Happy at 40 !

The saying that “LIFE begins at 40” is heard by many – Ever wondered, why this saying – and does it really hold TRUE – Today, I will share an interesting connect that helps us ANCHOR that indeed LIFE begins only after 40…Once again my learnings are rooted in Sikhi.

This post resonates on an interesting aspect of SIKHI – The Anand Sahib – which is considered as the “Song of Bliss” – The Anand Sahib is a collection of hymns recited by Guru Amar Das Ji when his grandson was born…The Birth of this child has an interesting message for us to unravel…which is yet another fascinating wisdom connected with Sikhi.

Before I share with you the STORY of this BLESSED CHILD, a little information concerning the significance of “Anand Sahib” – The word Anand means BLISS which also denotes Eternal Happiness...Every soul seeks “Bliss” in its journey.

Getting back to the STORY of the DAY – Birth of this Grandson of Guru Amar Dass ji was no ordinary event – This child was a BLESSED SOUL and had taken birth in the Guru’s family to liberate a Yogi.

During the times of Guru Amar Das ji, there was a very old yogi who honestly meditated upon God – He was a devoted soul and followed all the Hindu Yogic rituals with a desire to merge in with God. He dedicated himself to living a simple life of spirituality…He had spent his entire life in isolation and deep meditation and yet he wasn’t content – His inner self felt incomplete.

Old age had made him restless and the desire to seek merger with God and experience “Bliss” compelled him to seek Guru Amar Dass ji. He had heard stories of Guru Amar Dass ji and was confident that the answers to his missing links would be available with the Guru.

The old yogi decided to visit Guru Amar Das ji and see if the Guru could solve his dilemma…When face to face with Guru ji, he shared his dilemma and asked Guru ji to guide him further – He clarified his ways of life and was keen to know where was the missing link and how he could satisfy his inner self – He requested Guru ji to teach him strategies on how to stay joyful in human existence and be content when death knocks on our doors…Mostly, the old Yogi was seeking inner satisfaction and Bliss as part of his journey.

Guru Amar Das ji said that you have come of age and there is no time left for you to learn – The yogic ways of eating less and living in isolation cannot lead you to Bliss. There is more to life than mere empty rituals and yogic postures.

Hearing this disturbed the Yogi. He was sad and yet hopeful. His faith in Guru ji was rooted and he expressed his wish to be born in the Guru’s family to learn the lessons to Bliss. Guru ji smiled at him and lovingly whispered – “I want you to leave this body and be born as my Grandson and then I will teach you how to live a life of Joy & Bliss. I will also share with you the SECRET to Purposeful Human Life…One that glorifies the SOUL.

The Yogi was thrilled and then went to the side of the river Beas. After having chosen a spot that was both Peaceful & Beautiful, he sat down to meditate – Indeed a Blissful Moment it was – The Yogi offered his one last prayer to God and left his body.

In due time, the wife of Guru Amar Das ji’s son Mohri gave birth to a grandson. The baby, the grandson of the Guru, was the soul of the Yogi. When Guru Amar Das heard of the birth of the child, he recalled his promise to the Yogi.

The time had come, the yogi’s soul had been reborn, it was time to share the precious wisdom to the Yogi. Guru ji immediately called for the child to be brought to him. The Sikhs were shocked at this request… Certainly the child was too young to soak in the wisdom and yet the Hukum of Guru ji was followed and the new-born baby was bought to the Guru.

Guru Amar Das ji gently held the baby in his lap and started reciting a Beautiful Poem in the presence of his new born grandson…Upon its completion, Guru ji named this grandson “Anand” and the composition went on to be called the “Anand Sahib”

The new-born was all smiles and appeared to be fully engrossed in the recitals. Guru Amar Das ji kept singing this BEAUTIFUL SONG, sharing the wisdom of Life with the Soul of the Yogi – Blissful Moment – where promises were being fulfilled and lessons of life were being imparted to the Yogi’s soul.

The complete Anand Sahib is believed to be a Guru ji’s response to the yogi’s appeal to understand how to be Blissful in the journey that leads the Soul towards Merger with God.

Anand means BLISS – This Poem was Guru ji Blessing to the Yogi and to us all – Truly the Anand Sahib is our Answer to Blissful Existences.

The Anand Sahib went on to become an integral part of the Nitnem (Daily prayers) of the Sikh community and is also chanted at all the religious ceremonies of the Sikhs irrespective of the nature of the event.

Now here’s the BIG SECRET – The Anand Sahib has 40 hymns – also know as Paurees or Steps – It is believed that these 40 Paurees represent 40 lessons that a Soul must learn all through his life until the age of 40.

The Anand Sahib gifts us 40 indispensable lessons – One for each year of LIFE – The first verse, relates to the child’s first year of life and the 2nd verse for the 2nd year of life. And so on… Year after Year, the learnings take place – all the way until the 40th year…It is upon us to learn these lessons – contemplate upon them and apply them to our LIFE.

Learnings these lessons year after year helps us live a LIFE of Purpose because concealed in the Anand Sahib is the wisdom of LIVING a Conscious Life. Guru Amar Das ji gifted us profound wisdom in the verses of Anand Sahib and with Guru ji’s blessings, we can embrace the learnings with ease just as the Yogi did.

It is for us to seek the Blessings of Guru’s grace so that by the age of 40, these 40 learnings help us strengthen our Values of a Spiritual Life. A confident outlook helps us choose the RIGHT TRAILS – The Soul is then confidently aligned with the Conscious ways of LIFE and the individual is all set to embark on the Path of Spirituality after having done with all its Worldly responsibilities.

Beyond a doubt, the Anand sahib offers guidance that helps us shape our Persona on the foundations of spirituality and then the mind is thoroughly trained to support the soul’s reality in the midst of daily life…No more muddles and doubts confuse the Mind – One is then sorted on the Path that leads us to God – the world has no significance in our journeys – all that the person seeks is Bliss.

Take Away from the Post ❤

Each verse of the Anand Sahib relates to the soul’s lesson for that particular year of life and if the lessons are learnt on time – the soul is READY to Embark on its Spiritual Journey by the age of 40 – Hence the saying LIFE begins at 40 !

Here’s a Quote for us to ANCHOR the lessons of the Day

The above words do make a lot of sense, let us do our research well so that LIFE offers us gratitude for having LIVED WELL ❤

I hope you enjoyed the learnings for the day – The post would be incomplete without this final fact associated with Anand Sahib – It is said that the Anand Sahib in its completeness gave the Sikhs their unique power and strength…hence every Sikh makes sure to read the Anand sahib on a Daily Basis – The complete 40 verses are read on most occasions – However, if there are time constrains, the Sikhs would recite the Chhota Anand Sahib which consisted of first 5 verses and the last 40th verse.

Here’s sharing the link to Anand Sahib – Do take some time out and comprehend the 40 Lessons of Life – You will find yourself feeling in control of your LIFE – Because the 40 learnings will reveal to you answers to the questions that have kept you muddled…

Happy Living Blissfully !

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