Miraculous Medicine !

We all have been ill in our life and the first thing we do when we are not feeling well, we call for a Doctor’s Appointment – Our Goal is to HEAL because we all know that “Being Sick” is not Good – Today, I share with you some learnings that directed me to some strategies that can forever keep us HEALTHY in all facets of LIFE.

The Human Body itself is a Magical & Wonderful thing – We all know that and thus when we are sick, we feel helpless because our body starts to act differently. Meals, that were supposed to be relished, don’t excite us, everything seems to be tasteless and then we get frustrated…In goes the medication, and the body heals and we are back to our Self – Food tastes awesome and we are FIT & FINE. Having said this regarding the BODY and its ways of expression during fever, are you aware that sometimes, even our Mind can get sick – This happens when we are suffering from the “Ego Fever”.

Just as food becomes Tasteless, when we are sick, similar is the case with EGO Fever– when Ego becomes a part of our LIFE – Life becomes Tasteless…No amount of LOVE & CARE from others seems to satisfy us – We see our SELF to be Superior than others and this sets us up for a DOWNFALL 😦

Egoistical needs continue to surge and so does the PURSUIT to “WANT MORE” – We are so blinded by our “WANTS” that we fail to express any gratitude to our loved ones and sometimes, this arrogance stretches beyond the boundaries – We fail to even acknowledge GOD in our Journeys…Let alone our friends and family – We see our self as the DOER of all Good – The desire to control others becomes our way of LIFE – This is a sure sign that we are suffering from “Ego Fever”

One more alarming fact is that Ego Fever isn’t short lived and also true it is that it cannot be diagnosed easily and that makes it all the more dangerous – If not treated on time, it can lead to severe consequences…the most significant of it being “REGRET”

Time and again, we see many old people filled with regret for the wrong choices made in life. Many of them say – “I wish – and then follows a list of Regrets…Alas the time is UP and nothing can be done in the Moments & then Guilt creeps in our LIFE !

My personal life, too, has made me experience that when we are suffering from “Ego Fever” our heart hardens – we no longer resonate on the wavelength of Humanity and then all the relations in our life are seen as Assets that we want to control and put it to use for our SELF GROWTH…Besides, with no gratitude for the LIFE we enjoy, we end up as Cold Hearted beings…it is this cold hearted mentality that leads us to REGRET.


If we are to avoid this REGRET in LIFE, we must act smart and also very early in LIFE, make efforts to prevent “Ego Fever” from sabotaging our Beautiful Life and the Relations we have been gifted in this Life – Constant check on our Choices and Actions can save us from getting sick with Ego Fever…but also true it is that to accept the wrong we have done in LIFE is the most difficult of all acts…so what can we do, how do we get ourselves FREE from this EGO FEVER.

The answer echoes in these TWO THOUGHTS :
  • Better to be Safe than Sorry – must be our Protocol in LIFE !
  • With Guru on our side – Anything is Possible !

I have come to believe that when we have Guru on our side – it becomes easy to comprehend the reasons that lead to the wrong choices – The Guru strengthens us and also provides us the courage to evaluate and mend our ways – and the most noteworthy thing that happens is that when we connect with Guru and His Teachings, the hold of Ego on our Life loosens and the healing process begins – With Guru’s Guidance we make Better Choices and then slowly and gradually, we are cured from Ego Fever.

Fabulous Understandings…

Ego Fever is curable, but there is a rule and a strategy to follow – Only if we are interested in getting healed can we be cured from Ego Fever and the strategy to follows is to seek the RIGHT TRAILS that can lead us to a DOCTOR who has the medication. The doctor that we must approach is the GURU…The Guru can help us heal from the Ego Fever by giving us a Miraculous Medicine that can keep us Healthy in all aspects of LIFE.

What is this Miraculous Medicine ?

The Miraculous Medication that can help us heal from the EGO FEVER is received when we embrace a set of THREE TEACHINGS of Baba Nanak – These teachings when grasped and implemented in LIFE can keep us FREE from EGO – These teachings also denote the Three Pillars of Sikhism – I see these three connects to life like the Potions – Magical Mixtures used to create the Magical Medicine that cures us of the Ego Fever.

  1. Naam Japo – Remembrance of GOD
  2. Kirat Karo – Honest Earnings
  3. Vaṇḍ Chakkō – Share with ALL

The advice of Naam Japoalways remembering GOD keeps us free form Anxiety and Fear of the unknown future that awaits us all – Many times, we do wrong because we are insecure of the future – we oppress others and want to control others because we want to be in POWER – Little do we realize that God is the DOER of all acts and HE will take care of us all – so why Bother and Dominate others…Have Faith in the creator and live a Carefree Life.

The advice of Kirat Karo instructs us to live a Life of Honesty and always speak the TRUTH – To take the support of lies is asking for insecurity – and an insecure person will always seek the path of trickery…and thus continues the sequence of immoral choices…By doing so we are letting the demons of fear get into our Homes and ruin us. Baba Nanak always said that a Simple and Truthful Life is the BEST way to be connected with GOD – Why seek the harshness of life when a Beautiful Life is a possibility available to us all, why not aspire to live a life of graciousness, rooted in spirituality.

The third advice of Vand Chakko teaches us to SHARE our GIFTS & BLESSINGS with all – We are all CHILDREN of GOD – Connected with each other in this Web of LIFE – It is our duty to help each other in the Circle of Life – Best use of this opportunity as a HUMAN LIFE is to SUPPORT each other – Love each other and never let our EGO become an obstacle in this.

On a personal Connect, I have come to believe that these THREE Golden Advices from Baba Nanak create a Golden Triangle that keeps us safe from Ego…Now it is upon us to make sure the Triangle does not collapse or is compromised just to seek the mundane pleasures of this illusionary world.

Bonus Gift ❤

Baba Nanak has also shared with us a Top-secret, which is that God is our True Friend and when we make HIM a part of our Journeys, HE will always take care of us – HE will make sure that we make the RIGHT CHOICES and keeps us protected from the Demons of Ego because it is a well-known reality that Ego enters our Life when we disconnect with God.

The Guru’s support and teachings help us keep the EGO at bay – but for this to happen we make Friends with the Guru…The Perfect Deal that we must all make in this LIFE…is to seek the GURU and Drop our Ego.

Take away from the Post

When the fever of Ego subsides, Life becomes easy going – Not only do we appreciate the Gifts of Life, we are thankful to the Giver GOD – We enjoy every Morsel of Life that is served in our Platter – Everyday is then filled with Tasty Moments of Bliss. Fountains of Gratitude overflow from our hearts and we acknowledge the wonders of Life EACH DAY – EACH MOMENT. Regret has no entry in our LIFE – The soul resonates on the wavelength of Gratitude thereby achieving FULFILMENT – The Goalpost that every SOUL must seek.


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