Touch of Sparkle !

“Leave a little sparkle wherever you go” – The advice often given by many but rarely are we told how to embrace this attitude in our daily routine – Today’s article is all about my quest in finding the answer to this Attitude in Life – Come join me – You will be happy to know the simple ways that can help us achieve this Sparkling Attitude !

My quest to get the answer to this mysterious query steered me in the direction of Sunflowers and as the quest continued I was gifted a Fabulous Connect to implant within my Treasure Chest, a Gemstone of Guru’s Teachings – The PERFECT LESSON that can help us “Leave a little sparkle wherever we go”

Let us first get to know the Pretty Sunflower for in its “Being” echoes the most Beautiful Lesson of LIFE – Sunflowers are documented as “Happy Flowers” by most writers – They symbolize Happiness, Optimism, Honesty, Longevity, Peace, Admiration, and Devotion…the list just doesn’t seem to end – Have a look at the picture shared and then you will agree that Sunflowers are gifted a UNIVERSAL POWER of bringing JOY to people

The Sunflower appears to be always SMILING – Isn’t it 🙂

Sunflowers look BEAUTIFUL and you almost get the sense that they are forever dancing to the Glory of LIFE 🙂 So true is this fact that no other flower can lift someone’s spirits quite like sunflowers do.

Before we get further, here’s a question for you to Pause and Ponder upon – Ever wondered how Sunflowers achieve this fabulous feat of making us HAPPY 🙂

The secret to this uplifting characteristic is the Sunflower’s ability to always face the Sun.

Sunflowers seem to have their own personal radar, they keep following the Sun – They know when to change directions and how to be always connected to the Source of LIGHT – The Sun…This ability keeps them GLOWING all through the DAY ❤

The Smart Sunflowers are aware of the consequences of not following the SUN – and so instead of choosing to remain in the shade, and wilt away, sunflowers seem to embrace CHANGE – They are FOREVER READY to come out of their comfort zone all through the DAY with just one GOAL in their existence – to face the Sun – This helps the Sunflower stay Bright & Cheerful 🙂

The sunflower knows instinctively that to be Sparkling & Lively, it must follow the Light – it must continue to face the direction that gives it Strength, Energy and Life.

The Sunflower, Perfect Creation of God, undoubtedly knows how to keep itself Beautifully Sparkling on all Days of its LIFE. The Sunflowers fulfils its Purpose of LIFE by DOING RIGHT – By facing the SUN, the humble Sunflowers continue to bring Joy & Excitement to all those who visit them.

I bet you have never seen a gloomy sunflower !

I personally believe that we need to adapt to this characteristic feature of the Sunflower, if we wish to leave Trails of Happiness in LIFE – Just as sunflowers keep themselves connected to their Life Source – The SUN and continue spreading “Sparkles of Joy” wherever they grow, we too must keep ourselves connected to our Life Source – GOD and continue spreading joy in this World until the day comes to depart.

Just last week, I shared some insights on how to stay connected with God – Do take a moment to read the article for in it lies the Secrets to a Happy Life.

I personally connect myself to a Belief that Baba Nanak left a Sparking Trail for us to follow – Like the Sunflower, Baba always choose to be with His Source of Light “God” – This made it possible for Baba to spread HIS Learnings to ALL – The darkness of this illusionary World, did not scare Baba ji – HE was forever aware that God is the most Supreme in this World and in HIS Protection we can LIVE a Sparkling Life.

Baba Nanak’s personal life reveled to the world this Mystery of LifeOnly when we stay connected to our Creator – Can we be worthy of Spreading Joy and Happiness in this World…Connectivity with our Creator keeps us Content and Contentment keeps us Blooming…We then have no FEARS of Scarcity and are confident that we will be taken care by the Greatest Caretaker GOD.

On a personal level, I take my Baba’s Teachings to be the Best way to get answers to the questions that my inner self seeks – Time and again, I have experienced that Baba’s guiding light keeps me goings in life – The storms do come, and me the unworthy, does get entangled, but Baba always brings me out from these storms…

I have come to accept that ~ “Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path”...and what really matters in life is to have the Guru always by your side – Then every Storms can be Shining Trails that lead us RIGHT.

I take the advice of the “Tiny Dragon” and choice to seek the Right Company that will make this Journey of Life worthy… Life has also taught me that if I wish to stay connected to God, then I must seek the Sanctuary of a True Guru – I have also come to understand that to be guided by a True Guru is a Blessing, only a few are bestowed upon.

One must be willing to surrender to God and ask for True Guidance – God then HIMSELF leads us to a TRUE GURU and the True Guru then leads us back to GOD.

The above information may sound “googly” for a second, but when focused upon, you will be awe of God’s Mysterious ways of leading us to HIM.

It is in our Best Interest to follow the Guru because only the Grace and Guidance of Guru, can teach us the Importance of Sparkling Trails. The easiest way to seek Guru’s guidance from God is to do ARDASoffer prayers to God to be gifted the unity with a True Guru – It is only then can we be Blessed to know the True meaning of LIFE, Our True Purpose here in this World and how to leave Sparkling trails for others to trend upon.

Take Away from the Post ❤

The Sparkling Trails left by others can steer us RIGHT and as we walk upon them, we too can leave “Sparkles” for other to follow – Baba Nanak has left HIS Sparkling Trails for us to walk upon…I wish to trend upon HIS trails and leave, if not many, some little sparkles for the generations that follow…


May the little sparkles left behind by us, guide others, motivate them, ignite their Passion to Trail upon the PATH of GOD and fulfil the True purpose of Human LIFE.

Let’s all aspire to be “SUNFLOWERS”

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