Blessed Twice !

We all know that our LIFE has a Purpose and yet many are unaware of their purpose in Life – and hence we waste our days in nonsensical matters…Today’s post echoes on the importance of RIGHT GUIDANCE and how each of us can be guided RIGHT.

I would like to share a story that resonates on this IDEA. Baba Nanak would often travel far and wide – these journeys were undertaken to spread the Message of God and let the world know the TRUE PURPOSE of HUMAN LIFE.

It was during one such travels, when this significant incident took place. A Beautiful Soul who had gone astray was guided by Baba Nanak towards the RIGHT TRAILS of LIFE. The incident took place in Lahore – a City in Pakistan.

When Life gives us an opportunity to meet someone who sets us on the RIGHT TRAILS in LIFE … know that this is your cue that “You are Blessed” 🙂

Dhuni Chand, a wealthy merchant was BLESSED with an opportunity to meet Baba Nanak – Though Dhuni Chand was a God fearing person, he was also entangled in rituals of the time…One such ritual that he strongly believed was the “Rituals of offering food to the DEATH” – The Hindu Ritual of offering food to the DEATH was endorsed by the Brahmins saying that this food offering could be sent to the Departed Family members who were in Heaven and thus on the DEATH Anniversary of the loved ones, the family of the departed had to either give or feed the Holy saints & Brahmins.

Since Dhuni Chand was rich, he used this opportunity of his father death anniversary to not only feed the Brahmins and Holy saints but also to display his wealth. Thus, instead of a regular meal, he would invite Brahmins and Holy saints to a feast at his palace…

On one such occasion, it so happened that Baba Nanak happened to visit Lahore. When Dhuni Chand was preparing for food offering ceremony for his father, he heard about the hearing the arrival of Baba Nanak in his town. For him this seemed to be a PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to invite Baba ji for a feast in his glorious palace. Not only would this was an opportunity to seek Blessings from a Highly esteemed saint like Baba Nanak, somewhere deep down it also was the PERFECT OPOERTUNITY to boost his EGO by displaying his wealthy indulges.

At first, Baba Nanak refused the offer saying that he wasn’t really fond of grand houses and feast. Also that he did not believe in causing any inconvenience and unnecessary trouble to him…But Dhuni Chand was persistent and continued to plead…and then Baba Nanak agreed to go with him to his house.

Life has its own ways of Blessing us and this agreement of Baba Nanak visiting Dhuni Chand was a BLESSING for Dhuni Chand

When Baba Nanak arrived at Dhuni Chand’s Palace, he inquired about the row of coloured flags flying above the palace walls – To this Dhuni Chand replied that these flags are symbolic of his wealth build-up – Each flag indicates a treasure built up of ONE LAKH rupees.

And now with seven Flags flying high – he has 7 Lakh in his treasure chest – Dhuni Chand told Baba that he was happy as the SEVEN FLAGS together signify the fortune his father and he has been collecting in their lifetimes.

Baba Nanak smiled and asked Dhuni Chand if he was content with his RICHES. Dhuni Chand replied with honesty saying that though he was HAPPY, he wasn’t CONTENT. He was chasing a DESIRE of being the RICHEST MAN in the Town and since there were some people who were much richer than him, he always lived in anxiety.

The desire to have more wealth and to be seen as the richest man in the city haunted him day and night. Dhuni Chand said to Baba that maybe when I am the richest Person, I can say I am content…but today, I am not in a position to be content.

Baba Nanak asked him yet another valid question – Baba said, “The people who are richer than you also trying to become even more richer – and though you make work hard and collect more wealth and put up one more flag up there…the race between you and them to become the richest in this city will never end.

Chances are that you may not be able to beat them in this race for the most wealth. In that case you may never be the RICHEST MAN nor will you be CONTENT…Isn’t that a SAD REALITY 😦

Hearing this, Dhuni Chand was surprised but diverted himself from the conversation and offered Baba ji food, just making sure Baba was happy with his service…and then in the end he asked Baba Nanak, if he could be of any service to him.

Baba Nanak smiled and asked Dhuni Chand for a small help – and the Baba ji took out a needle from their pocket and asked Dhuni Chand to keep safely with him.

Dhuni Chand was excited that Baba Nanak a Great Saint wanted help from him and then he asked Baba Nanak as to how long he should keep the needle with him – Baba ji smiled and said – “Give it to me, when I ask for it, in the next world.”

Excited Dhuni Chand took the needle from the Guru and gave it to his wife to keep it safe as the “Responsibility was GREAT” and that he could not disappoint Baba. When his wife inquired about the responsibility, she was shocked and said that this was an impossible feat to achieve for anyone – One can be rich and do all kinds of transfers in this world and yet one cannot carry along anything to the NEXT WORLD.

Confused and saddened by this analysis of his wife, Dhuni Chand went back to the Guru and apologized for his ignorance and gave back the needle.

Baba smiled and explained to him the lesson concealed in these Moments of time – The needle is small and light and yet cannot be taken by anyone beyond this world – to the next world…have you ever wondered, how can then any kind of food reach your father in the next world…Also, the race of Wealth is also baseless as none of it can go with you, so why waste this Precious Life (Gift of God) by getting entangled in nonsensical Rituals and  never ending Races.

Dhuni Chand comprehend the messages and asked for Baba to guide him – But there was yet one more question bothering him – Now that I so much wealth, what am I do. Baba advised him to use his wealth for the Betterment of Society…and that when we spend our honestly earned wealth on righteous things, then it can go with us to the next world disguised as “BLESSINGS”

Dhuni Chand went on to establish many institutions in Lahore and spent all his wealth to serve the needy and the poor of the city…He also refined his ways of life and lived in accordance with the TRUE MESSAGE of GOD.

These lines shared below are from SGGS on page 803 – They help us ANCHOR the learnings of the Day.

bhoolay maarag jineh bataa-i-aa.
He places the one who strays back on the Path;

aisaa gur vadbhaagee paa-i-aa. ||1||
such a Guru is found by great good fortune. ||1||

The Guru comes into our LIFE to guide us RIGHT…and only when we are GRACED in our Journeys, can the opportunity to meet the RIGHT GURU be gifted to us…Dhuni Chand was truly BLESSED as he was fortunate to meet Baba Nanak in his life – Baba not only GRACED Dhuni Chand with HIS PRESENCE but also GUIDED him along the RIGHT TRAILS in LIFE – So rightly it is said that “Opportunity to meet with the Guru is a BLESSING”.

Take away from the Post

Many a times we believe to “Know it all” and this attitude leads us astray – We claim to be PERFECT in our doings and then as life goes by, we get knotted in the shackles of Pride – We seek the Trails of Desires – The rat race just doesn’t seem to END – Not only does this agitate us – we are now a constant source of trouble for those who share our Journeys – Our Family, out of compulsion, may make efforts to accommodate us, but we are never a BLESSING to them.

And years later, when this reality dawns upon us – Regret becomes a part of our LIFE…

Why can’t we aim to live a Conscious Life and forever work upon our self – Reflecting our Actions in the Moments of Chaos so that the errors can be sorted in time….Doing so makes us vigilant and then we become a BLESSING and not BURDEN to our Families.

From my life journey, I have come to believe that is constant Reflection upon the SELF that can lead us RIGHT – When we Pause and Reflect before taking Decisions, chances of making the wrong choices are reduced – Wondering how, because when we PAUSE – Our mind shifts from Emotional to Logic state – From being self-centered and Egoistic – we become Altruistic – The mindset shifts from being conceited to being Compassionate – We are now in a position to take the much-needed strategy of THINKING before we SPEAK, ACT, PROMISE instead of doing the opposite of HURTING OTHERS for our PLEASURES and SATISFACTION.

To be BORN as Human is a Blessing and to be Graced by God to be guided by the Guru in the Journeys that we take upon in this Human Life is an add on – Such Humans are “BLESSED TWICE” – Let us seek to be “Blessed twice” 🙂

I invite you to watch this VIDEO – A message by Sadhguru to further comprehend the Message of Baba Nanak to a DEEPER LEVEL ❤

May Baba be our GUIDE, leading us on to the RIGHT TRAILS so that Regrets have no entry into our LIFE – Happy & Graceful Life awaits us ALL !


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