On a QUEST !

“Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First, we have a question, then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us toward the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being.”

The words of James Redfield, American Author, Lecturer, and Film Producer echo in my mind as I share today’s snippet of Grace…So true it is that the journeys taken by a man depend on the quests he seeks.

Today I share with you story of a Great Devotee of Guru Nanak – “Bhai Bhagirath”. The story of his life inspires many to seek the Missions our Soul longs for and never let doubt become an obstacle in this Mission. I anchor Bhai Bhagirath to be…

Soul on a QUEST against all odds…

Bhai Bhagirath was a Chaudhary – the village head – of Malsihan village. This village was near Sultanpur, where Baba Nanak lived, but Bhai Bhagirath wasn’t aware of Guru Nanak’s presence then. Bhai Bhagirath was a man of integrity – Honest and Truthful to his duties. He was liked by his villagers for his personality echoed on the trails of morality – Being liked by all did not make him arrogant or selfish, as was the norm of other Village heads…thus his people loved him.

Bhai Bhagirath had a desire to be LIBERATED – He had learnt that to be liberated, one’s soul needs to be Happy & Content in this World. Being a religious man, he had good knowledge of the Hindu scriptures. The Hindu scriptures state that Soul is the LIFE FORCE within our body by whose power we perform all acts of life – The body dies, but the soul does not die. The purpose of Soul is to merge in the creator, but this merger takes place only when the Soul is Content or else, the soul continues to live in incarnations (Cycles of Birth) until all “Wishes” that the soul seeks are fulfilled.

Bhai Bhagirath was also told that when we are devoted, the soul remains happy after leaving the body and merger is made possible…This desire that his soul should remain happy after his death and merge with God was the Quest taken by Bhai Bhagirath.

Bhai Bhagirath met many saints during his quest. One saint guided him towards IDOL WORSHIP, giving Bhai Bhagirath an idol OF GODDESS KALI and explaining him the rituals that one must do to seek Blessings of the Goddess. Bhai Bhagirath was more than happy to have found his path – Finally his quest was leading him to his GOAL. He used to sit in front of the idol and sing praises of the idol and concentrate his mind on it. Bhai Bhagirath became an ardent devotee of Goddess Kali and came to be respected all holy people.

One day, while sitting in front of the idol, while Bhai Bhagirath was performing his prayers, it became night and he fell off to sleep. While sleeping, he had a dream, the idol spoke and said,

I cannot give you what you seek, for that you must go to Sultanpur and meet Guru Nanak. At present he is working as a Store keeper giving out groceries to the one who come to him. People take him to be an ordinary person like everybody. His generosity pulls them to his shop as he gives more than asked for. His family too considers him a mere relative. The governor of the times thinks him to be an official. The deprived seek him as a generous person.

No one can see the TRUTH that he has concealed within – He is God’s child and has come as a savior to this earth. Go and seek his Blessings – Guru Nanak will Bless you with the Gifts that your Soul seeks – I cannot give you what you seek. I cannot give you what your Soul seeks.

In an instant, Bhai Bhagirath woke up – But the DREAM was still fresh in his mind. The words of Goddess Kali echoed in his Mind – To him, it seemed that Goddess Kali had Blessed Him and guided him further…His faith in Goodness Kali helped him take the decision to go to Sultanpur and meet Guru Nanak. However, this decision was not accepted by his fellowman…for they believed that Dreams cannot be Guiding Light and that it wasn’t wise to leave all that he had accomplished in Life to seek the unfamiliar and unnoticed – Unknown trails in life must not be entertained – the villagers advised him to cancel all his plans of leaving Malsihan village.

Bhai Bhagirath was confident of his choice and nothing could keep him back – He inquired about Guru Nanak from all those that he met along the journey towards Sultanpur. A disciple of Guru Nanak told him, “Guru Nanak is a PIOUS SOUL – I see him as a Prophet who is hiding in a Human form and staying like an ordinary person at Sultanpur. Guru Nanak is truly a savior of those who go to him”

These words of the Devotee resonated with the words spoken by Goddess Kali – This coincidence further confirmed Bhai Bhagirath’s faith in Guru Nanak even before he met Guru ji. Upon reaching the place, he found Baba Nanak busy doing the usual, handing out provisions at his Store. Bhai Bhagirath saw a huge crowd of buyers.

He too joined in the crowd and waited for his turn. When he was face to face with Baba Nanak, the instant gratification that filled his heart was beyond description – Bhai Bhagirath was in awe of Guru Nanak’s radiance and immediately fell at the Guru’s feet. Guru Nanak graced him, touching his head asked him – What brings you to me and what is the purpose of your visit?

Bhai Bhagirath shared with Baba Nanak, the DREAM that he had a few days back. He also shared with Baba the quest that led him here. Guru Nanak blessed him, and said that “You have got a GOOD CHARACTER. May Lord give you the strength and you keep it up.”. but for one’s Soul to be Happy & Content – one must live in Maryada – (follow some guidelines in the daily affairs of Life.)

Baba Nanak ji then shared with Bhai Bhagirath a Maryada to follow…asking him to do SELFLESS SERVICE to the Divine – Guru ji said that the holy congregation assembles in the evening. Be at their service and listen to the DIVINE HYMNS with music with attentive mind.

While sitting or standing, while walking or doing worldly chores, whenever you have time, keep praying – “O Infinite Lord! O God! O Master! Bless me that I remain at your feet. Recite the God’s name and his praises in your mind…Be grateful to God at all times.

Guru ji went on to share with Bhai Bhagirath the secret that was concealed in these Guidelines…because Baba knew that any doubts in mind can become obstacles in the Path of Selfless Service. Guru ji explained Bhai Bhagirath that as one accepts and lives in tune with these strategies, one can feel the PRESENCE of the God within. With contemplative focus, when one resonates on the God’s name and visualize GOD to be inside one’s body and mind, LIFE become Magical. God comes to abide in our awareness – Guiding us towards LIBERATION…The Journey that your SOUL seeks.

But for this magic to happen, one must have Faith that God is here, there, inside us. We just have to recite His name. Remember HIM to be aware of HIS Presence – We have to remember that GOD is there with us and inside us. He is inside us. Really, He is there.

The sadness of life comes when we remain in forgetfulness of Him. We have to always and forever remember that GOD is here, there, everywhere, but we cannot see Him. Have FAITH in the UNSEEN and God’s strength will gift you the GIFTS that your SOUL seeks.

Bhai Bhagirath followed the advice of Baba Nanak and achieved his Mission – Indeed the Quest of our Souls and of our Minds and Hearts is an Important Feat – One that requires FAITH in the Missions we seek. After years of devotion and numerous efforts to attain happiness for his soul, Bhai Bhagirath Ji finally gets his prayers answered when he is led to Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Happy Reflections ❤

The learnings from this story have inspired me to Believe in the Dreams that the Soul Seeks – the Guidance will Come when the Soul is ready – Until then – it is for us to keep believing in our QUEST and having FAITH in God’s plans for us.

Leaving you with a THOUGHT to ponder upon – “Man is wise and constantly in quest of more wisdom; but the ultimate wisdom, which deals with beginnings, remains locked in a seed. There it lies, the simplest fact of the universe and at the same time the one which calls forth faith rather than reason.” ~ Hal Borland

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