Key to a Beautiful Tomorrow !

Starting TODAY – We begin a NEW CHAPTER – a NEW SERIES on WOMEN – And the very first posted will be dedicated to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ❤

The World of Fairy tales and Legends always been a part of our life but as grownups (especially between ages 40 to 60) we seem to be not interested in them and so I can almost read your MIND – What has a WOMAN got to do with FAIRY TALES…Stick around and you will discover for yourself how the World of Fairy Tales can GIFT us HAPPY DAYS.

We have all enjoyed reading fairy tales during our childhood days – We also enjoy these stories when we read them to our children while we tuck them in bed and I can definitely vouch for the fact that we will enjoy telling these legends in our grand old days as well.

However the excitement seems to be connected to CHILDREN – But soon you will discover that these FAIRY TALES can be enjoyed all through the ages…and especially when a Woman enters her “Special Phase” in Life.

Fairy tales are the legends that talk about the life of princes and princesses, their encounters with witches and fairies. Fairies grant wishes and witches cast magic spells. And in the end, everyone lives happily ever after. In almost every story that we have read there is a common link – Stories reveal that in our life we will always have GOOD TIMES & BAD TIMES…the phases shall continue as long as LIFE is there.

As a fact of the matter, every story reinforces that both good & bad coexist. But if we pause and reflect – we will come to a REALITY CHECK – The most important aspect that each fairy tale emphases upon a fact of Life which is that though Sad phases and Bad encounters do make us feel miserable…but when we approach these TIMES with Clarity & Determination – Victory is ours to CHERISH.

The fairy tales also display that somewhere in this world there are a group of people who are there to inspire, guide, help and motivate us to live an ENRICHED & BEAUTIFUL LIFE.

“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” is one such heartwarming story that has inspired all generations. When Snow White finds that she is all alone in the forest, she is afraid and terrified and feels lost and depressed. The seven dwarfs come to her rescue. They work together and always support Snow White whenever she is faced with challenges in her life. And in the end, she comes out strong and confident, all set to live the Life of her Dreams with her prince.

The seven dwarfs were Snow White’s mentors in the dark forest when she was all alone. I personally take this fable as a metaphor of a woman’s life. Let me explain the WHYs & HOWs…

There is a PHASE in every Woman’s LIFE when she feels lost and depressed, scared to face the ups and downs – That Phase is the Menopausal Phase of a woman’s life – The uncertainty and lack of Clarity creates chaos in the minds of many women as they approach closer to this Phase in LIFE.

For a moment visualize yourself to be Snow-White who has suddenly found herself in the Forest (Menopausal Phase in your life) – the dwarfs are out there, waiting for you to guide you well and make sure that leave this forest safely – Making every move with Confidence & Grit – I invite you to join me for a couple of weeks starting Today to get clarity on this Phase of a Women’s Life – The seven Dwarf will each take turns to share with us a Snippet of how smartly “YOU” the “Snow white” can find you way through the FOREST that you will be entering when Menopause knocks in your LIFE.

You are the Snow-White in your life. The strongest and the most beautiful – one who does not lose hope when faced with a challenge.


  • Metamorphosis
  • Hormonal Swing
  • The Fire Within
  • Define your inner self
  • Emotional Fragility
  • Silent Dangers
  • Powerful living

SMALL NUGGETS of advice will be shared through these articles to help you comprehend Menopause – The illusions and fears associated with Menopause will be tackled to support the SNOW WHITE in us – The snippets of information will assist in developing Powerful Neural Connections and helping you come out stronger from this Phase of Menopause – When you exit the great forest called MENOPAUSE, you will be confident … The Journey will aid you in becoming a ‘WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE.’

And should you find yourself feeling low during the CHANGING PHASE of LIFE – Pause for a Moment – Look straight into the mirror, Take a moment and ask the mirror?

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is the strongest of all?

The mirror’s response will always be ……

You, my SNOW WHITE, is the Strongest 🙂
And if at times you find
Yourself weak 😦
Just go to the SEVEN DWARFS
who will continuously help you
To stay FINE and FIT.

I look forward to a GREAT JOURNEY of Awareness through this New Project – This project was first done in 2014 with a Dear Friend “Subarna Sahni” for her, on her Portal “Morsel & Juices” – Almost a decade it has been – Happy to share that the Project was well appreciated 🙂

This year, I find myself in the Menopausal Forest – Having started my Journey of Menopause, it occurred to me to redo the Project on my Personal Portal with Personal Experiences and New Additions.

Excited to START this NEW TRAIL in LIFE – Do JOIN me as we together, once again ENJOY the World of Fairies & Dwarfs – Until then – Here’s a Quote for you to PONDER UPON.

“One should remember that the menopause is a normal and natural process, and it should not be dreaded. Realizing that the condition is a natural occurrence which all women experience—if they live long enough—and a philosophical calm acceptance of this fact, will help lessen the nervous symptoms.” – Lulu Hunt Peters, M.D.

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