…It helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals. Glutathione supports the liver do its job of filtering out foreign and unwanted chemicals and detoxifying fats within the body.

Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to your salads to support the cleansing efforts on a daily basis – However if you are allergic to lemons, Mother Nature has many other foods that contain Glutathione – here’s the list…

  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Spinach
  • Okra
  • Tomato
  • Carrot
  • Citrus fruits, especially grapefruit and orange
  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, watercress, cabbage, turnip, rutabaga, bok choy, etc)

Glutathione is found abundantly in most fruits and vegetables, so if we are eating Balanced Meal – Our body gets sufficient amount of glutathione to keep the toxins in check…

GREENS are a MUST in all SALADS – Wondering WHY ???

When we think of SALADS – the word “GREEN” pops up in the mind and the very first ingredient we look for is “Lettuce” – Indeed Salads are always about “Greens” – Lettuce ( a variety of options available) arugula, kale, Spinach…Options galore but it is important for us to choose the RIGHT GREEN for maximum detoxification.

Any Greens that we add to salads contributes to CRUNCH and COLOUR – but are you aware that the chlorophyll content of these Greens is what actually works towards keeping the liver healthy. The darker the GREEN color – the efficient are the GREENS in removing toxins from the body.

Dark Green Colour is our que to more chlorophyll – Chlorophyll increases the oxygen level in the body which promotes detoxification…Can you now connect the DOTS as to why we feel LIGHT & REFRESHED after eating a well made Salad.

And so next time, you want to make “salads” – look for darker variety of GREENS – Romaine Lettuce as against the Light Green Iceberg is a better option – You could also choose Arugula, Kale, or Spinach.

One more tip – Did you know that Basil, Mint and Cilantro too serve as GREAT options , when it comes to addition of GREENS as they are known to be excellent detoxifiers.

The humble cilantro, commonly known as “Dhaniya” isn’t just a “Garnish” – It is a Miracle Herb – High mercury levels in the body stress the organs and impact our health – Cilantro helps in flushing the mercury out of the body and keeps the body TOXIC FREE.

Play SMART when making SALADS – Wondering WHY ???

Salad dressing and Toppings such as Croutons, Cheese, Nuts & seeds, Bacon bits can turn a HEALTHY SALAD into a very high-calorie meal…this is where we must play SMART 🙂

When making salads, always be mindful of these extra items ( Nuts & seeds, Cheese, Crotons, Proteins chunks) that we tend to add generously to our vegetable salads – These additions do contribute to TASTE & TEXTURE and yet they may be high in saturated fat, sodium, or sugar…Let your choices be calculated – for salads are a GREAT SOURCE of Nutrition – let them not become our reason to put on weight.

Nuts are a GREAT addition to our Salads – Research proves that eating nuts helps improve levels of liver enzymes…add them to you salads – but make sure to use the unsalted & unsweetened variety – One nut that I recommend is “walnuts” for they contain high levels of glutathione and omega 3 fatty acids that support liver cleansing naturally.

Some of us enjoy ‘Cheese” in our Salads – Go for it – But moderate your servings of CHEESE as they do contribute to ‘Weight Gain”

When we add Bacon Bites to our Salads, we are thinking of a Protein – But is Bacon the PERFECT CHOICE – Including a protein in your salads help make them a filling meal…but make a WISER CHOICE in terms of Proteins & enjoy your SALAD – Some Proteins options include Sprouts, Beans, mushroom, Lean Proteins like Grilled chicken breast, fish. Hard- boiled eggs are too an excellent choice.

Smart Tip – Choose only one or two of these items to add to your SALAD.

Salads are a Great way to supply your body with Vitamins, Minerals & fiber…The combinations are for you to make…But make sure you add in the BEST INGREDIENTS if you WISH to make them WHOLESOME and the PERFECT DETOXIFICATION agent.

Eating unhealthy impacts us, not just physically but mentally as well – The wrong choices always leave their impressions on our body in different ways, we start feeling uneasy, clothes don’t fit us well, the obvious weight gain frustrates us and many a times we end up in depression – When you find yourself experiencing these “SYMPTOMS” – Know that it is TIME for DETOX.

Detoxification is a MUST if we wish to stay HEALTHY – Let us make it a REGULAR process – why not set yourself up for a DETOX WEEK once every 3 Months – this way we will be always in GOOD SHAPE & HEALTHY MIND.

The need to DETOX from all the heaps of sweets & savories you will be consuming during the “Diwali days” is CERTAIN – Let us all enjoy the festivities with confidence for now you have all the SECRETS to make your detox phase smoother and tastier…

Happy Celebrations & Tastier Detox awaits us ALL !!!

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