Today’s post resonates on the importance of how to create a “Win -Win” strategy in our dealings…My Guru taught me an excellent way to master this ART of “Win-Win” but alas, the DEAL is not that easy in this fabricated world…Come join me as we comprehend yet another fabulous learning.

The message of WIN -WIN echoes from the Prayer of the SIKH termed “ARDAS”.

Ardas is a HUMBLE PRAYER to God – a request, a supplication, a prayer, a petition or an address to a SUPERIOR AUTHORITY. It is performed at the culmination of the morning and evening prayer and at the start or end of any religious function or program in the Gurudwara, house or anywhere else and at every occasion of joy or sorrow in a family. The Ardas is an ESSENTIAL part of Sikh worship.

I truly believe the BEAUTY of it echoes in the Words that make up the ARDAS… As you read along these lines of Ardas ( shared at the end of the post) you will come across an UNIQUE aspect ❤

The Sikh doing the ARDAS is asking for Guidance from all the Gurus and is also giving references of those who have set themselves on the Path of Goodness for all and at the end, the SIKH is not being SELFISH in asking for just HIMSELF, but is also asking for the entire Human Race to be BLESSED by God…The word SARBAT DAA BHALAA means “May all prosper according to Your will.”

SARBAT DAA BHALAA (Well-Being of Human Race)

By doing the ARDAS, one is asking for “UNIVERSAL PEACE” – Indeed a Beautifully Soulful is created in the spaces where ARDAS is done – A Win-Win aura gets generated when one does ARDAS – The Positivity echoes through the spaces and all are BLESSED – Isn’t that AWESOME !

Baba Nanak ji – The First Sikh Guru wants us to CARE of ALL and that means that no one is left behind. The concept may sound DIFFICULT and truly impossible for then we question how can we all WIN at the same time – But when we give it a THOUGHT and have FAITH in the Universal Power that guides us all – The impossible can be made Possible…

Let us all strive to make the Impossible POSSIBLE – When asking for Victory for SELF, let us not forget to ask for the Victory of the others as well – This to me is a “Win -Win” way of LIFE.

Reality Check !

The WORLD of TODAY does not operate in this manner and hence we become SELFISH in our Dealings. All that we care to ask God, is to GIFT us what we desire – Sad, but TRUE it is that we have no interest in thinking on behalf of the other…If we are to LIVE a BLISSFUL LIFE, We must look at LIFE with a NEW LENS !

Reflection Time !

I have been told by many that for one to WIN, someone must be overlooked and trampled along the path and this is just “PERFECT” and one shouldn’t worry much about the other…If they are destined, they will rise up and get back on track on their own… As far as we are concerned, just continue walking & running – No need to LOOK BACK in life and feel guilty of the “Your DOINGS”

To me, this aspect just doesn’t seem RIGHT, how can we be so careless and selfish in our DEALINGS – How does our winning become so PRECIOUS to us, that we are willing to do all that it takes to WIN even if that means “HURTING” the OTHER … Who is this OTHER that we go about HURTING have we bothered to question our inner self.

“To each its own” has become a way of LIFE – Let us get to KNOW what this statement denotes – We all enjoy and use this aspect in LIFE that “One has a right to one’s personal preferences” and that “Each person has their own opinions about various aspects of life” – We all want to LIVE our LIFE on our terms and Conditions but are we letting the others to adopt this “Free Will” – PAUSE & THINK !

Instead, we want the other to LIVE on our TERMS and CONDITIONS because chances are their “Free Will” becomes an obstacle in our “Free Will” – and then we set out to sabotage our own Understanding of “Free Will” – We have defenses for our acts being RIGHT and the others Opinions and Choices always being WRONG…and then we set up our self for a Competition to WIN the DEAL for OURSELF.

When we set out to compete with others, we are telling ourselves that our victory is of utmost importance and then we work on plans and agendas to reach our TARGETED GOALS…What we forget that “Competition” also means that everyone else in the system must lose for us to WIN – Can this THOUGHT PROCESS lead us to WIN-WIN deals in life….?

Pause and Reflect – If Baba wants us ALL to only WIN the GAME of LIFE, why would HE have given us this Mindset of “Blessings for ALL” to embrace…SARBAT DAA BHALAA.

SARBAT DAA BHALAA (Well-Being of Human Race)

It is for us to trust in Baba – Have faith that “Win – Win” attitude isn’t just a myth but a REALITY that has just gone missing – Instead of questioning the perspective, let us seek the ways to unravel the strategies of a Win -Win way of LIFE.

It is possible but it will take efforts to CHANGE the old ways of THINKING and embrace NEW THOUGHTS in our Mind…But as I have always believed “A Will finds a WAY” and so let us find the Ways to LIVE a life that Baba Nanak want us to LIVE.

As promised, Here’s sharing the ARDAS – Sikh Prayer – with Meaning for you to Comprehend & Reflect upon and also enjoy this Video link shared below 🙂


Ek-Oankar. Waheguroo Ji Ki Fateh 
God is One. All victory is of the Wondrous Guru (God).

Sri Bhagouti ji Sahai
May the respected sword (God in the form of the Destroyer of evil doers) help us!

Vaar Sri Bhagouti Ji Ki Paatshaahee Dasvee
Ode of the respected sword recited by the Tenth Guru.

Pritham Bhagouti Simar Kai, Guru Naanak Layee Dhiyae
First remember the sword (God in the form of Destroyer of evil doers); then remember and meditate upon Guru Nanak.

Angad Gur Te Amar Das, Raamdaasai Hoye Sahai 
Then remember and meditate upon Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das: May they help us!

Arjan Hargobind No Simrou Sri Har Rai
Remember and meditate upon Guru Arjan, Guru Hargobind and Respected Guru Har Rai.

Sri HarKrishan Dhiyaa-eeai Jis Dhithi Sabh Dukh Jaye
Remember and meditate upon respected Guru Har Krishan, by having the sight of whom, all pains vanish.

Teg Bahadur Simareeai Ghar No Nidh Avai Dhai
Remember and meditate upon Guru Tegh Bahadur; and then nine sources of wealth will come hastening to your home.

Sabh Thai Ho-e Sahaai
Oh Respected Gurus! kindly help us everywhere.

This is the end of the section written by Guru Gobind Singh ji, the rest was compiled after the Guru’s time.

Dasvaa Paatshaah Guru Gobind Singh Ji Sabh Thai Ho-e Sahaai 
May the kind, the respected Tenth Guru Gobind Singh assist us everywhere.

Dasa Paatsaaheea Di Jot Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, De Paath Deedaar Daa Dhiyaan Dhar Ke Bolo Ji Waheguroo

Think and meditate upon the divine light of the Ten Kings contained in the respected Guru Granth Sahib and turn your thoughts to the divine teachings of and get pleasure by the sight of Guru Granth Sahib;

Utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

Panja Piyariya, Chauhaa Sahibzadiya, Chaliya Mukhtiya, Huthiya, Jupiya, Tupiya, Jina Nam Jupiya, Vand Shakiya, Deg Chalaaee, Teg Vaahee, Dekh Ke Andhith Keetaa, Tinhaa Piariyaa, Sachiaariyaa Dee Kamaaee, Da Dhiyaan Dhar Ke Bolo Ji Waheguroo

Think of the deeds of the Five Beloved Ones, of the four sons (of Guru Gobind Singh); of the Forty Martyrs; of the brave Sikhs of indomitable determination; of the devotees steeped in the colour of the Name; of those who were absorbed in the Name; of those who remembered the Name and shared their food in companionship; of those who started free kitchens; of those who wielded their swords (for preserving truth); of those who overlooked others shortcomings; All the aforesaid were pure and truly devoted ones;

Utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

Jinaa Singhaa Singhneeyaa Ne Dharam Het Sees Dithe, Bund Bund Kuttai, Khopriya Luhayiya, Charukriya Te Churhe, Aariaa Naal Chiraae Ge, Gurdwaraiya Di Seva Layee Kurbaniya Keethiya, Dharam Nehee Haariye, Sikhi Kesaa Suwaasaa Naal Nibaahee, Tina Dee Kamaaee Daa Dhiyaan  Dhar Ke Bolo Ji Waheguroo

Think of and remember the unique service rendered by those brave Sikh men as well as women, who sacrificed their heads but did not surrender their Sikh Religion; Who got themselves cut to pieces from each of the joints of the body; Who got their scalps removed; Who were tied and rotated on the wheels and broken into pieces; Who were cut by saws; Who were flayed alive; Who sacrificed themselves to upkeep the dignity of the Gurdwaras; Who did not abandon their Sikh faith; Who kept their Sikh Religion and saved their long hair till their last breath;

Utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

Saarey Takhta Sarbat Gurdwariya Daa Dhiyaan Dhur Ke – Bolo Ji Waheguroo 
Turn your thoughts to all of the seats of Sikh Religion and all the Gurdwaras;

Utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

Prithme Sarbat Khaalsaa Ji Ki Ardaas Hai Ji, Sarbat Khaalsaa Ji Ko Waheguroo Waheguroo Waheguroo Chit Aavai Chit Aavan Ka Sadkaa Surab Sukh Hovai

First the entire respected Khalsa make this supplication that may they meditate on Your Name; and may all pleasures and comforts come through such meditation.

Jahaa Jahaa Khaalsaa Ji Saahib, Tahaa Tahaa Ruchhiya Riyaa-it, Deg Teg Fateh, Bira Ki Paij, Panth Ki Jeet, Sree Saahib Ji Sahaai Khaalse Ji Ko Bol Baaley, Bolo Ji Waheguroo 

Wherever respected Khalsa is present, give Your protection and grace; May the free kitchen and sword never fail; Maintain the honour of your devotees; Confer victory upon the Sikh people; May the respected sword always come to our assistance; May the Khalsa always get honours;

Utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

Kindly confer upon the Sikhs the gift of Sikhism, the gift of long hair, the gift of observing Sikh laws, the gift of divine knowledge, the gift of firm faith, the gift of belief and the biggest gift of Name. O God! May the choirs, the mansion and the banners exist forever; may the truth ever triumph; utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

Sikhaa Daa Man Neevaa, Mat Uchee, Mat Pat Daa Raakhaa Aap Waheguroo 
May the minds of all the Sikhs remain humble and their wisdom exalted; O God! Your are the protector of wisdom.

Hey Nimaneeaa De Maan, Nitaneeaa De Taan, Nioteeaa Di Ot, Sachey Pita Waheguroo (Aap Di Hazoor…)

O True Father, Wahe Guru! you are the honour of the meek, the Power of the helpless ones, the shelter of the shelter less, we humbly make prayer in your presence…(substitute the occasion or prayer made here).

Akhar Vaadhaa Ghaataa Bhul Chuk Maaf Karnee, Sarbat De Kaaraj Raas Karney.
Kindly pardon our errors and shortcomings in reciting the above Prayer. Kindly fulfill the objects of all.

Seyee Piyare Mel, Jina Miliya Teraa Naam Chit Aavai, Naanak Naam Chardi Kala, Tere Bhaaney Sarbat Daa Bhalaa

Kindly cause us to meet those true devotees by meeting whom, we may remember and meditate upon Your Name. O God! through the True Guru Nanak, may Your Name be exalted, and may all prosper according to Your will.

Waheguroo Ji Ka Khaalsaa Waheguroo Ji Ki Fateh
The Khalsa belongs to God; all victory is the victory of God.

Here’s yet another link for you to enjoy the Power of Ardas – A Movie that I always recommend to those who are seeking the Wonders of Grace in their LIFE !

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