Way of Life !

Where did we go wrong? – is the question we often ask our self when our Vision of Life is not in sync with our REALITY that we are living…Today, I share a few thoughts that can set us RIGHT – Time to fill in the missing gaps in our THOUGHT PROCESS and make Peace with our Trails…

I too have been pondering over these Similar Thoughts – I sometimes wonder how did a FREE-SPIRITED person like me got deceived and become so timid and lost – Where did I go wrong…and is there a way to get back to being my TRUE SELF?

The lost me has always been a seeker of new learnings, but many a times the advise received from the family, to get things RIGHT, has rarely been worth it – I have never found answers that works PERFECT – The Family isn’t at fault, nor are we – because we are all unique souls and we approach the Challenges of LIFE from our respective lens – and thus the answers from our loved ones may not work for us – and this is Perfectly fine…But i have found myself to be always GUIDED RIGHT by Guru Nanak Dev ji.

There are days, when I myself drifting to lanes of learnings that have never been on my “THINKING MIND” – Who else can lead me RIGHT – But of course my Baba -– I feel amazed at the serendipity of events of how Baba Nanak guides me with ease to the “notes” that have set me back on TRACK – I have always received guidance from by Baba and through this Post – I share with you some GREAT LEARNINGS that guided me when the question on my mind was – How to Live Life?

I was guided to the books of a Great Sikh Professor Puran Singh ji – who in his book “Spirit of the Sikh” emphasizes the Art of Living this LIFE… The book has so much to ANCHOR – But through this post, I share only a few snippets to get us THINKING on how to LIVE this PRECIOUS LIFE with a FREE SPIRIT.

I gift myself FIVE LEARNINGS – Come Join me in this New Quest – Together let us decode the answers to a “Way of Life” – You can find the PDF of the book available online – I am only sharing a few Snippets HERE !

Lesson 1 – Let it END in YOU

Discard greed and lust and desire, for if you know not the freedom of the soul, know that today it may be in your power to oppress and rob others, tomorrow it will be in their power to ruin you. And there will be no end to savagery and blindness. There is nowhere, at no time, any comfort for you in the outer universe, if your inner is tossed on the tempests of anger and lust, greed of possession of things and women.

Somewhere it must end, let it end in you. There can be no freedom for you if you do not free yourself from your blind fury or desire.

Know that all jealousy that comes to you is due to your own inner fever and illness; it is sickness of possession to call all things yours and wishing to have all for yourself. This is the GREAT VIOLENCE to your soul by the ignorance of Desire.

Lesson 2 – Cherish YOUR Family

If God sends you a wife, welcome her, labour for her, feed her, clothe her and sustain her with your love as a river sustains the birds that come to it. If God send you children, welcome them, serve them, feed them and sustain them with your love as the sun feeds the earth with light. Be kind to them and gather the laughter of children and their smiles and their slumbers in your soul, for they are the vital emanations of God.

But if the wife goes away and if the children turn away from you, let Them; for they are as free as you when you were a new-born babe. The babe had no such things when he came to this world; they were added to it and it can again be as happy without them as once it was.

Surely, man is truly dignified in his own moral stature. Not how much faithful others are to you, but how much of it you are to your God and to your love, is what matters.

The woman and child of man are FREE, no slaves…One must cherish their Family and not enslave them.

Lesson 3 – Relations are Sweet Pleasure

All human faces are the HAPPY FACES of the flowers of God’s great garden of creation, and all gather like the trees in the garden. They gather in God; only they come and just group by you. Look at them and be happy and be at peace with the universe. Do not think they group round your shape and form, for your shape and form by itself has no charm.

The laws of man are wrong and they offend the law of God if they establish any right of man over woman or of woman over man or man over man, All relations and ties are of sweet pleasure that wanders; it is free to wander and be happy where it can be.

Delight not in any love forced out of slaves of vows, of custom or of compulsion or ignorance. SUCH LOVE IS A CURSE. To first enslave humanity and then to call for its faithfulness to the will of the tyrant is the ancient brutality of mere physical power.

Service received from such miserable ones is itself wretchedness; LOVE is then a CHRONIC SICKNESS of the soul, and you are not a man yet, if you receive forced loves tainted with even the least compulsion.

Like a man, never interfere with the choice of souls. Freedom is eternally theirs. Wait, All is well, for God dwells in every one of us. A woman no less than man, and in animal no less than in both; and in trees no less than in all other forms of life. In lands and waters is He, and the forest is beautiful because of Him; the very blades of grass have the exquisite pride of Him, they know He is with them.

The best of man has to come out and be free to choose and be happy and faithful.

Lesson 4 – Respect Woman – God’s Creation

To keep woman heavily laden with ornaments behind the veil, away from field and farm, to conceal her like your gems in sandalwood boxes, in the golden chest, behind heavy screens of false honor and false shame and impure virtue, is a barbarity that poisons hearth and home, denies God and makes the human soul a toy, life an oppression, a suffocation, death; and of love, self-respect, honor and virtue a dead mockery!

By slavery man has degraded her. How ridiculous for her to adorn her hair and face and form and figure for the mere animal pleasure of man! Shame on society, where she is to find her pleasure in man’s vague sense of himself. Long have you used her thus, and woman is all unwomaned by man.

I declare woman is free; she is the architect of love on this earth, and she must be FREE.

Lesson 5 – Create a New Society

Without Nām, the flashes of love of a mere man light the human heart for a moment. Man, like a child, delights in the flesh; then all his life mistakes man for God. He ruins both woman and child.

Burn all scriptures that enslave you as do the kings of the earth. What is religion, if man, to be man, needs centuries and so much struggle? Harbour no jealousy of her and possess no woman unless in the simple and sweet trembling of the lyrics of Nām.

The bliss of life lies in Nām where all are kind; no one is cruel or jealous or unjust–nay, where they are more than just, they are FORGIVENESS itself.

This sword–forced order is chaos, if the soul is not abounding in freedom in God. Make a new society of freed souls, and have no law except the law of the Love of God.

I take these 5 Learnings to be a GREAT Addition to LIFE, if one desires to live a Productive Life and make God Proud of HIS CREATION – Hopefully, we can all work towards a BETTER SOCIETY rooted in LOVE and not Bondage…Indeed this is the way of Life !

Take away from the POST

Blessed is one who gets to share similar wavelength with their LOVED ONES but we are not Blessed in Similar ways – That is indeed the TRUTH of LIFE – We are all Blessed Differently – This is the BEAUTY of LIFE.

The Eternal truth that “WE all are BLESSED” is what we must all have FAITH in – I am Blessed to receive my answers from Baba Nanak – HE is my TRUE FRIEND. I may forget this Connect in my LIFE, But Baba has always been there for me – It was baba who guided me to this fabulous understanding of how one must live a LIFE in this transitory World…We may sometimes find ourselves LOST but we are always BEING GUIDED by the SUPERPOWER HIMSELF & that is truly a Blessed way of LIFE !

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